D&D 5E [IC] Creamsteak's Storm King's Thunder: Goldenfields

Steve Gorak

Davaros Silverfist

Davaros is feeling the pressure, his enemies are surrounding him and he is bleeding from his wounds. Fortunately, his loyal steed is protecting his back, and he still has blood flowing through his veins. His resolve is strong, as he attacks the bugbear in front of him.

I am using the stats of the base warhorse

Move: none
Action: Help Davaros with attacks by harassing foes, granting advantage

Davaros Silverfist

Move: None

Davaros action: Attack bugbear AC21, will use great weapon fighting -5 attack/+10 damage. If attack 1 hits and bugbear is still standing, Davaros will use divine smite
Davaros attack 1 [roll0] plus [roll1] from bless
Davaros attack 1 advantage [roll2] plus [roll3] from bless
damage [roll4]

Davaros attack 2 [roll5] plus [roll6] from bless
Davaros attack 2 advantage[roll7] plus [roll8] from bless
damage [roll9]

HP: 32/44 (-17 ogre attack -6 goblin +20 lay on hands +10 temp HP -8 ogre -11 bugbear)
Temporary HP: 0 (from ingesting potions of heroism)

Note: under the effect of Bless for 1h, from ingesting potion of heroism


level 1: 3/4 (-1 wrathful smite cast on ogre, -1 divine smite on bugbear)
level 2: 2/2

Lay on hands: 0/20 remaining

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Steve Gorak

[sblock=ooc] I had a feeling this would happen.
Here is attack 1:
Davaros action: Attack bugbear AC21, will use great weapon fighting -5 attack/+10 damage. If attack 1 hits and bugbear is still standing, Davaros will use divine smite
Davaros attack 1 [roll0] plus [roll1] from bless
Davaros attack 1 advantage [roll2] plus [roll3] from bless
damage [roll4]

Steve Gorak

[sblock=ooc2] So it appears that the rollv function won't add the +13 damage. Here is the reroll for the "2"
Damage for attack 1 is [roll0] plus 17 (4+13)
If this doesn't down the bugbear, please add divine smite [roll1]

I will wait for results of this attack before proceeding (please note that Davaros gets to attack an adjacent foe from great weapon master if the bugbear falls

Steve Gorak

Oren Yogilvy

Even if he is relatively save, Oren is not comfortable. His mind is too sharp for his tastes, and he needs some ale in his blood. He believes that he has seen enough for another song, perhaps his last, and prefers to die drunk if it comes to that. From the trees, he heads back to the relative safety of the inn.

Steve Gorak

With the same swing felling the first Bugbear, Davaros attacks the second one next to him.

Davaros bonus attack [roll0] plus [roll1] from bless
Davaros bonus attack advantage[roll2] plus [roll3] from bless
damage [roll4]+13

If this doesn't down the bugbear, please add divine smite at 2nd level [roll5]

I'll wait for resolution of this attack for before the last attack[/sblock]

Steve Gorak

Davaros attacks the bugbear again.


Davaros Silverfist

Davaros attack 2 [roll0] plus [roll1] from bless
Davaros attack 2 advantage[roll2] plus [roll3] from bless
damage [roll4]+13

If the attack hits, Davaros will use divine smite at level 2 [roll5] additional damage

HP: 32/44 (-17 ogre attack -6 goblin +20 lay on hands +10 temp HP -8 ogre -11 bugbear)
Temporary HP: 0 (from ingesting potions of heroism)

Note: under the effect of Bless for 1h, from ingesting potion of heroism


level 1: 1/4 (-1 wrathful smite cast on ogre, -1 divine smite on bugbear, -1 divine smite on bugbear)
level 2: 1/2 (-1 divine smite if applicable)

Lay on hands: 0/20 remaining

Note: he may move with his horse, it will depend if the bugbear falls.


The bugbear falls.


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