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I have finally arrived (as DM)


Rel said:
You mean things like stab you with a pencil? Or don't "follow the plot like good little PC's"?

I'm intrigued by your theory of imaginary urinary incontinence as a disciplinary tool.
I suspect it's merely a hypothesis--after all, a theory is a rock-solid hypothesis that one has failed to disprove through repeated testing. Unless, of course, he can show us with hard data that IUI is, in fact, highly effective at keeping players in line.

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ForceUser said:
In the middle of the fight, with half the party at half-Constitution and attached to multiple stirges each, the rogue's player turns to me, points, laughs, and says "Man, you're a rat bastard DM!"

I don't think I've ever had a more rewarding moment in D&D. It's nice to be recognized and appreciated for your efforts. :cool:

Heh. No joke. I used to get players to rate each other and the adventure secret ballot style. Seeing comments like "you bastard!" always brought a wry smile to my face.

The Thayan Menace

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Threadcromantic Interlude

In the wake of all the 4E haterade, I could use a good laugh.

Does anyone else wish to tell us a tale of RBDMhood (any edition)?


Night Hag (unlimited Rays of Enfeeblement, ranged touch, no save, 1d6+4 off your strength) and two Wraiths (constitution damaging touch) versus an EPL of 8. Multiple characters ended up unable to even stagger 5 feet due to their gear load and Strength of 1-2.

They were guarding the only escape route out of town where they were being hunted by the town guard, set cultists, orc mercenaries, black lotus secret police, a 12th level wizard (who was the lord of thr town) and his gargoyle minions.


First Post
threadcromancy... reopened wounds?

The Thayan Menace said:
In the wake of all the 4E haterade, I could use a good laugh.

Does anyone else wish to tell us a tale of RBDMhood (any edition)?


ForceUser forget to mention the true Ratbastardy that went on that day. I showed up 10 minutes late... and walked in to find out about how our Scout's stupidity got my Warlock covered in stirges...

I think that by the time I was sitting and in control of my own character, I was already down to 4 Con and with two Stirges left on me. Only 1 EB per round... and I managed to miss even that.

Had I been there poor Avid Nathos would have perhaps survived another session (other fell things did occur that session... such as the Forbiddance trap that blew up the... scout was it?).

edit: I don't think I was ever late for another of his games though...


First Post
Blair Goatsblood said:
Night Hag (unlimited Rays of Enfeeblement, ranged touch, no save, 1d6+4 off your strength) and two Wraiths (constitution damaging touch) versus an EPL of 8. Multiple characters ended up unable to even stagger 5 feet due to their gear load and Strength of 1-2.

There was a recent, unjust murder committed by a spring attacking wraith that would use incorporeality to move through solid objects and still attack. Then he'd attack through the objects to retain his cover bonus. H-h-horrible!

Not to pick your nits but I think you may have overdone the ray. It's an ability penalty not ability damage so only the highest roll counts. It sounds to me like you may have stacked it since it's doubtful that most of your PCs have 11 or 12 Strengths. Just a word to the wise. I know when I come up with dirty spell tricks my players have a tendency to try them on me 3 or 4 sessions later. Always best to be in the know. :heh:

I think my greatest recent moment of Rat Bastardry was my minotaur battlemage (wizard heavily modified with UA alt class features). I made him a genius (Int 14) pulled a little out of his Str and gave him flail. They were shocked when he threw a fire-orb but chalked it up to him being a anarchic mutant. They were horrified when he engaged them in melee and started Improved Disarming and true-striking Power Attacks.

It was a +3 encounter (CR 9) and tough but easily the most memorable for me in a good while.

The Thayan Menace said:
Does anyone else wish to tell us a tale of RBDMhood (any edition)?

How about any game system?
Back when I lived in California I had an excellent gaming group. We often played many systems and I tended to run CP2020. The 'Maximum Metal' book came out and I kept it to myself for a number of months, not letting any character get a hand or eye on any of the high powered ordnance within its covers because of my standing rule that anything the PC's got, the NPCs got as well.

One evening we started a session where Arasaka hired the merry band of adventurers and after the initial story setup they were given directions to a warehouse where a certain fixer by the name of WhiteHaus would get them into gear for the special mission. Once they arrived I gave a nice description of the place and of the Fixer {who was destined to be a major NPC in a couple sessions}. Gave a description of the warehouse and the security systems that were visible. Then I told the players they could go shopping for any manportable ordanance item and dumped a couple books on the table... BlackHands Firearms and Maximum Metal. They looked like kids in a candy store!

It took about 3 minutes before Dennis, my most paranoid player, leaned back and looked at me from across the table with a *very* perturbed look on his face :heh:

It was a good session... and the start of the third corporate war :)

RBDM is more than just near TPKs... its about {not grandma freindly} with the players minds!

Voidrunner's Codex

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