IC: Dichotomy's Age of Worms Redux, Part VI


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[sblock=oc]I'm cool if erd want's to learn stoneskin, but i'm not sure that it's worth her losing a spell to cast it for the battles. I'm not entirely sure though. I guess i'll leave it up to you. (we'll need more diamond dust if you're going to use the scroll though)

As for things to do until fight, i don't have anything functionally necessary i don't think. We can wander around and get in bar fights or whatever scheme's Di has as soon as he's ready i think.

As for the fight orchestration:

haste(Neth), rage(neth), and righteous might(kush) are the 1 rd/lvl spells that will be the earliest to leave us. Kush will cast righteous might as soon as it's appropriate. Haste, while it technically can help everyone, mostly helps Kush. I'd say we should have Neth use the rod on it, right before casting rage and then 'releasing' concentration once the fight gets rocking.

Since stoneskin can be cast 'ahead of time' relatively safely, since it's 10 min/lvl, erd should be able to come out of the box 'swinging', unless they're idiotically clustered(in which case you should tentacles them) i think a 'normal' fight will be fine.

Kush will focus on mages then least mobile people so plan on running away from their fast guys.

So.... yeah.

Other things?


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[sblock=oc]Sounds great, lets stick to stoneskin scroll for now. So we're now open for all the bar fights we can manage in 5 days right?

Erd is planning on hitting whoever gets close enough with a scorching ray or 3. Maybe even while not being seen. Unless they are dumb and cluster, then it's tentacles all the way.

I was thinking she'd be flying too. Any reason that sounds like a bad idea?

Let's roll :) :) [/sblock]


Finishing Day 51 to Evening Day 54

After Ekaym takes his leave, the trio discusses strategy and plans for the next couple days.

Fortunately, aside from the routine of shopping and getting supplies, the trio has plenty of time to relax. While making shopping trips, it is apparent that the entire Free City is getting excited for the Champion's Games. The only noteworthy contact is a letter sent to the hotel from Ekaym on the day of the Free Dinner:

Doors open at 5:00, and we must be inside by 6:00. I'll meet you just before 5:00 in the lobby of your lodgings. You will need my manager's license to get into the dinner, so we might as well walk there together. Oh, and you'll need to both pick a designated leader of your merry band and have a name for the group. Think of something creative! - Ekaym

As promised, Ekaym shows up ready to escort you. He seems like a bundle of excited and nervous energy. He makes small talk as you make way to the area, asking about your past adventures and showing genuine interest in your endeavors.

As you approach the arena in the northern part of the Free City, Ekaym explains that Loris Raknian purchased many of the buildings surrounding the structure and funded the renovation of the entire area, including his personal residence, which is practically a palace connected to the north side. He also tells you that the Free Dinner is likely to have over 200 guests, and half again as many servants, cooks, musicians, and other entertainers.

"Aside from gladiators and their managers, the guests will almost all be rich nobility, hoping to meet the gladiators and assess their abilities so they can make good wagers." He gives a wink as he continues. "Of course, since they are nothing but nobles, they don't know anything about real talent. If you happen to feed some of them... misinformation... you could change the betting odds on your group."

Once you reach the area, you see two lines: one for the guests with the invitations; the other, a shorter line for the gladiators. Guards watch the entire area. At the front of the guest line, guards check the authenticity of invitations. At the front of the gladiator line, a robed man stands behind a clerk, who investigates the manager's licenses.

Ekaym makes sure that the trio signs their names to his license. As he signs it, it looks almost as if Nethezar was about to scribe a name other than his own.

"Now, which one of you is the leader? And please, tell me you thought of a good name."

[sblock=OOC]When the battles actually start, I'll use a large grid. This map is for some general perspective.

Also, let me know if there are any other specifics you wanted to do during this downtime (or if there was anything you'd wanted Neth to do like crafting).[/sblock]


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Erdolliel scans the note before muttering. "He bloody well could have told us we needed a name 5 days ago..." She then goesto the common room to do a little research. [sblock=oc]I say Kushnak is the team leader, and that Erdolliel will quickly try to Gather Information (+0) about what some of the other groups' names are between when the note is sent and when Ekaym shows up in the lobby.[/sblock]


[sblock=OOC]Here are some:
Varmint Patrol
The Unhumans
Chuka's Ravens
Drunken Devilry
Teeth of Kord
Sapphire Guard (did they steal that from OOTS?)
You learn the the least imaginative name is actually that of the returning champion group: Auric's Warband, named after its leader, Auric.[/sblock]


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New job.
Busy season.

I like the idea of something completely not relevant.

Maybe: The Sword of Ka'lal or Ent's Messenger's

Basically, nothing that has any meaning.


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After mulling over the options a little, Erdolliel tells the others, "Let's name our band "The Iron Salamanders" in the Elvish tongue it would be "Anga Lachalevain" or near enough anyway."[sblock=:)]:)[/sblock][sblock=x2]My puter didn't show me o3's post before I tried to send this, but I think it still might fit his criteria...[/sblock]


After giving Ekaym a name and picking a leader for the group [ahem], the group moves forward. The clerk examines Ekaym's manager's license with a magnifying lens, nods, and then records all the names in a book. After nodding approvingly, the clerk waves over a cute young woman in servant's clothing, who politely directs the group inside the arena.

Numerous long tables are arrayed under the open sky on the arena battleground. They form a circle around a wooden stage in the center . At least for the time, various musicians perform on the stage and the entire area is littered with flowers, ribbons, and colorful pennants. Two great bonfires burn on the north side of the arena, and perhaps a hundred or more cooks, scullions, and waiters are busy working on the food.

As soon as the trio reaches their table, servants provide drinks and delicious hors d'oeuvres. Ekaym quickly latches onto a goblet of wine and gives a small toast to the trio's success. The arena will soon be full, and it would be expected that the festivities would begin in earnest soon.
[sblock=OOC]I thought I'd pause so you could chit chat or anything else before I plunge ahead.[/sblock]


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Erdolliel returns the toast and then looks around at the other tables and competitors. "So, this is designed to check out the competition eh? Ekyam, can you give us a primer on which group is which here? Then we will be better able to mingle as needed."


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Lets see if we can get this rocking on a real schedule again!

Kushnak takes in the people currently here before addressing the group. "Remember, We wish to be unremarkable in our presence here. Any extra attention could be our undoing. I'd prefer to not take a knife in the back while we sleep."

Turning to Ekyam, "Any background you can give will be valuable as we attempt to negotiate our rank here."

Basically, i want to get all the teams and their relative importance based on Ekyam's and our own perceptions. Priority placed on the previous winners and the first group we'll fight. (assuming we now that)

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