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[IC] Aundair's Sorrow (Closed)


American Male (he/him); INTP ADHD Introverted Geek
Posting Requests

If you speak in a Language that not everyone speaks then please sblock or spoiler it so that the appropriate people can read it.

Use colors and Bolding to set things off and to make it easier to read.
And please, please use paragraphs and spacing.A long solid block of text is not friendly to read.

You should get a good sample of what I am after when I make the first few In Character posts. Hopefully, I should be posting the introduction towards the end of this week as we get characters sorted out and then the game will begin.

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American Male (he/him); INTP ADHD Introverted Geek
Telas[sblock]Aundairan Mornings
The Aundairan morning greets you with sunshine streaming in through your bedroom window and warming your skin. The whole room has been warmed by the sun's rays and envelopes it in a bright yellow light. The bed is soft and so are all of the pillows and blankets which have been imported from the fine craftsman of the Arching Ghael Weavers Guild in Breland. The smell of eggs and sausage with a tomato sesame sauce come wafting in from the dining room. You have overs slept by quite a bit. On the rare occasion that you do sleep so late you know that you will soon hear the padding of Marrissa's feet as she comes to wake you up to eat breakfast. Normally you are up way before Jared and Marissa, but never before the Professor. Sometimes it seems that this man never really sleeps.

Last night was filled with much research and the deciphering of specific passages for Professor Karl. In the last few days he has been much more of a flurry than usual. He believes that he is on the cusp of a breakthrough. Studying the orrery to confirm the alignment of the planets and in the library studying old books for history and maps are what most of his time has been spent doing. You have seen him talking to himself and writing some almost incomprehensible things down. The only reason why you have any idea what some of it says is due to you cryptographic training.

Bam. Bam, Bam!! Great knocks come smashing on your door causing the door to shudder and vibrate! “Get up swamp-hat!” Jared's deep voice booms through the door. Your keen ears hear a slight snicker from him as he knocks forcefully again. Bam. Bam!!Get up rat boy. Time to get to work. You do know how to do that don't you.” [/sblock]
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[sblock]"I'm up!" Telas jumps out of bed, quickly wiping the sleep from his eyes. He makes a curious squeaking noise that calls SKree leaping to his shoulder, where he hangs on tightly as Telas rushes about, dressing in his simple robe. This is a good bit better than my old robe, he muses, inspecting the fabric. A shuffling of feet out in the direction of the hall snaps him back to attention, and he rushes downstairs to meet his charge.

The scent of breakfast practically draws him downstairs, just as surely as a magical enchantment. One of the things he loved most about staying with the Professor was the life of luxury. Rarely did he ever want for anything. Entering the dining room, he smiles broadly at whoever is present. Yes, even you, Jared, he thinks to himself. Sitting on a special chair with a raises seat, he lets Skree settle in his lap before reaching for a plate. "What's on agenda for today?"[/sblock]


American Male (he/him); INTP ADHD Introverted Geek
Telas[sblock]Upon arriving down stairs Telas sees the usual rectangular darkwood table whose size would sit about ten muscular men in full plate confortably set and filled with eggs, sausage, various vegetables and fruits, fresh pastries, the sesame and tomato sauce as well as a spicier and sweeter Karnathan Briel Shrike. All of this is laid out on the center of the table and it beckons you to partake of it. There is definitely enough food here for ten and Jared is already mowing down as you arrive at the bottom of the stairs.

Marrissa was concentrating rather intently on something that is on her plate and when she sees you come down. She runs up to you and with a bright smiles says "Good Morning Telly. Is Grandpapa working you too hard again?" Jared snorts at this and keeps on eating like he has not eaten in several weeks. A flurry of hands and food coalesce into a blur of skin and food. This is Jared's normal routine that you have had the pleasure of observing during your stay here.

"Are you hungry? Grandpa says we have a long day ahead of us and that you should eat everything on your plate so you will have energy." She smiles even wider and as you look to your plate on the opposite side of the table you see your plate has literally a mound of food precariously balanced and ready to fall onto the table and floor. The pile of food is a good two feet hight and has a little bit of everything there waiting for you.

Marissa leads you to your chair and as you sit and Skree situates himself she looks to your familiar affectionately and says "Good Morning Skree." and pats him on the head. "I hope you are hungry too" she squeeks to Skree as she ruffles the fur on his head and ears.

Marrissa sits down looks at her plate which is stacked about half as high as yours and whispers to you "I hope your hungry, because I think I will need help too." Satisfied with those words she carefully picks something from her plate and begins to eat.

OOC: You may want to ensure the your posts are titled simliar to mine that way one of hte other players will not look at your posts until we are all together and then we can drop the sblocks. Thanks.[/sblock]
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[sblock]"Haha!" Telas laughs quietly as Marissa comments regarding his work. "No, not too hard. I'm just gettin' soft, with all this food." He rubs his belly, which has the characteristic goblin paunch, grown a little more plump over the months of easy living. He still weighed a mere forty pounds, so the thought of Telas considering himself heavy was a bit funny. "Skree, too." Indeed, the large rat looks thicker than most rodents, and he rolls over on his back to display his round stomach. "I don't know that I can eat that much, though. Maybe Jared wants seconds? Or is that thirds?" He winks at Marrisa conspiratorially. "Do you know what's planned today?", he asks, between mouthfuls of a very well-made sausage.[/sblock]


American Male (he/him); INTP ADHD Introverted Geek
Telas[sblock]Right before you ask your question Jared's spoon clinks and clangs into his plate as he finishes.

Jared lets out a dissaproving "Hrumph!" and furls his brow in dissapproval as he looks at you. He shakes his head and walks away. As Jared leaves the table the unseen servants that keep the place immaculate jump into action clearing Jared's place settings.

Marrissa's deep brown eyes look to Jared as he leaves with dissaproving and mean eyes. "I don't understand why his is such a bugbear head?" She sticks her tongue out in the direction that Jared left with so much force and energy that her entire face seems to pucker up around her mouth. After a moment of expressing her disapproval, her face relaxes into a girlish pout and then it fades into a bright smile which is her normal demeanor.

"Grampapa said something about watching the.." She stop in mid-sentence and starts to concentrate very hard on something. Slowly she starts to speak Orerrrr.....orrarrr...orrerrrrroarrrery..." her concentration stops abruptly and then she quickly stumbles out "The spinny thing with all of the moons!" and then beams a smile.

"Grampapa said that you should him in the library when you are done. Oh, and he said that you need to get the last passage that you sensed-up last night." She smiles affectionately to you and then shyly asks "Will you teach me something today, Telly?"[/sblock]
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[sblock]Talas can't help but smile faintly when the lass mangles the pronunciation. Once she finishes, he says the word correctly, slowly enunciating it. "Orrery. O-rare-ee. Now you say it."

"I'll make some time for you, don't fear. We'll work on deciphering some texts together. Sounds intimidating, I know, but we'll get through it." He smiles broadly, his green lips pulling back to reveal gleaming teeth.

Telas sits back heavily in his chair, holding his stomach and releasing a tiny belch. "That's enough for me. I'll see you this afternoon, Marrissa. Come, Skree." The rat leaps from the table onto his shoulder, where he sits perfectly at home. Telas grumbles good-naturedly to the rat regarding Jared as they walk. He stumbles to the study, where he collects the papers containing his work, then makes his way to the room containing the spinning, whirling globes.[/sblock]


American Male (he/him); INTP ADHD Introverted Geek
Telas[sblock]Marrissa smiles as you finish the word and then tell her you will have time to teach her later on . "I'm not afraid of some little ol'words. I can make sense too. You will see, Telly." she smiles deviously.

In a serious and matter of fact tone she says "Now if you will excuse, me I have some dolls to play with."Marrissa nods to you and makes off for her play room, no doubtably to play with her two favorite dolls, Aeliss the Sorceress of Arcanix and and Venar the Brelish Soldier. Both are named after her parents and they always have happy adventures together.

The dining area it comes alive as you leave as a ghostly synchronized dance of mindless obedience from the servants of force ensues to maintain the place in a state of immaculate cleanliness. Sometimes you have the thought they they wait and watch you as you are leaving, wanting to see what you will do before starting their work. A payment for their endless and tireless duty.

The Library
You make you way to the library which is as big as some of the homes that you have visited in the past. This room is as big as a small one room house for one family that is all common area. The room is lit by hidden continual flame spells that cast a bright light throughout the room. Books of all sorts from all around Khorvaire and farther line the walls of this vaulted ceiling room. The peak of the room reaches about 20 feet and the shelves of books stop at about 12 feet. The vaulted ceiling is lined with a richly colored mural depicting the dragons Eberron, Kyber, and Siberys in combat which then ends in a slow, quiet explosion of stars that represents the common constellations that can be found in the night sky. Four unseen servants may be called to do your bidding here within this room from getting books to turning pages.

In the center of this room there is a 10' square table with four lazy susans, one for each side, where most if the research and your deciphering is done. Surrounding the table there are four large highbacked dark brown leather chairs which make you seem like a child in their cool embrace. There is two other features of not in this room. One is a Wizards of Arcanix Chess Set and the other is a very rare delight - a fish tank that has some rare carniverous fish called Q'Vrath from the rivers of Xendrik.

The Wizards of Arcanix Chess Set is created and enchanted by the wizards of Arcanix to be a luxury version of the Wizards Chess game that is quite popular in the "intellectual " circles. It is enchanted with moving pieces and enchanted sound and visual effects. Everything from blood spattered and severed pieces to glowing protective forcefields. It is a fun game to watch even if you do not know the rules. Professor Karl only plays the game when Charlethan comes. Marrissa loves to watch and wats to learn some day. She has been told that her mother loved the game.

The Q'Vrath are quite docile until there is a splash in the water or the scent of blood where upon the frills around their neck pull up and become and enflamed red color and their teeth seem to grow longer entering into a blood-frenzy tearing into anything even eachother if enraged enough. They are beautiful to behold when quiet and frenzied. Their mottled yellow and forest green scales are smooth. Towards the head the scales turn to a red and purple color. They are amongst the rarest of fish to be found on captivity. They do not handle the lack of care well and have been known to jump out of tanks at people and pets to eat when hungry or angered. Jared loves to spend time watching them. If he sees that someon notices that he is enjoying it he leaves and acts like he was just passing.

Your works from last night are found right where you left them on the table. (Unless you would have worked elsewhere?). Four books are found on the table and three on the lazy susan referencing Astrology; myths of the 3 dragons - Eberron, Kyber, and Siberys; Historical Accounts of the Last War from participants that found in what is now western Aundair; Legends of Xendrik; Arcane Theories and Recollections of Artifacts of the Past, Planar Conjuctions and Nexi; and lastly The Historical Geography of Audair. Last week your deciphering included texts that had references to cooking, plants, and the history of the Lycanthropic Purge. You are never at a loss for interesting things to read. (Sometimes you might find yourself getting lost in the reading?)

The last passage that he requested you to translated was a single passage from a 200 page treatise on Fungal Blooms found in forests. In his time, about 200 years ago, the writer (Karius Blom) was considered to be a little bit off kilter in his thoughts by some or a revolutionary by others. He thought that plants - specifically fungus - can record the passing of magic. In the two hundred pages he only cites 2 examples which are sketchy at best and then the rest of the book rambles on about the theory magic, weave structures and how it relates to plants, toys and his imaginary friend Craus.

If your deciphering was correct the passage was referring to a special copse of trees that contains a type of mushroom that is located somewhere on the border of what is now the Eldeen Reaches and Aundair.

The Orrery
As you collect your works and cited references you make your way out of the house towards the Orrery. The orrery and telescope are in a separate building apart from the main house but not too far away so as to make trudging to it during inclement weather possible. You arrive to the building and open up the single door which opens automatically for you and closes quickly behind you. You are now in the foyer area which has a closet for coats and shoes to be stored which will be automatically taken by unseen servants if you take them off so you do not have to worry about it. They also make available clean clothes and slippers if you like.

The foyer immediately opens to a large cozy waiting and study area. A fireplace crackles and pops immersing the room in warmth as well as a pale yellow and red light. A deep soft couch and coffee table are found facing the fireplace. There is a single four sided table with two lazy susans behind the couch and a small two shelf bookshelf can be seen near the table. The chairs surrounding the table are a much more modest wood than that found in the house. They are consctructed of a thick and solid wood stained a bright tan. The smell of the professor's Lharzaar Wrank Tea and Valenar Dark Chocolate is everywhere here. The scent of the professor hard at work. To the right of the foyer and behind the waiting area are two doors. one which leads to the telescope and one that leads to the orrery.

The orrery room is huge and it has to be to contain the monstrous machinery that makes the orrery work. The outermost circumference of moon that has the wides orbit makes the orrery 50 feet wide. The orrery is the only real mechanical contraption that you will find at the Charlethan research estate. Everything else is magical in some fashion. You have heard the Professor and Charlethan argue lightly about getting a magicaly powered one but the profess or is adamantly against it. He says that the magical currents that would power it might interfere with the correct postitioning. You have seen Charlethan make a sign like he thinks the Professor is a little bit crazy when he is not looking.

The Professor is here and in his prime he would have stood tall amongst his peers. Age has not been too kind to him. In his younger years he would have stood almost 6'2”, but now age has bent him as if he has had the winds of time pushing at his back for much of his walking life. His back is hunched and slightly shifts to the left. Even with his hunch the professor stands just under 6' tall which is stall quite a bit taller than you. He is not at all conscious of his hunch and does not care if people stare at it. He prefers to avoid people as they are mostly addle brained and unenlightened. He is only at home in the company of his peers and knowledge seekers with which he happily shares his knowledge and views. He prefers to spend every waking moment from early morning until late into the night researching and studying the glories of the Draconic Prophesy and other arcane secrets. To others that he does not know or respect he can be quite taciturn especially when they interrupt his work.

Jared is here as well and seems like a boy as he stands next to the Professor. His bright blue eyes and short and curly hair give him a youthful prescence at this distance. He almost bears a countenace of innocence as you enter the room. He wears a simple shirt, tunic and trousers and has his shortsword by his side, as always. The professor has said that the weapon was his fathers who has past away during the Last War. It is the only thing that he has to remind him of his family.

The orrery is stopped and the Profesor, wearing his customary grey robes which bear the symbol of a professor of Morgrave University, and Jared seem to be studying a map on the table infront of the orrery. They are talking and pointing at different places on the map.
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American Male (he/him); INTP ADHD Introverted Geek
Boarhide and Tullia[sblock]The cold wind whips as you stalk through the night towards the prey that knowingly eludes you eyes. The three moons that march above provide plenty of light to see by as you look for the tracks of your quarry. The ground is hard, and the grass is dark in the pale light and so are the buildings of this war torn town. All that is left of the village of Thraesor is rubble of the proud Aundairan buildings that once stood here. Here is a corner of a building and there is a corner. The remanants are grown over with plants and vines that seek to find a better hold on daylight above. A continuous competition for the nourishing light of the sun.

Your night and the last few days have found you hunting the remaining four of the "Seven Wolves". Four of the seven Wolves have been killed while trying to assassinate wealthy noble and his family at their coutry house near the Eldritch Grove. They killed his wife and his 2 daughters but he was able to fend them off until they fled. There are 3 left and they are quick and strong using pack tactics. You (Tullia) have tracked them to here in the ruins of Thraesor. You have stopped for just a moment to look around because their tracks seemed to have disapeared. It looks as thought they may have tried to hide their tracks in a hurry.

Boarhide[sblock]The Seven Wolves were members of your tribe that vanished from your tribe when you were young. You remember this happening only because it affected your family. Your father before this day was happy and carefree and so was your mother. Garrith the Wolf and his 6 brother's totem animal was the wolf as was everyone in their whole family - all 12 people. For every member to have the same totem was very rare especially for a family as big as it was. The brothers had committed an act so horrible that no one could believe and living being could be capable of.

Garrith and his six brothers had ambushed your chieftain and his wife and son, killed him and splayed their insides out in some sacrificial manner that marked them as witches and traitors to their totem spirits. This is the highest offense known to your clansmen. This has never be done in over one hundred years and before that it was only rumored to have happend. It is something that mothers and fathers use to scare little children into behaving. The Sparrows Path is merely a legend and it is thought that no one remembers the ritual, but apparently someone did or they found out how to perform it,

Your parents were deeply grieved by this. You could sense the sadness, loss and emptiness whne you looked into their eyes. They carried on with heavy spirits. Your father had the distinguised honor of becoming the interim chief as a new chief was decided on. 4 long months os bloodshed and fighting ensued with several attempts on your families life but the three of you were always there watching eachothers backs and were able to keep everyone safe. Once a new chief was named your family was given a distinguished honor of gaining the title of Trayacha which translates to 'Spirit and Wisdom of the Owl'.

After those days your tribe has never heard from the Seven Wolves. They seemed to vanish from the face existence - like they never existed. You are the first of your tribe in 15 years to have heard of their existence whether they were dead or alive. [/sblock]
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Nonlethal Force

First Post
Boarhide, DM:

[Sblock]Tullia smirks. As she looks upon the broken corners of the buildings she can really do nothing but smirk. She addresses Boarhide quietly, respecting the moon above. "Interesting isn't it, my rough friend? For all that civilization brings to the land ... it doesn't take nature long to come in and undo what we claim to be permanent. You have to love nature. Or at least respect its power." She kneels down to get a closer look at the ground.

[Sblock]Using Track Feat: Survival mod: +10.[/Sblock]

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