Kushnak, with two mighty blows from his enlarged sword, cuts down first the gnoll and then the dire badger. Both drop bleeding to the floor.
Korush valiantly charges Kushnak with a scimitar, screaming for glory and vengeance. He shows a deft hand with his blade, as he manages to find chink in the half-orc's armor.
The invisible Erdolliel stalks Joren. She places two bolts of fire into the back of the man's head. He doubles over in pain, but isn't out of the fight yet.
While the tentacles again bludgeon the elves, they struggle to no avail.
Joren, looking badly wounded, casts a relatively minor healing spell on himself. He still looks poorly off, though.
Nethezar looks at Korush.
"Let's try this again, shall we? See not!" This time, the scholar's spell works. Korush, now lacking his mount, his mercenaries, and even his sight, shouts out his surrender. The crowd roars at hearing the first team's elimination.
The remaining gnoll valiantly runs to help the elves, as Nethezar had asked. It walks right into the tentacles and is quickly grappled.
[sblock=OOC]Sorry. Kushnak's
aid was 12 total.
Also, I took some liberties with Korush's surrender conditions. He would be asking to get killed if he stayed in this fight now.
R = Rennida; 1-3 are her elven archer cohorts
J = Joren; B = his dire badger; 4-5 are his gnolls
I = Korush; 6-7 are his mercs; all three are atop heavy warhorses
Kushnak: 5-foot step; attacks 5, 18+ hit, 30 damage, 5 drops; attacks B, 16+ hit, 32 damage, drops
Korush: charges Kushnak, 16+ hit, 14 damage
Erdolliel: moves;
scorching ray, touch attacks 4+, 8+, both hit 73 damage
Tentacles: grapples 1, 20 v 15, success, 5 damage; grapples 2, 8 v 15, success, 9 damage; grapples 3, 11 v 6, success, 8 damage; grapples Rennida, 12 v 9, success, 10 damage
1: attempts to escape, 3 v 11, fail
2: attempts to escape, 10 v 10, fail
3: attempts to escape, 3 v 10, fail
cure moderate wounds, heals 19 damage
Rennida: attempts to escape, 19 v 14, fail
blindness on I, fort save 3+ fail [As a free action not on his turn, Korush can say he surrenders, though he can't actually drop his weapon and kneel until his turn]; moves
4: double moves; caught by tentacles, grapple checks 19 v 3, grappled
Status & Initiative
Kushnak (24): 13 damage (5 feet up)
Korush (29): 8 damage; blind; horse-disabled
Erdolliel (21): (25 feet up)
1 (18): 11 damage; grappled
2 (18): 9 damage; grappled
3 (18): 8 damage; grappled
Joren (slower 18): 54 damage
Badger: 32 damage; unconscious
Rennida (14): 17 damage; grappled
Nethezar (6)
4 (4): charmed; grappled
5 (4): 43 damage; unconscious
Inspire courage (+2 morale bonus to saves against charm/fear, and +2 attack and weapon damage): 3 rounds left
Black tentacles: 7 rounds left
Righteous might: 8 rounds left
Greater invisibility: 8 rounds left[/sblock]