D&D 5E I think I've cracked a fair way to buff sorcerers


Classically D&D is based around 4 Achetypes: the Warrior, Thief, Mage and Priest.

As a Mage Archetype sorcerer is way too specialised, being specialised is fine and all but even a fighter or ranger who specialises in archery isn't too bad with a rapier.

So what is the point of playing a sorcerer over a wizard besides role playing elements?

Sorcery points and Metamagic.

However metamagic often doesn't make up for lack of versatility sorcerers have. With "Flexible Casting" you can create new spell slots but so can wizards with Arcane recovery and they have ritual casting and sorcerers do not.

Also oftentimes you're limited by your Meta magic choices too sometimes you can end up at the end of the day with unspent sorcery points.

My solution: Sorcerers can cast any spell on the sorcerer spell list (which BTW is much smaller than the wizard list) that is not on their spells known of a level they can cast. In order to do so they must spend sorcery points equal to the level of slot used. This cannot be used with Metamagic.

This should also make sorcerers an option over Wizard for those that wish to multi-class remember that Wizards have ritual casting and a lot more potential spells known even with this improvement.

It will make spell selection more about what the player wants and how their spell selection would work with their metamagic options. But if they keep using it to cast spells that are not innate to them they'll run out of sorcery point incredibly quickly, but then again you're not using a sorcerer to its full potential if you're not using those sorcery points.

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The High Aldwin
Not a bad idea in theory, but you have to limit it in another way:

You can use this features a number of times equal to his Charisma modifier (minimum of 1). You regain all expended uses when you finish a short or long rest.

Otherwise, at 20th level, a sorcerer could cast 20 first level spells that aren't even known to him or her.

Another issue is that your idea is cheaper than spending spell points to gain spell slots via Flexible Casting. To balance that our, I would make the spell point cost equal to twice the level of the spell being cast. So, a 5th level spell would cost you 10 sorcery points!

I don't know. I'd keep working on it. I am sure others will have good input for you.


Limiting to charisma modifier per short rest seems fine to me, but it's not like a sorcerer has 20 1st level spells on their list anyway (it's only 18 in the PHB) Or 20 1st level spell slots.

I considered the sorcery point cost: It's the same as a twinned spell. A sorcerer who's knows the spell could disintegrate two targets while one that doesn't can only disintegrate one.


The High Aldwin
Ok, I might have misunderstood something.

They using the sorcery points to add a spell temporarily to their known spells, but not to actually also get a slot with which to cast it, right?

I thought you were giving them the spell and the slot to cast it, which is too much obviously.


Exactly it's there to give sorcerer a much needed boost in versatility but also to put a greater emphasis on using sorcery points since it's wasteful to use sorcery points to recall spells and you can't use it with metamagic.


The High Aldwin
Here is my version of a write-up:


This grants sorcerers versatility, but at a significant cost. Also, the spell is known for as long as 10 rounds, in case the character wants to use it more than once.

I think it mostly follows the idea of the OP, if only in spirit if not exactly. :)

@Quirriff , thanks for the idea! I am going to run this by our table next session.


@dnd4vr ,Your version seems more liberal than mine from how I read it it costs less and allows you to use it with metamagic.

But yes the spirit is the same the idea is to use sorcery points that might be unused otherwise and use them to gain some versatility.


The High Aldwin
@dnd4vr ,Your version seems more liberal than mine from how I read it it costs less and allows you to use it with metamagic.

But yes the spirit is the same the idea is to use sorcery points that might be unused otherwise and use them to gain some versatility.

Yes, you can use my version with metamagic (but, of course, that is even more sorcery points...), but how is the cost less? One sorcery point per spell level, right?

I also make a bonus action, but allow it to linger for a full minute, so those are factors as well. I also changed the number of uses to a long rest, instead of a short or long rest.


By costing less I meant by retaining the spell for a full minute when you use the feature, in so you could cast it more than once. I wasn't clear on that sorry.

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