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[IC] Bifyrd-Feron Adventures [Iron Gauntlets]


--- PROLOGUE ---

Things have been peaceful for some time at Bifyrd and Feron manors. The villagers have become used to their young lord, Lumin, over the past five years since his father’s unfortunate death. Lumin mostly keeps to himself, and lets the villagers handle their own problems. Everyone has pretty much accepted the appointment of Saran as well. When Lumin selected Saran, his close friend, to fill the role of Bailiff of Feron manor, quite a stir was caused by this breaking of tradition. Saran is the first Bailiff who is not a member of Clan Calayner. Nowadays, most of the discussions in the village focus on Lumin’s younger sister, Myrel. At 13 years of age, she is fast approaching maturity, and with this change, she is becoming more and more eccentric. She has always been a bit odd, but now things are getting much worse. Her speech is confused, and she wanders about aimlessly much of the time. Some have heard her complain about hearing voices in her head.


It was just another dull spring morning, and many folk were preparing to begin their day, when the word spread like fire through the village. Myrel is missing! She was last seen the previous evening on the road to
the west of the village. No one really thought much about it, as she was often seen walking about. But she never returned to the manor house. Rumours have been flying about all morning. Perhaps she finally succumbed to her sickness and ran away. Or has she been abducted? But who would do such a thing? Have there been any demands for ransom?

The manor is an uproar all day. Lumin had left early that morning, before anyone knew about Myrel, to go hunting with Saren from Feron manor as he often does. And without the lord of the manor, no one is willing to make a decision. Mosa and few of the others do a search of the area around the manor. Lumin and Saren eventually return around noon. After taking to Mosa Lumin immediately sends out messages summoning a number of people to the manor. Meanwhile, the people scurry this way and that under orders from Lumin or sharing rumours and stories, or both.

- OOC -
OK, halfrogman, you're up. Feel free to push a few pieces around the board to suit yourself.

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Tarren is torn.

When word of Myrel's dissapearance reached him this morning he wasn't too concerned at first. So she had spent the night away from the manor, it would probably do her good. It's a horribly stuffy place, all sorts or rules and limits. But when she hadn't returned in time for breakfast he began to worry.

Perhaps she was hurt, or abducted like people were saying. She wouldn't have run off, would she? At least not without letting him tag along. The worst part was that all the adults seemed to be willing to do no more than sit around wringing their hands. Incapable of deciding anything, they have to wait for Lumin.

About an hour before noon Tarren made up his mind. He would mount his own expedition to find Myrel. He wasn't exactly sure how he would go about doing this, but anything was better than just sitting here. A few provisions were in order. Food and water were easy enough to lift out from under the nose of the manor's cook. A heavy cloak lifted from an unattended closet somewhere. Perhaps a little rope from the stables. Tarren suffered a small twinge of guilt at this small thieving spree. Myrel wouldn't approve, but it was for her own good. Still, he made a silent promise to himself to return what he could when he was done with it.

He was just doing a few final checks Lumin rode back into the village. Soon the call was going out for some sort of meeting. Surely it was about Myrel. And here is Tarren's dilema. Go out as planned, or wait for more information. Okay, so he hadn't actually been invited. . . but it would be pretty tough to keep him from listening to their conversation. After a moment's more indecision, Tarren quickly stowed his ill gotten gains behind a barrel in the courtyard and decided to see just how close he could get to that meeting.



Getting into the great hall is easier than Tarren had expected. The hall is the center of the manor, both literally and figuratively. It is a vast space, two storeys high. Balconies run along the sides, connecting it to the living areas. On the ground floor, other doors connect it to the kitchens, the servants quarters and the outside world. At the moment, it is bustling with activity as people come and go, getting it ready for the meeting. The fire has to be set and food and drink laid out.

Getting in is easy. But with all the people around, finding a hiding spot unobserved is harder. Tarren is just considering his options when a hand grasps him by the shoulder.

"Tarren. I know you are concerned about Myrel. But you shouldn't be in here. I'm sure that you will be told what is going on with the rest of us."

The speaker is nurse Middling. She is a decent enough sort; not cruel, but strict. She gives Tarren a 'I know your up to something look'. She always has that look around Tarren though. She has been the butt of Tarren's wayward sensibilities numerous times.

"Lets go outside shall we."


Tarren sighs heavily at being caught. So much for his grand plans.

"I'm sure that those at the meeting will have more important things on their mind than speaking to me. I'm merely curious as to what they know of my friend, they'd never even notice me."

He attempts to shrug off her grasp and take a step back to face her as an equal rather than as some wayward child.



"Now now Tarren. I'm sure that they will let you know what's happened after the meeting. But you should leave the grown ups to sort things out now. Why don't you go outside and play. I'm sure everything will be all right."

She gives Tarren a gentle nudge in the direction of the nearest door.

"Go one now. And I will be keeping an eye on you."


Silently, Tarren turns to obey Middling. He walks slowly outside, listening for her footsteps to see if she's following him. Once outside of the manor he pretends to pick idly at a loose string on his tunic while he considers his options.

[sblock=ooc]Is she still watching? The meeting area is in the center of the structure, away from walls and windows? Would it be possible to get up to the living areas and hide along one of the balconies?[/sblock]



Nurse Middling watches Tarren for a few minutes. Its obvious that she has other things she need, or wants, to attend to. But Tarren is so obviously waiting for her to leave. She has an idea.

"Tarren, standing around like a lump won't help anything. Why don't you down to the stables an help out old Moffet?"

Actually, its not really a question.

"Off you go now."

She stands at the door long enough to see Tarren head in the direction of the stables (assuming that he does) and disappear disappear from sight.

- ooc -
There are numerous ways in and out of the Hall; through the kitchen and yes, through the living areas to the balconys. There are only small windows in the front of the hall.


Tarren idles over in the direction of the stables until he is sure that Middling has ceased her meddling. This was going to take more effort than he thought. Sitting up on one of the balconies overlooking the hall seems like a good enough goal, but now it appears the issue is getting into the manor in the first place. He keeps out of site for a few minutes, giving Middling enough time to get involved in whatever it is she's up to. Then he tries to think of a quick route into the manor, prefferably near a staircase upwards.


--- Outside Bifyrd Manor ---

Nurse Middling hovers around until Tarren is out of sight. Odds are she will check in with old Moffet sooner or later, assuming she gets the chance. Tarren recons he has about 30 minutes until the meeting starts. Once its started, it will be much more difficult to get inside the hall and find a place to hide.

Sneak Check: Tarren needs two 'steps' (in other words, successes - a result equal to or under the relevent skill score. In this case 4.) You get to roll a number of d10 equal to your FIT ability (in this case, 2). Each check represents 5 minutes of time. A result of 10 indicates a setback (lose one step) or a complication (something to be overcome before proceeding). Feel free to write in your own setbacks or complications. In the case of complications, once you have stated what it is, I can pick it up from there. Good luck.[/sblock]


Tarren circles around the manor for a moment, orienting himself correctly. When he's fairly near the entrance he wants he straightens his tunic and licks down an errant lock of hair in an attempt to look somewhat respectable. He strides briskly towards the manor, in the manner of someone who belongs there, running an errand or somesuch. He gives courteous nods to those he passes, but attempts to avoid seeing anyone who knows him too well. As soon as he can, he makes a break for the stairs upwards.

[sblock=ooc]2,7 So. . . one success. Do I just keep rolling until I win or get complicated and then just find out how long it takes?

Possible complications, someone who gives him an actual errand to run, someone coming down the stairs as he wants to go up, meddling Middling, etc.[/sblock]
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Voidrunner's Codex

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