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I need help -- All Hell is about to break loose

Michael Morris

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It would be kind of cool if it was a recent development. -- That's exactly the sort of thing I'm looking for - details I haven't thought of through the questions.

Basically, I can't easily see my plot holes - another set of eyes is needed for that.

BTW, 6 months have passed in the campaign world - and Triel's goblin hunt only took him 2 weeks near the campaign's start. He wasn't in it for the goblins - he wanted to secretly explore and loot the tombs beneath the castle. Re-occupying and garrisoning the fortress was a cover story and action.

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By the way Spooney ... I think a possible route for the necromancer would be through the ancient queen. Longevity potions to stave off death, eh?

I still like the idea of Nelaria being the one who inherits the throne rather than Nathan - and I think the druids being activein this would be an interesting twist too.

I assume Alblasker is the "master" of Valsil? And what do you mean when you say "master"? How so? A teacher of education? How to be a prince? You haven't said much about him other than that he somehow found out about things and then interfered via the druids.

Also the druids with arch-druid Kimberly. How "non-involved" have they shown themselves to be?

And what about the kingdom Pilandia and Delnor Auros? What are they all about? Is Delnor a ruler? A generic schmo? What? Does he play into the whole "race for the throne" in any way?

Michael Morris

First Post
Mycanid said:
By the way Spooney ... I think a possible route for the necromancer would be through the ancient queen. Longevity potions to stave off death, eh?

Nah - Though a long dead queen does cast a long shadow. From the opening pages of the Player's Guide....

She fell, and with her the future, with her all hope. The world was spinning before her eyes, fading in and out of the light. Then a moment of focus came to her and she saw her cousin's face. Erin was pleading with her to stay alive. Then she saw the others, gathered like vultures to take the kingdom that was rightfully hers - and the anger this compelled found voice and she cried out, "No man shall unite this land!"

That said she shuddered, her eyes closed, and she fell into night. The two suns like angry eyes watched her fade and she and her kingdom was no more.

Thus died Queen Anne. Thus died Dalsundria.

Two hundred years later her prophecy remains true....

No man has united this land.

Dusk has fallen.

The Dalsundria of that passage was the Empire of Dalsundria - not the kingdom which the player's are part of. That empire included the areas of the 11 other kingdoms of Telzoa which are, in order of creation, Hone Rae, Milicsundria, Telmandy (now split up), Tezolan, Pildania, Alslandia, Altania, Creania, Dabrinia, Threndis, Poc Sian. Becoming King of Dalsundria is only part of the journey - the party must also attempt to unite the empire before the coming of the Orcen Hordes.

You see, every 200 years a great orcen invasion occurs. 200 years ago the war left the country fractured. Now it must come together or fall.

I still like the idea of Nelaria being the one who inherits the throne rather than Nathan - and I think the druids being activein this would be an interesting twist too.

This is uncertain. Between the two characters the players certainly have a say. There is also the possibility that Nate's player gets him killed - which I must be prepared to handle should it arise.

I assume Alblasker is the "master" of Valsil? And what do you mean when you say "master"? How so? A teacher of education? How to be a prince? You haven't said much about him other than that he somehow found out about things and then interfered via the druids.

Albasker is himself a Prince of Dalsundria - born Alblasker Tuval some 420 years before the campaign start. He and his triplet siblings - Anatole and Otal, forstalled the first major Orcen invasion led by Tancher. While Otal would go on to become High King, Alblasker chose to leave court life behind and become a wizard under the tutelage of Telsindria (that the two had fell in love also had much to do with this). Now Telsindria is my setting's Circe -- she is tempermental but kind. She also fills the role that Elminster fills in the Realms - showing up to chide, browbeat or otherwise nudge the player's along. She rarely helps them directly since if they can't fend for themselves what good are they?

Anyway, Albasker set up the Academy at Merryville and became the Headmaster of the school in secret. He saw Triel's rise through the ranks of the students there and personally taught him some of his arts before the two had a sharp falling out (which I haven't detailed). Knowing Triel to be ambitious, Alblasker set watch on him.

Ablasker has lived so long thanks to a Ring of the Chosen, a minor artifact of Telsindria's crafting. In the last session though, mentally worn by the aeons of time and seeking to wrap up what loose ends he could he decided to let his mortality take him and took off the ring, dying instantly (I did this as DM mainly to cut off any direct pleas for high level character intervention. The players know Telsindria well enough to be certain she won't aid them - indeed they couldn't find them if they wanted to though she has a knack for finding them).

Also the druids with arch-druid Kimberly. How "non-involved" have they shown themselves to be?

Druids serve their own interests it is said, and no two druid's interests exactly coincide. Kimberly has a fairly free hand in the matter and would like to see the peace held since war puts stress on the people who in turn tend to do nasty things like chop down trees to build fortifications. This is one thread of the plot line I'm content to let evolve on the fly depending on how the players react. The very presence of the thread line was to make sure any druid PC's would have a stake in the overall plot though at the moment there are none.

(this is important to me -- making sure every player character has a stake in the plot and a role to play).

And what about the kingdom Pilandia and Delnor Auros? What are they all about? Is Delnor a ruler? A generic schmo? What? Does he play into the whole "race for the throne" in any way?

Delnor Auros is a general in the Dalisan rebellion againt Pildania. Should the PC's take the throne of Dalsundria and move to unite the empire once more he will come back into the picture but for now I'm content to let him fade from the stage.


Spoony Bard said:
Basically, I can't easily see my plot holes - another set of eyes is needed for that.
OK, 3 questions. Who is Matasha? Who is the temporary regent in the wake of the king's death (assuming there is one appointed by law)? And do the PCs have "speak with dead" or similar magic to communicate with the dead king?

Spoony Bard said:
(this is important to me -- making sure every player character has a stake in the plot and a role to play).
I think it was asked earlier, but what is your party composition? Names, classes, races, alignments, allegiances, relationship to the throne, etc. The only hole I'm seeing is how the other players (besides the one with Nathan) figure into the plot and how they'll react to it.

Also, what happens if the PCs fail to take the throne of Dalsundria? Will Triel necessarily succeed in installing Vastil as his puppet? And is Vastil really as much of a ham as he seems to be, or is faking it, or using Triel just as Triel is using him?

Spoony Bard said:
BTW, 6 months have passed in the campaign world - and Triel's goblin hunt only took him 2 weeks near the campaign's start. He wasn't in it for the goblins - he wanted to secretly explore and loot the tombs beneath the castle. Re-occupying and garrisoning the fortress was a cover story and action.
Hmm, what are the highlights that have occurred in the last 6 months?


First Post
Well Spooney it sounds a WONDERFUL campaign. :)

I hope all the things we are posting and asking of you are being of some help ... even a little?

If I could make one more possible suggestion. It might sound strange, or even not work for you, but it works for me so I may as well give it a shot.

When I have an involved, detailed campaign plot I usually write it all down in as great detail as possible. Then, I move the data around according to an organizing principle - for example, everything that has happened to this character, or according to chronology, etc., etc. In doing so sometimes I suddenly get a flash of inspiration and see a "pattern" in the data that I didn't see before that helps to flesh something out or make something clearer. My last campaign used this method, and I thought it came out nicely (word is still out whether Treebore and SpiderMonkey approve of the specifics).

So, you might try that. In doing so all sorts of things can come up. For me the actual act of writing something out by hand helps me to organize data and "see" things in it that help to develop it. Heh ... I've been keeping a daily diary since 1989 and this is often what I do in "assessing" the past day or whatnot, so I've kinda "trained" myself with this route, but it may be a help to you nonetheless.

Whaddaya think?


First Post
Okay Spoony I had some time to think about it and here are some thoughts.

Could Triel have some how known about the thought jar and somehow tainted the thoughts like a virus or suggestion spell...if not he must be upset about how his master plan could have run afoul so badly. He would sent agents to investigate the area that the druids inhabit and maybe to attack the druids outright. The PC's might feel compelled to aid them if they can. If not maybe Triel could sopmehow find the tought jar and use it in his own foul schemes ior perhaps it still has alink to the PC and can be used against him.

The Uncles also might want more proof and ask for a quest or trial or something to give them time gather their loyals to them in a last attempt to take th ethrone by force. They may even bait or feed information to a neighboring country that the new king will not honor past treaties and seek to divert the kings attention form the inner threat. Triel would pulled the strings here and may even leak the information to the PC's to try and win them over. He may even need them to sail to sign a peace accord once things have been ironed out..hehehe.

If word of the thought jar gets out, ignorant folk (nonmagic users) might be bluffed into believing that it has altered the thoughts of the new king and thus he is not fit for the throne or he is being controlled by the neighboring kingdom to the west and the druids. Commune may not be enough to convince these people of the kings legitamacy.

All the while Triel might ask that someone of a thrid party take the throne (himself) until the claims can be proven or divined.

Not much but it may be a start, since i know little of the overall politics.


The dowager Queen Mother is totally unaware of the current plotting? Really? Unless her time as Queen was so stressful that she wants to flee to the country and forget it all, it seems unlikely. (Makes a nice cover story, though.) Have you read the Foreigner series by CJ Cherryh? Ilisidi, the dowager queen in that series, is no pushover! She may not, technically, rule anything but her own demesne anymore - but oh boy, does she Know The Right People. And they all owe her personal favors, or are scared of her. (She has Iron Will and a really high Charisma - not the "beauty" type but the "force of personality" type.) Definitely a possibility as a "behind the scenes" manipulator. (Could she have somehow arranged the PCs' finding of the thought jar? Might she be realted to the druid leader? In a Royal Court setting, fifth cousins and the like connections abound.)
Even if she really is feeble, forgetful, and wants nothing to do with politics anymore, she's still potentially a potent symbol. Having her publicly announce her support for Prince X goes a long way towards "legitimizing" Prince X's reign, therefore Prince X will want to control her somehow - or silence her, preferably in a way that can be blamed on the opposition...

If there's a bard among the PCs, there's always the traditional tactic of making up a few can't-get-the-tune-out-of-your-head songs about "Vassily the Vacillator" and teaching them to children near and far...public ridicule won't topple the Prince but might provide a +1 circumstance bonus to swaying a crowd here and there...surely there's some embarrassing incident in the Prince's youth that could be twisted to fit.

Then there's the old trick of Mr Obnoxious. Find some minor noble that everyone loves to hate - he's a vocal racist, or a heretic, or just has a really grating personality - and convince him that supporting Prince V is a really good idea. Next time the Prince throws a party for his supporters, there's Duke Obnoxious, loudly stating that "Yeah, once V is on the throne, we'll finally get rid of those #$%^#^$% dwarves. He'll see to it. He's a friend of mine." This won't affect V's puppet masters or fanatical supporters - but presumably V can't just walk in with an army and seize the throne, he needs the support of most of the little fringe nobles. These guys don't really care about V, but they vote for him because A) he seems like the most qualified candidate, B) they want to avoid the mess of a civil war, C) he promises to support causes they espouse, and/or D) he quietly paid them a lot of money.
But now it's looking like they're publicly agreeing with Duke Obnoxious. Maybe this isn't so good a deal as they thought. And what's all this about getting rid of the dwarves? What sort of deals has V been making behind their backs? Inquiring campaign contributors want to know...

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