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IA: Thurgan and Zarindas

Rystil Arden

First Post
*Thurgan senses that Zarindas is telling the truth, though he does seem to be distraught and concerned over his daughter's illness.*

"I...I was sort of hoping that talking to someone might cheer her up...But don't think you have to if you don't want...You needn't even help, but please just promise not to speak of this outside, lest the winds carry my plan to the demon's ears..."

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I aim to misbehave
Thurgan - Init: +2; AC: 19; HP: 36/36; Atk: W-axe +8 (1d10+4), X-bow +5 (1d8+1)

Zarindas said:
"I...I was sort of hoping that talking to someone might cheer her up...But don't think you have to if you don't want...You needn't even help, but please just promise not to speak of this outside, lest the winds carry my plan to the demon's ears..."
"Don' be daft, old man," Thurgan chided. " 'Course I wanna see yer . . . daughter, is it? If'n it'll cheer 'er up an' all. And I'm gonna help . . . just lettin' ya know ahead o' time, if'n ya thin' yer trying ta git me all sympa . . . sympathetic 'en stuff . . . ."

"Don't work on a dwarf," Thurgan said stoutly, actually enunciating.

Rystil Arden

First Post
"My friend...I just want my daughter to be well again, and I would be glad to have whatever help I can...That's all that matters to me..."

*He heads up the narrow, creaky stairs, leading the group into a cozy-looking room with a few soft and cushy-looking chairs (though some of them are bit old and musty-looking, they are still sound) that have been arranged by the same person who has taken care of the rest of the house's decor.*

*On a bed along the side of the room, the girl who must be Alyx sits up expectantly. She is extremely beautiful, with delicate features and long silky blonde hair that falls across her shoulders like a waterfall of gold. Alyx's joyful slightly-tilted emerald-green eyes wince slightly in pain as they look innocently onto those who have entered the toom, and her fair skin is perhaps a bit paler than it should be. You notice that her ears are slightly pointed, and when combined with the eyes, this suggests a half-elf. She appears to be a little under twenty years old at the oldest, though as a half-elf she would probably be in her thirties before she reached this state of maturity. Her soft, graceful curves are not overly covered by the light nightgown that she wears, which is covered with little stitched flowers.*

"Oh, hello there!" Alyx says cheerfully in a light sweet voice that is a bit strained from the pain, "My name is Alecto, but my friends call me Alyx. You are here to help me? That is so kind of you," she gives a horrible rasping cough, "I...I'm sorry. Anyway, I had almost given up hope when the clerics said they couldn't cure me. Thank you so much--from the bottom of my heart!"

"What is your name, sir?" she asks with a curious smile.

"Please," she offers, trying to play the hostess from her position on the bed, "Take a seat," she coughs again and falls into a fit of wheezing, but recovers as soon as she can, "Come sit here with me. Don't worry, the Curse is not contagious, and I don't bite--though all my friends would not believe me, and so I haven't had anyone but Daddy to talk to in a while..."


I aim to misbehave
Thurgan - Init: +2; AC: 19; HP: 36/36; Atk: W-axe +8 (1d10+4), X-bow +5 (1d8+1)

Zarindas said:
"My friend...I just want my daughter to be well again, and I would be glad to have whatever help I can...That's all that matters to me..."
"Gotcha," Thurgan said climbing the stairs. He muttered under his breath, "Gonna need a cleric 'er two, demon-fighten' stuff, prolly rations . . . definitely more dwarven ale . . . ." and continued thinking about the mission.

Alyx said:
"Oh, hello there!" Alyx says cheerfully in a light sweet voice that is a bit strained from the pain, "My name is Alecto, but my friends call me Alyx. You are here to help me? That is so kind of you," she gives a horrible rasping cough, "I...I'm sorry. Anyway, I had almost given up hope when the clerics said they couldn't cure me. Thank you so much--from the bottom of my heart!"
"Name's Thurgan . . . Thurgan Hammer, lil' one," Thurgan replied. "Yeah, I'm here ta help where I ken."

Thurgan eyed the room, then added, complimentary, "The place 's got yer touch, looks homey."

Thurgan set he pack on the floor next to him and pulled up a chair that would be comfortable and would support his weight.

Rystil Arden

First Post
"Thank you Thurgan. Truly, your kindness makes you, quite literally, a life saver," Alyx answers, smiling brilliantly at the dwarf before she falls into a long series of coughs, recovering after a time.

"And thank you for your compliment...I would feel like I was letting Mommy down from where's she watching Up There if I didn't do my best to make you at home. This place has gotten so much less pretty now that she is gone...Daddy just doesn't have any fashion sense, I'm afraid."

*Thurgan sits on the chair, finding to his satisfaction that it supports his weight nicely and is quite soft.*


I aim to misbehave
Thurgan Hammer, Dwarven Craftsman

Alyx said:
"Thank you Thurgan. Truly, your kindness makes you, quite literally, a life saver,"
"I don' know nottin' 'bout that, lil' one," Thurgan replied. "I jest do what I ken."

Alyx said:
"And thank you for your compliment...I would feel like I was letting Mommy down from where's she watching Up There if I didn't do my best to make you at home. This place has gotten so much less pretty now that she is gone...Daddy just doesn't have any fashion sense, I'm afraid."
"Yer ol' man, here, seems ta have other stuff on 'is mind," Thurgan replied. "An' . . . with good reason it'd seem. Sounds like a good family . . . somethin' ta be prouda."

*Thurgan was a bit nervous about the softness of the chair he was sitting. Having become used to stone and heavy woods . . . the softness was almost . . . wrong. His backside wasn't complaining though, so, even though he shifted from time to time, Thurgan remained in the chair.

Rystil Arden

First Post
Thurgan said:
"I don' know nottin' 'bout that, lil' one. I jest do what I ken."
"Well, I am still grateful that you came here to talk with me--It's making me feel a little bit better just to have someone here," she replies, with a slight smile.

Thurgan said:
"Yer ol' man, here, seems ta have other stuff on 'is mind. An' . . . with good reason it'd seem. Sounds like a good family . . . somethin' ta be prouda."

"I guess so...Thank you...I just wish Mommy was still alive."


I aim to misbehave
Thurgan Hammer, Dwarven Craftsman

Alyx said:
"Well, I am still grateful that you came here to talk with me--It's making me feel a little bit better just to have someone here," she replies, with a slight smile. "I guess so...Thank you...I just wish Mommy was still alive."
"Didna have much o' a family so I can't relate ta ya there, lil one," Thurgan commented. "What happened to yer mommy, lil one?"

*Thurgan leaned down into his pack and pulled out his cask of dwarven ale. Snapping the cup off the side, he made to open the plug.*

"Ya want some?" Thurgan asked to Alyx.

Rystil Arden

First Post
"She...she was killed by orcs..." Alyx replies, smiling but shaking her head at the ale, "Oh, no, thank you, but you were sweet to ask. I only drink water, juice, and milk myself."


I aim to misbehave
Thurgan Hammer, Dwarven Craftsman

Alyx said:
"She...she was killed by orcs..." Alyx replies, smiling but shaking her head at the ale, "Oh, no, thank you, but you were sweet to ask. I only drink water, juice, and milk myself."
"Suit yerself," Thurgan replied. "Dwarven ale'll put hair on yer chest . . . err . . . I 'spose ya oughta stick w'juice 'n stuff . . . orcs? Scum, that lot. Long time ago?"

*Thurgan didn't pour himself any ale, glancing up to where Zarindas was to see if he wanted any.*

OOC: Nite - gotta be up in 5.

Voidrunner's Codex

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