D&D 5E I think the era of 4th edition Dungeons and Dragons had it right. (not talking about the rules).


When I say this I don’t mean the rules, because I didn’t really like them, but the overall approach to D&D, minus a few things here and there. While it took a while to get everything off the ground, I really miss the fact that we had a great online magazine, a character builder, an in house VTT that worked, and we were getting lots of content. Now I would like to break these things down into a few bullet points and discuss in more detail.

You are certainly not wrong. Unfortunately the golden days of content is gone now unless the DnD movie takes off and they can pad out their staff again.

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I would not mind a digital maginze like the 4e version again however. I liked those quite a bit more then the current dragon+ which while it has had some interesting articles has not really been as good.


My biggest problem is the focus on broadcasting and modules. I don't want to watch D&D, I want to read and play D&D and read novels, which if they're really axing, that's just sours the taste of everything that's otherwise good in 5e in my mouth.

Now, Paizo also focuses on modules, but their modules have a LOT more setting and crunch content, with clearly separated fluff articles, beastiaries, separate player companions, campaign guide tie-ins, etc. WotC's campaign books are paradoxically too much (as they are churned out 5 of them and only 1 other kind of supplement) and too little at the same time. I'm not saying there isn't a lot of information in them, but Paizo's adventures have lot more and in a better organized and more usable way. That, and WotC's adventures are just... not really interesting to me, but it could be a simple taste question. Note that nor all of Paizo's adventures are interesting at the same level, but they have a lot more themes and styles covered.

As I said in another topic, what makes a game "good" from a business standpoint is not necessarily resulting a better game from a costumer's standpoint and definitely not for everyone.

5e, as I see it now is a starter game (not in a derogative way), because:

-it has good, stabile, simple rules + GM empowerment, resulting in the everyone need to learn less rules
-very few setting and crunch material, so it's not overwhelming (I never got that mindset, but I'm aware it's a thing)
-big, self-sustaining modules, everyone plays the same, new module every half-a-year, helps building community mindset and easier to new GMs

So it's a good choice for starters and for homebrewers, because of the rules system. Everyone else? Not so much, I think. Note, that I don't think this makes it a bad game, just a game with a specific target audience which I'm feeling less and less a part of. Which is even more sad, because after reading the PHB and DMG, I was very enthusiastic. Not so much after the MM. I have problems with the system, but it has more benefits than not.

I'll wat for another 2-3 years to see how it endures, what the mechanical supplement and VGtM will be, are we getting more setting material in any kind of form, or not. In the meantime I'll play it happily, but I'm not satisfied with the overall state of things. Being profitable does not equal to being a better game.
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I miss the amount of support, but I was overwhelmed by the amount of content. Even 5 years ago, when I played considerably more, I could never use all the content. But, I did enjoy reading it.

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I really only miss the character builder. I hated having to have a sub for it but it was an absurdly good tool, even if it was built in Silverlight (ewwwww).

I agree that I don't feel 5E is any sort of "golden age" of D&D. I think 4E was D&D's mid-life crisis after 3.X and 5E is something of a more laissez-faire approach to D&D.


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I miss the amount of support, but I was overwhelmed by the amount of content. Even 5 years ago, when I played considerably more, I could never use all the content. But, I did enjoy reading it.

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Why didn't you just limit it?


This did not exist. The fact that it did not exist was a problem, as it was something they were banking on as 4e was made to work with a VTT. Then the guy making it went insane and died and it fell apart and was never released.

This was never a thing. So unless you were using a third party device and thought it was made by WOTC you are making stuff up.
I recall this as well. I thought maybe they added it after I left (just after Essentials started).

Also both Maptool and Roll20 are free. (Roll20 less so as there are ads and stuff, but it's popular. And maptool requires you do most of the work. but they work.)
Ads are a pretty minor inconvenience for free use of a great VTT, which is why I've stuck with Roll20.


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4E Character builder had bad side effects...

• Character builder: Now from a business stand point I can see where this all went wrong but from a customer view it was brilliant. I don’t really care about Wizard’s profit margins so I’m looking at this from a customer benefit. It was best when it was offline but it had its upsides to when it went online only. Either way you had a really useful tool that allowed you to create characters and store them for future use. I fully understand how it made someone more inclined to not even bother buying the books but it was still a great thing.

Actually, from my group's experience, the character builder did more harm than good in the end. Instead of understanding how their characters actually functioned, the players were just clicking a bunch of options in the builder and often didn't even know how it all hung together.

"How does your character get +10 to hit?"...nobody really knew because it was all calculated for you. Not to mention when they started putting all the BS Dragon magazine feats and powers into it as well, it got out of hand for sure.

In 5E by comparison, character building is easy and logical. Everyone knows how their character works because they do it on paper, step by step. IMO the builder added a barrier to players actually knowing their characters well.

For those that miss the online magazines, EN5ider is an excellent (and cheaper) replacement with 5 illustrated rules supplements and an adventure every month:


Shameless self advertisement... but you are totally right after all.

However the newest dragon magazine was quite useful. The links to digital offerings were amazing. There is a free website of ambience sound. Everything free. I didn't know about that and am very eager to use it in the next session which hopefully will be soon.

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