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IA: Thurgan and Krug

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Rystil Arden

First Post
*Though the dwarves don't exactly travel fast, the exhausted prisoners have slowed their quarry down to an even slower speed, and so it is that the dwarves come upon a small hill from which they can see a group of six orcs leading a larger group of captured women, mostly human, off to the northeast.*

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I aim to misbehave
Thurgan: Init +2, HP: 36, Waraxe: +8 / 1d10+4; Crossbow +5/ +1d8+2

Thurgan stayed low as he looked at the orcs from the hill. He looked Krug, "We needs ta hit'em before they get where thy're goin'. Bolts first, then melee, we work together on orc at a time from each side ta drop 'em before movin' on. 'Kay?"

*Thurgan tried to think where those buggers might be heading to the northeast for.*


I aim to misbehave
Thurgan: Init +2, HP: 36, Waraxe: +8 / 1d10+4; Crossbow +5/ +1d8+2

Krug said:
"Y-y-es... six of 'em..." Krug gulps, certainly not sure about the melee part.
"Easy there, boyo," Thurgan stated quietly. "This yer first action, Krug? Be straight wif me, now."

*Krug's words sparked memories of months earlier and the tribulations of a pair of young dwarfs he had taken under his (and the rest of his group's) wing.*


"Action? Uh... I attacked a rat once, then I tried to hit it but it went off. Uh heh heh heh," says Krug. "Perhaps some trap to help us?"


I aim to misbehave
Thurgan - Init: +2; AC: 19; HP: 36/36; Atk: W-axe +8 (1d10+4), X-bow +5 (1d8+1)

Krug said:
"Action? Uh... I attacked a rat once, then I tried to hit it but it went off. Uh heh heh heh," says Krug. "Perhaps some trap to help us?"
"S'all right, Krug," Thurgan replied. "We can manage. Jus' changes t'battle strategy a bit. Plan goes like this, We snipe 'em fer a shot then I drop me bow an' close, you keep snipin' . . . particularly any that I hit that don't fall down, er any dat are try'n ta kill the prisners - think tha'll work?"


"Yar, I thin' that'll be a good start," says Krug. My first orc kill! Soon! The dwarf feels a sense of elation within.


I aim to misbehave
Thurgan - Init: +2; AC: 19; HP: 36/36; Atk: W-axe +8 (1d10+4), X-bow +5 (1d8+1)

"Prolly wanna tie-off the mule, we ken come back fer it," Thurgan offered. "Give 'em some food ta keep it quiet . . . ."

*Thurgan nodded to Krug and took point leading toward the orcs, pursuing them and their prisoners. He kept his crossbow in hand as he steadily pursued, trying to keep some objects between the orcs and hee and Krug for cover . . . and potentially surprise.*

'Time to be warrior and not a smith for a while, Thurgan,' Thurgan thought to himself, steeling himself for the coming battle. 'Weird that I've got to kill - regardless of the evilness of the creatures - to have the money to continue my craft of creation.'
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As instructed, Krug ties up the mule. "Now be good Garth.. we will be back. I will leave yar feed here so dunnit stuff yarself..." Krug follows behind Thurgan, Crossbow armed and ready.

Rystil Arden

First Post
*The two dwarves creep into crossbow range, about 80 feet, and each unleashes a bolt at an orc, with Thurgan standing protectively in front.*

*Thurgan's shot goes astray and misses his unaware target, but Krug's shot strikes true, causing one of the orcs to roar in pain, as they all turn towards the two dwarves and charge!*

*The first three orcs clear the gap with preternatural speed, but, unable to make it past Thurgan, they all slash at Thurgan from the front with their axes, scoring only a single hit, and not a particularly deep one, considering the size of the axe and the fury of the orcs.*

Thurgan's Shot 4 + 5 = 9, miss
Krug's Shot 17 + 3 = 20, hit.
Orc B takes 6 damage.

Orc E's Initiative 20 + 2 = 22
Orc B's Initiative 20 + 1 = 21
Orc C's Initiative 19 + 1 = 20 (hey, just be glad those three weren't attack rolls!)
Thurgan's Initiative 14 + 2 = 16.
Orc A's Initiative 14 + 1 = 15
Krug's Initiative 1 + 3 = 4.
Orc F's Initiative 2 + 2 = 4.
Orc D's Initiative 3 + 1 = 4.

Orc E's Axe 8 + 10 = 18, Miss.
Orc B's Axe 16 + 11 = 26, Hit.
Thurgan takes 11 damage.
Orc C's Axe 9 + 9 = 18, Miss.

Thurgan's turn.)

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