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I have d20 Past


takyris said:
I can understand the reasons that people who want the stuff would want it -- it's useful for tactical games. But I can also understand leaving that information out, if they had to cut something, under the theory that it might be more information than needed.

Since d20 Modern is often described as "cinematic" by its creators, I was thinking along the lines of jumping a horse drawn carraige over a chasm ala Van Helsing, to use a recent movie example.

Oratio Orcslayer - now that sounds like a great idea for an Age of Reason/Urban Arcana campaign!

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jaerdaph said:
Since d20 Modern is often described as "cinematic" by its creators, I was thinking along the lines of jumping a horse drawn carraige over a chasm ala Van Helsing, to use a recent movie example.

Oratio Orcslayer - now that sounds like a great idea for an Age of Reason/Urban Arcana campaign!

That would take a really hard Handle Animal check, followed by an even harder Jump check for the horses.

What kind of penalty/DC is that? Whatever it is, it calls for action points!


Pramas said:
Really? That's news to me. I'll have to check that out.

Not to be a raving fan-boy, but V was one of my all-time favorite mini-games. I tended to rate them by how the inspiration took hold and I _had_ to come up with multi-part adventures nay! an entire campaign. V was the only one that did it for me in Poly.

on d20 history - Anything in there that's not Euro-centric? Specifically, anything specific on Africa or India? I have a 1000 lb gorilla of an idea that I've been mulling over and gathering research on for a couple of months, but I need some rules flavor in those specific geographic areas.

How detailed are the ship-to-ship combat rules? Or are they similar to Future's take?


What? Me Worry?
ragboy said:
on d20 history - Anything in there that's not Euro-centric? Specifically, anything specific on Africa or India? I have a 1000 lb gorilla of an idea that I've been mulling over and gathering research on for a couple of months, but I need some rules flavor in those specific geographic areas.

No, nothing specific. Parts of it could easily be used for the areas you mention, but the book, by necessity, is fairly generic.


jaerdaph said:
Where are the rules for carriages, hansom cabs, covered wagons, that sort of thing? Apparently nobody in the period covered by d20 Past ever conceived of the notion of putting the horse before the cart, so to speak. :)

So I'm still going through all my GMs Day purchases from RPGNow, and I'm currently reading a little gem called Hot Pursuit: The Definitive d20 Guide to Chases from Adamant Entertainment.

Guess what they didn't forget. :)

There's a table of Pre-Modern vehicles that includes carriages, cart/wagons, single and double chariots, and a stagecoach.

Disclaimer: It's not pimping when a rabid fanboy does it. And I'm foaming at the mouth, baby!

Angel Tarragon

Dawn Dragon
The snippets you guys are posting is making me drool. I keep having to wipe down my keyboard. I'm seriously going to have to pick up D20 Past more sooner than later!


jaerdaph said:
So I'm still going through all my GMs Day purchases from RPGNow, and I'm currently reading a little gem called Hot Pursuit: The Definitive d20 Guide to Chases from Adamant Entertainment.

Guess what they didn't forget. :)

There's a table of Pre-Modern vehicles that includes carriages, cart/wagons, single and double chariots, and a stagecoach.

Disclaimer: It's not pimping when a rabid fanboy does it. And I'm foaming at the mouth, baby!

Thanks for the mention! I wanted to suggest that D20 Past fans take a look at it, but I was trying to be good and pimp less.

Although, I will say that for people who don't like PDF, Hot Pursuit is now available as a book via RPGNow's new print program.


OW! OK! OK! Sheesh!

I'll be over here.



So does anyone know if/when any of d20 past is going to be added to the d20 Modern SRD? I know there isn't a lot there that isn't campaign specific, but it'd be nice to have what little there is online (and available).

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