D&D 5E I Hope I Hate 5e

Tequila Sunrise

I hope the following things are the default or sole options in the next iteration:

Arbitrary (rather than level-based) AC
Descending AC
Random Stats
Random HP
Percentile rolls, and pervasive system disunification
"Fighters can't have nice things," and a generalized "Balance doesn't really matter" attitude
Different XP tables
Traditional [read: arbitrary] race, class and alignment restrictions
Race level limits
Many and sundry save-or-lose effects
3.x style multiclassing combined with the usual front-loaded classes
Static attack and defenses for more "realism"
A full return to pure +X items
The assumption that "nobody needs magic items" just because nobody considered what PCs need, or just because nobody bothered to write it down
Level drain and XP costs
Skill proficiencies or ranks
The Great Wheel cosmology*

I hope 5e defaults to all the things that irritate me about previous versions. Not because I have a grudge, but because I already have an edition that's awesome. If I hate 5e, my decision will be that much easier!

*I'm a fan of Planescape, but honestly, the GW has only a veneer of consistency.

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I'm A Banana

I hope it can have all of that.

I hope it also can have none of that.

I don't think the "streamlined core" will force these options on anyone, though.


First Post
I'm with you! I'd love to see everything on your list except:
3.x style multiclassing combined with the usual front-loaded classes
Skill proficiencies or ranks

Edit: I don't really care either way about thac0 or ascending ac, although "minus four" just sounds cooler than "twenty four."


I hear you!

I have to admit there is more than a small part of me that hopes 5N is a huge disappointment to me so that I will not be tempted to jump back on that crazy train of gotta buuy the new stuff.

Sometimes I wish I had stayed with OD&D (well no not really but sorta).

I have always been amoung the first to move to a new edition -- not sure if I am looking for something that has yet to show up in D & D or if I am just always attracted to the bright and shiney.

Maybe I just have too much money --- NO, no that seems unlikely -- 4 daughters can't see that being the case.

So yeah I hear you --- LOUD AND CLEAR! If it sucks I will stay with what I have and that wouldn't be a bad thing.....(might not spend the kids inheritance).

Tequila Sunrise

Oh, thought of another one: I hope that 5e has only one core elf race that waffles between the forest hippie archetype and the mysterious arcane archetype. And has a passive chance to notice secret doors, forcing the DM to remember to roll every time one is passed.

And lots and lots of ubalanced subraces, which you roll for at chargen!

hey which edition is the good one for you? I can't tell by reading yer post.

Fourth time is the charm. :)

M.L. Martin

In my case, a hybrid of 1E tone and subsystems, Paizo preferences for monster choices, OSR playstyle advice and 3.5 magic, combat, monster design and system mastery will fill this niche quite nicely. :)
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Oh, thought of another one: I hope that 5e has only one core elf race that waffles between the forest hippie archetype and the mysterious arcane archetype. And has a passive chance to notice secret doors, forcing the DM to remember to roll every time one is passed.

And lots and lots of ubalanced subraces, which you roll for at chargen!

Fourth time is the charm. :)

One of my favourite charts in Chivalry and Sorcery is the random PC race. You can start as anything from a human to a Balrog!


First Post
Arbitrary (rather than level-based) AC

Here's a revolutionary thought: what if Armour Class was based on what kind of armour your character be wearing?

The assumption that "nobody needs magic items" just because nobody considered what PCs need, or just because nobody bothered to write it down

PCs shouldn't need magic items. The game should be about the heroic characters, not he who has the best toys wins.

Skill proficiencies or ranks

What game system are you playing that doesn't have skills?

The Great Wheel cosmology**I'm a fan of Planescape, but honestly, the GW has only a veneer of consistency.

I don't follow. What's inconsistent about planes being arranged in a circle? I mean besides the fact that magic doesn't really exist.

Voidrunner's Codex

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