D&D 5E I Think We Need A Bigger Shelf

Wizkid's new red dragon 'miniature' up for preorder and it’s a biggun, both in size and price! For $400 you can order the red dragon Balagos, the Flying Flame. This model is over 18 inches tall, and has a wingspan of nearly 2 feet! The wings and tail are detachable. The miniature is taller than the Tiamat model released last year, although the wingspan isn't quite as wide. Balagos is a...

Wizkid's new red dragon 'miniature' up for preorder and it’s a biggun, both in size and price! For $400 you can order the red dragon Balagos, the Flying Flame. This model is over 18 inches tall, and has a wingspan of nearly 2 feet! The wings and tail are detachable.

The miniature is taller than the Tiamat model released last year, although the wingspan isn't quite as wide.

Balagos is a famous red dragon from the Forgotten Realms who believed he was destined to rule over all dragonkind.



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really, I think the bigger question is "when will Wizkids decide it's cheaper to produce minis in the US instead of China?".

Unfortunately, the costs for overseas production of mass-produced items like this (including the recently massively inflated shipping container prices) are so dramatically different from U.S. domestic costs that this will never really be a viable option.

However, I know WizKids is exploring other manufacturing locations such as Mexico and Viet Nam. I personally would be quite happy to see the manufacturing stay on the same continent, so I hope they can explore Mexico further.

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