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[IC] Junk Yard Dogs [A Sage Edition Game]


ic - Junk Yard Dogs

The navigator pauses at the hatch leading back into the cockpit. "They came through from GarCom*. I'll patch them though to the HoloDis."

With that he disappears back into the cockpit. From her vantage point, Qira can see him resume his seat and punch a few commands into his control deck. The pilot glances over as the navigator seats himself. The Navigator just shrugs.

A moment later a series of co-ordinates scroll across the bottom of the HoloDis, giving the impression that the Major is riding some sort of carnival carousel. Plugging the co-ordinates into a reader show that the location is indeed remote - deep into the Waaler desert, itself on of the most remote deserts on the planet. The Waaler. You have to zoom out a long before both the transmission location and a settlement of any sort appear on the map simultaneously. The dark shading indicates that the location is currently in darkness.

* Garrison Command on Tatooine.

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Voda Vosa

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"I find this strange master" the droid states, talking to his designated officer. "There have not been another communication stating that the coordinates will be changed." it adds, with his metallic and emotionless voice.


First Post
"Those coordinates are correct sir. Put us down and be ready for further instructions from us. We may need to take off at a moment's notice, and this ship needs to be ready."


ic - Junk Yard Dogs

The map is somewhat vague, lacking the level of detail of most Imperial Survey Corp maps. A small sidebar entry explains why - the desert topography changes constantly. After a major storm, it can change dramatically. However, the map does give some basic details.

The transmission seems to have originated from an area of sweeping dunes. Another sidebar notes that dunes can reach up to 50 or 60 feet high in this area. About a mile from the location is a ridge of rock - detailed more accurately given its permanence. The ridge is located to the south of the transmission location, curving round slightly to the north as it travels west. The top of the ridge is flat, and some 100 feet above the level of the sands below it. The drop down on the north side is steep - a cliff face of sorts judging by the contour lines. To the south the ridge declines gently, travelling several miles before it too disappears back into the sand.

[sblock=ooc]A bit more detail I should have included in the above.

Voda. The co-ordinates from the navigator correspond to the location of the transmission mentioned by the Major. So there has only been one change in flight plan - from the original destination (Tatooine Garrison) to the new one (in the Waaler desert). Sorry if that wasn't very clear.[/sblock]


First Post
Othello turns his head toward Jonas as the latter speakes, the Stormtrooper helmet hiding any emotion associated with the lock...not that there would be any. He hadn't been to the Waaler but the new topography didn't faze him; Tatooine was Tatooine as far as we was concerened.

James Heard

"I don't suppose we can risk any overflights for sensor sweeps without them noticing? Do we have any buildings big enough to house anti-shuttle batteries out there? Large power readings?"


First Post
Pvt Holser fidgets at the discussion of orders and coordinates, but studies the topology and maps closely, trying to discern the best routes for stealth approaches.

"Sirs, I don't want to be flippant, but we shouldn't risk them noticing us before we're ready to strike. We don't want to alert them yet. Keep them nice and sleepy is what we want. Sirs."


ic - Junk Yard Dogs

After a moments consultation with someone off display, the Major turns his attention back to Qira.

"There is nothing on our latest Sat imaging; no structures of any sort. But that isn't to say that there isn't something there now. The Waaler is one great big expanse of wasteland. We don't do flyovers of that region very often.

"The shuttle doesn't have much in the way of sensors. But it has enough to give you a better picture of what is down there than we have at the moment. Topographical radar should show up any significant structures or masses. If you want to risk a flyover, its your call. Alternatively, there is merit in doing your recon from the ground as the Trooper suggests. But its your call. You have Tactical command of the shuttle from here on in.

"Just remember, time is not a luxury we have in situations like this."

[sblock=ooc]OK. Making this up as I go. A flyover technically would require getting close enough to be spotted. The darkness should work in your favour. Active scans (like radar) run the risk of being detected. But the equipment to do so is fairly hard core - not the sort of stuff the common criminal or rebel would have access to.

Lets say the DC for detection corresponds to the DC for getting information. The higher and faster the flyover - the higher the DC for detection, but also the higher the DC to get significant information. You can set the DC to whatever you want. Shuttle has a Perception bonus of say, +4. No penalties for darkness.[/sblock]

James Heard

"Maybe we can do both...How about we split up? We'll land a ground detachment while we circle in for an aerial assault and diversion to cover the ground team on their black approach?

"Private...Holser?" Qira searches for the young man's name from memory. "If you think you're up for it, I think you should be on the ground team. Meanwhile Lt. Fenn can stay here with the other trooper to ensure that we don't get any nasty surprises."

"Nice and easy, like stroking a tooke. Then we wring its neck and toss it in to the rancor's mouth," says the young woman with a smile.

[sblock=OOC]Just for the record, I'm not trying to come across as pushy :) I mean, it's all in character for Qira I suppose to jump in with "here's the plan," but if it comes across as "James is a jerk" I'll pull back some. The only reason, for instance, that I put Fenn on the shuttle was because I couldn't see Qira inviting another lieutenant and leaving the shuttle without an officer in charge of the air assault. Likewise, 814 has been pretty quiet, and Fenn (in Qira's mind) needs someone to "be in charge of" or else it looks like a deliberate snub of "you're not competent enough to be on the ground." Anyways...It's also a good way to keep a hold of the shuttle in case we need to leave in a hurry.[/sblock]

Voidrunner's Codex

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