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I was Biff the Vampire Slayer: The whole gender-reversal thing again

Dr Midnight

I really just wanted to go somewhere and talk about this, because it was fun. I almost posted it in story hour... but that's not quite right.

On Monday I got together with Gospog, his wife Fluffaderm, and a bunch of people who aren't on the ENboards and those don't have names. We played the BUFFY RPG from Eden games. We're playing the characters from the show, not new archetype characters.

Well, the girl slated to be the Slayer had to cancel, leaving four guys (Fluffaderm was GM'ing) and a plot that needed the slayer.

The group (as some groups) is a little odd about having cross-gender roleplaying. They're not wholly against it, but I mean, you get a guy behind a set of imaginary non-guy attributes that dangle up front, and things can get ugly in-game. At the very least, people tend to get uncomfortable if you manage to get into character and alter your voice and speech patterns.

Anyway, I agreed to be an alternate-universe Buffy: Biff. He'd had the same life, barring gender-based switchies. Angel was now Angela. Riley was now just a friend, and the whole Spike thing hadn't come into play yet, so it seemed okay.

Let me tell you about Biff. I wanted very much to play him as the male Buffy... but playing the male Buffy makes for a good number of odd things. Tight burgundy leather pants? Check. Fabulous fashion sense? Check. "I wanted to be Dorothy Hamil when I grew up"? Also check, in a joking capacity. Biff walks around with a blonde Slim Shady 'do, small, form-fitting tank tops, and the aforementioned leather pants.

So. Biff was the butt of many jokes. It probably didn't help that I did a quick sketch of Biff parodying one of the many effeminate poses you'll find in your average crop of Buffy advertising images.

Not having many things to say (how do you drop a curt jab about a vamp's shoes without sounding remarkably stupid as a guy named "Biff"?), I found myself keeping quiet most of the time. The things I did say came out all wrong and awkward... I had fun though.

I had the option of just playing Buffy as-is, and if I did it again, I'd definitely not choose Biff. I had to hold myself back too much. Still, I'd be very wiggy about putting my head in that place... I'd be acting female. I'd be immersed- making big eyes, pouting, doing the voice thing. I don't have a problem with roleplaying women, because it's not really a deal, but I'm VERY conscious of playing it up if I know the people around me are watching, maybe feeling I'm a little too into it.

Which I'm not.

I mean...

Shut up. I'm not.

I said shut up.

Some off-topic game highlights, if you care:
Chasing Ethan Rayne. He's invisible in the demolished high school's cafeteria, and hiding from me somewhere. I'm incredibly pissed off at him, because he's nearly gotten away with murder again. I say "Ethan. I know you're in here. Probably hiding behind a piece of rubble, waiting to jump out and brain me with a pipe or something." (pause for tablewide giggles) "I can't see you. I can't find you. But I bet the ceiling can." And I lean against the one remaining support pole and PUSH. I make a 36 on my roll, using a drama point, which apparently is "godlike". The ceiling caves in all around me, pummeling the evil-doer and leaving him coughing in the rubble for me to find.

After I grab Mr. Rayne, I decide I'm so pissed that I'm going to collect on my back-payback. I pin him to a table and announce I'm going to tattoo him (which he did to me in the "Halloween" episode, season 2). "How?" the GM asks nervously. I say I grab a fork and carve "I did this to you" into his forehead, written backwards so he can see it with a mirror for the rest of his life. I then plan to break the pen and smear the ink in, prison-style. The other players are staring at me, aghast. Was I being perhaps a bit harsh? Buffy threatens horrible things all the time, and I believe she might do them, if not on-screen. I was told I would definitely get a "dark side point" for that. POO.
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First Post
Sounds awesome. If you don't mind me asking, do you enjoy the Buffy rpg? I'm a huge Buffy fan, and I've been wondering if the rpg is worth it or not; I haven't really looked at the book yet. Thanks.


I had to think about responding to this one. It's not really a question, and I don't think you really need anyones approval, but here it is anyway.

You can have a lot of fun playing female characters, and not lose your masculinity. I wouldn't worry about the others, they will get over any doubts of being "too into it". No one really thought Dustin Hoffman was gay, did they?

I think that the ability to get into any character, especially that is very much NOT you, is one every DM and player should aspire to. I am a straight male, 27 years old, and I play women characters. I'm actually the DM so I play everything, but I have never had any problems playing women. Even as a player I have had memorable female characters. It's been weird sometimes, I'll admit that, but more often than not, worth it. For me, I try very much not to make the immersion stereotypical. In some ways I think I have been able to divorce my own feelings from my female characters better, able to get fully into the role, and not be myself. That barrier helps in my roleplay.


Tjaden said:
Sounds awesome. If you don't mind me asking, do you enjoy the Buffy rpg? I'm a huge Buffy fan, and I've been wondering if the rpg is worth it or not; I haven't really looked at the book yet. Thanks.

The Buffy RPG is awesome, superb. The system is good for the genre, cinematic and very very fast. And the book is pretty. A must have for any Buffy fan...


First Post
Well, I've run Buffy once and played twice, and I love it.

I was fortunate enough to be in the same group as Doc M and let me say, he did a really good job after being handed a bad situation. (he had plans to portray Xander)

He not only played the gross-gendered Biffy without complaint, but he also brought that Feng Shui flair to everything he did.

And while I'm at it, hats off to our friend CK, who played Spike perfectly.

Um, not sure if I've contributed much to this thread, but I felt Doc M should be praised for his efforts.


Dr Midnight said:
"I can't see you. I can't find you. But I bet the ceiling can." ... I say I grab a fork and carve "I did this to you" into his forehead, written backwards so he can see it with a mirror for the rest of his life. I then plan to break the pen and smear the ink in, prison-style.

OK, that's just too cool. I have to do this at some point. Dark side, feh. Ethan deserves whatever comes down the pipe at him.

Dr Midnight

Skade said:
No one really thought Dustin Hoffman was gay, did they?
Well, on that, two things- One, I'm not really worried about people thinking I'm gay. I'm just worried about that awkward feeling. Two- Dustin Hoffman was not trying to play sexy. Playing an attractive and sexy young woman is pretty far removed from playing... whatever it was... that Tootsie was.

Shrug. I'm willing to give it a shot.


First Post
Man, you're lucky!

First of all, the Cross-Gender buffy sounds Hilarious. I'd love to be at the table. :D

Secondly, I bought the Buffy RPG, and I want to plaaay! But none of my online gamers are interested in it, and I don't know anyone 'round here.


First Post
Yeah, I guess I should be clear.

No one at the table ever questioned Doc's sexuality.

I think we were too busy laughing, as the game really was hilarious. But everyone was laughing together, and not always at the reverse gender stuff.

I'm not sure I could have pulled off the performance Doc did without being a little silly and a lot immature. He was neither. But funny, oh yes, tha man was funny.

I just want to take this opportunity to brag about what an incredible gaming group I have. They're the best.

OK, I'm done. :)

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