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I sincerely need some help...


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Here's my problem. I have a 1st edition Grey Elven Cleric/Magic-User. 8th cleric/9th magic-user...with 1st edition psionics (cell adjustment, invisibility, mindbar, detect good/evil and etherealness are my psionic disciplines), I have a large number of psionic power points.

My group has decided to convert the campaign over to 3rd edition. I have WOTC's little book of conversion recommendations...but honestly, this is sounding a lot like I am getting screwed.

I don't have a problem converting, I like 3rd ed. I don't have a problem with undergoing a moderate reduction in power because of it...I was a powerhouse in 1st.

But I'm still having a hard time coming to terms with ideas for converting this character. I sunk a lot of resources and wishes into items and improvements for my psionics....and we aren't using 3rd ed psionics. So they just have to go.

My GM is open minded about providing me with "something" to compensate, but we are busy brain-storming over what that something is going to be. ("chosen of my god" or something like that maybe. I worship the god of magic in his world)

So, I'm appealing to you guys. This is the finest collection of gamers I know of...hands down...on the planet.

Can you guys help me with ideas for getting this character into 3rd edition without just castrating him?


p.s. Mods - maybe this would be better in rules or house rules...but honestly I was looking for thoughts and ideas more then anything, so thought it best here.

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Great Cthulhu

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Mystic Theurge is your answer.

Go to Wizards of the Coast websight at the following link:


This link fully details a prestige class from 3.5 revision called the Mystic Theurge.

Basically every level of Mystic Theurge gives you a caster level in BOTH an arcane and divine class at each level. It gives you no other benefits.

Your character would need a minimum of 3rd level in cleric and wizard to take the prestige class, but if your character level came out to say 12 that would be a casting level of 9 in both wizard AND cleric. Not too shabby.

The Mystic Theurge was created just for guys with your kind of problem.


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My GM and I had been considering the Mystic Theurge, it makes up for a lot of what I am losing. But there is still no doubt that I am taking a pretty sharp drop in overall ability and affectiveness.

There is just no way I'll be able to do the things I used to be able to do. And since most of our other characters are melee oriented, they are going to get a nice boost in powers/abilities.

*shrugs* Maybe I am just overreacting to this...but suddenly waking up one day and not being able to do half the things I could do the day before...while all of my companions can suddenly do more then ever...is depressing.




It's sad, but I don't think you are going to be able to convert that character at the level of capabilities. I suggest that you get some guidelines from your GM as to the stat points, experience points, and treasure he wants you to have, then simplify your character down to a core concept, and then build a character to that concept within the limits provided. Your character will change a lot, but with luck some sort of essence will survive.

How are the other players doing on their conversions? If theirs are straightforward is might be best to scale your stat points, treasure, and experience points from the new party mean in the proportion that they stood from the old part mean.

But I think you had better brace yourself. 1st ed multi-classed characters were an indecent assault upon game balance, and if the rest of your party are (as seems likely) 9th or 10th level monoclassed characters, then quite probably the reason your GM is switching to 3E is because it will rein in horrors such as yours. In his shoes, I would want to nerf your character, and I would feel that all-round fairness demanded that I nerf him, and you wouldn't be able to talk me 'round. Perhaps, if you are very reluctant to see this character cut down to size, you had better talke to your GM about generating a new one.

So, what are the other PCs in the group like?



Great Cthulhu

First Post
Exactly what abilities are you trying to preserve? With the Mystic Theurge your casting levels should be about equal (and considering your character isn't that the most important aspect?).

Your fighting abilities? Take a good look at the cleric lists in 3.0. They have the best buff spells of any class. Divine Power, Bull Strength, Divine Favor...the list goes on. You should very easily make a respectable fighting character, even with most of your levels in Wizard and Mystic Theurge. Theres a reason many people consider the 3e cleric the most powerful class!

And your other raw stats would seem to come out to where they should be. Hit points might be problematic, but like I said...Buff spells!

Truthfully I'm a bit foggy on where you think your getting screwed.
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The other characters are a...

9th level Ranger (elven)
9th level Fighter (half-orc)
12th level Bard - 1st edition (human)
9/8 Thief/Magic-user (elven)

As for why I am losing out on this deal...

I spent an enormous amount of my resources to get 4 wishes and used those improving my psionics. The psionics are a huge part of what kept us alive the whole time and allowed us to accomplish as much as we did. Those have to go...

Right now I can cast spells as a 9th level magic-user, meaning access to 5th level spells. Along with access to 4th level cleric spells.

I also have full turn undead abilities of a cleric of my level.

Becoming a mystic theurge, if he makes me 10th level, I will affectively be a 7/7 caster. Meaning I lose ability to cast 5th level MU spells also. Admittedly he may make me higher level, so I don't know how this will work out.


Lord Pendragon

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I'd suggest that you rebuild your PC as a Mystic Theurge as far as levels go. Then ask your DM if you can tack on your old psionic abilities as spell-like abilities, usable a certain number of times each day.

Basically, you'd be converting your psionics into magic, but usable without material components or a spellbook or anything. This would allow you to keep more of your old powers, without requiring that the DM add psionics into his game if he'd rather not.

Great Cthulhu

First Post
Your right. Your going to have to eat a couple of abilitie losses during your conversion. The best your going to get I think is a compromise, rather than your character intact. Your character as a Wizard3/Cleric3/MT6 still has quite a bit of spell power, and its about right for a 10th level character. Converting straight would be at least 21st level (with an ECL mod for the Psionic Monster template out of the Psionic Handbook).

But follow Agbacks advice and with your DM (who seems willing to work out a compromise...he could of very easily said "By the Book!") you should at least get the spirit of your character if not its sheer 1e power.

I can't see that bard in your party keeping all his level either if he wants to adventure with you guys. Adding all his levels would make him a 29th level character in 3e. Sounds like hes going to be losing a lot as well.


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Spell like abilities...hmm...I'll mention it to my GM, interesting thought.

I really don't mind losing some power...honestly, I needed to come down a few notches. By pure "luck 'o the dice" I turned out to be a completely unbalanced character. The psionics alone made me overpowered. So some adjustment is in line...

I just don't want the character to become a pale shadow of his former self, because I really like the character.



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Cedric said:
Spell like abilities...hmm...I'll mention it to my GM, interesting I just don't want the character to become a pale shadow of his former self, because I really like the character.

I can understand having brought a character through 3 editions of D&D over the years myself, however what you must understand is that it is same name, different game. About all your going to be able to really bring with you is a name and thats about it, dont try and duplicate the character under the 3E system, it dosnt work.
Instead, concentrate on making a good 3E character roughly 'like' the old one because the former just isnt going to transpose over, its not all bad. At least youve probably got his/her personality worked out and he has a past. :)

As for the psionics, well in 1E it was always a case of most GM's cringing as best I remember because they where bloody silly to the extreame. Im in favour of giving you an ECL of about 1-2 and a lot of innate spells for your grey elf. Though, the real problem with ECL is that it makes for horrible primary spellcasters later on unless you pick your feats very, very carefully.

Could be worse, you could have a few levels of fighter in there and an ECL!

As for the rest, talk to your GM and get something worked out, most importantly the understanding that your group may not be anywhere near as tough as they once where, so go easy on the monsters and random encounters for a few games as a bit of a shakedown cruise. During that time you can work out the bugs on the character, tweek it a bit so that it works ok and your used to running him again.

Good luck, alas I think youre probably in for a bit of a shock, 3E dosnt like multiclass spellcasters and much less anyone who tries to be versitile.

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