D&D 5E [IC] Creamsteak's Storm King's Thunder: Goldenfields

Two javelins are delivered to the ogre via a pony express.

The horse strikes the already wounded bugbear knocking him down then stomping him unconscious.

Two PC and two NPC actions remain.


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OOC: Just to get a sense of your DM style, would casting Plant Growth centered on the treant do anything cool for him in addition to the rough terrain effect?

OOC: Nope. Interesting idea though. My actual opinion varies group to group, table to table, game to game; but in this situation with this game I'm going more towards RAW for the moment.


Virion looks at the numbers and quickly fires off his eldritch blast towards a goblin. One less dog to nip at their heels when they have to focus on the ogres.

First Beam targeting Goblin at AA17
Second Beam targets AA17 unless first shot kills. If dead, then target L12 Goblin

Each blast also has the Repelling Blast invocation if it comes up.


"This is your chance, Shalvus. Make a name for yourself!" he thinks as he rushes to get into place. He levels his crossbow and tries to steady his hand hoping to land the perfect shot.

Move to AF11
Action: Ready
Readied Action: when an enemy enters melee range of an ally, attack that enemy
If the readied action conditions are met, the enemy would be open to sneak attack.
Readied action takes up his reaction for the round

*edit* huh, that's annoying. Let me do another post and retry the rolls.

The goblins seem oddly good at avoiding the eldritch blasts coming at them as they're laughing at the tree, but then one takes a good bolt to the face and dies outright.

Miros refused to leave the inn. "No way am I leavin' this joint to the mercy o' them dingleberry whelps! They can come at me all the like, I'll not be leavin' me home an' me livelihood." The portly innkeeper ensconced himself behind the bar with plenty of boxes of crossbow bolts and took a steady bead on the door after locking and barring it once the last of the group left.

____ . . . _____

Euon angled forward. He could feel electricity prickling in his fingers and began to panic, just a little. He was anxious, and these things happened when he was nervous. He started to sweat. Everything was going to pot; he felt the pull of his magic, tried to restrain it. And failed horribly. Jerking just a little, involuntary arcs of white hot lightning jetted from Euon's fingertips. He cringed and raised his hands. Best make the most use of it. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. He winced as the entire area lit up like michelmas with arcane energy.

OOC: Move: 30' to S10.
Action: Cast lightning bolt, hoping to catch the ogre at Q16, the bugbear at P21, and the goblins at O22 and N26. Dexterity saving throw DC 14. [roll0] lightning damage on failed save, or half damage on a successful save.
Bonus Action: None.

hp 32/32
AC 17

The lightning bolt deletes all but the ogre in the line.

The enemies were all surprised, thus ending the first round of combat.

The enemies are no-longer surprised, but their initiative acts second so it is the parties action.

The tree runs around smacking goblins. He only hits and kills one.

Bell and target the ogre closest and throw rocks and shoot crossbows. The Ogre's pathetic armor class makes it easy to hit. 9 and 14 damage dealt respectively.

Three PC actions and two NPC actions remaining.


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A horrified shriek escaped Euon, whose eyes bugged out at the sight of having eviscerated two goblins by lightning. He stumbled sideways, away from the massacre of his magic. Quickly he fumbled in prayer, hoping to atone for his wrongdoing. All hail the Maker, the Unifier, our Peace. Forgive me, forgive me, forgive me. He nervously fingered a small vial of holy water in his pocket as he mumbled his prayer.

OOC: Move: Y10
Action: Cast bless on Bella, Davaros, and Virion (add 1d4 to all attacks and saving throws before the spell ends (Duration: 1 min, concentration))
Bonus Action: None
AC 17 │ hp 32/32 │ 1st 2/4 │ 2nd 3/3 │ 3rd 1/2

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