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Pathfinder 1E [IC] Paths of Legend: Resurrection


Kowl Clangadden

"You hells-damned orcson!" Kowl roared, making a step with the scouts and looking - despite his size - like he would vault over the bar, sword in hand.

Then he heard a voice like a choked animal. Someone was charmed. Kowl looked around. A ratkin was pointing across the room. Kowl grounded his position, doubt furrowing his reddened brow and his blade pitching between two separate threats.

Still, he kept his body in front of the Captain and cursed his fate.

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Donall Harkness, Human Ranger


Donall pulled Elsa so she was behind him compared to the attackers. It was chaos and pandemonium. It made no sense that the bartender would try and kill Astor, just as the scouts were trying to pick a fight over his cousin...

It suddenly became clear at the rat's warning. Wizardry! He pointed at the man controlling the bartender. "Assassin! Get that one!"

He started moving swiftly after the man in black.

[sblock=OOC]Put Freebooter's Bane (Allies get +1Att/Dmg) on the man in black
Move towards the guy[/sblock][sblock=Mini Stats]Character Sheet
Initiative: +5 Perception: +5
AC: 17 (14 flat-footed, 13 Touch)
HP: 12 Current: 12
CMB: +15 CMD: 18(15ff) Fort: +3 Reflex: +5 Will: +1
Current Conditions in Effect: Quick Draw, Power Attack (-1 Att/+3 Dmg), Freebooter's Bane +1 Att/Dmg
Current Weapon in Hand: None
Chakrams: 5/5 Remaining[/sblock]


First Post
Annika sucks her breath in and quickly raises her crossbow, then swivels to cover the man in black over in the corner.

"Release the bartender," she demands, "Or I will shoot!"

(move to ready crossbow, then standard to Ready an action)


The scouts continue toward the half-orc, but restrain him instead of attacking to kill.

The dark-eyed man slowly raises his hands, releasing his magic. The half-orc shakes his head then grumbles, "Thrice-damned wizards."

The dark-eyed man's face is obscured by his hood but all can now see the reflective black eyes with no white or other color to them. He stands, motionless, hands raised, waiting.

Astor appears shaken and defers to Annika, "You obviously have some skill at leadership. What do you suggest we do with him?" He appears content to allow Kowl to continue to guard him.

Donall and Chkikn, closest to the dark-eyed man, sense something is amiss. (OOC: Perception checks from you two, please.)



Donall Harkness, Human Ranger


Donall kept his eyes on the black-clothed man as he released the magical hold on the bartender. He glanced sidelong at Astor’s statement when he proclaims the woman who jumped up and shouted as a skilled leader.

His voice was hard as he returned back to the prisoner, “First we should disarm the trickster and ensure he is going to cooperate. At least he owes an explanation.”

[sblock=OOC]Freebooter's Bane (Allies get +1Att/Dmg) on the man in black
Perception (1d20+5=12)[/sblock][sblock=Mini Stats]Character Sheet
Initiative: +5 Perception: +5
AC: 17 (14 flat-footed, 13 Touch)
HP: 12 Current: 12
CMB: +15 CMD: 18(15ff) Fort: +3 Reflex: +5 Will: +1
Current Conditions in Effect: Quick Draw, Power Attack (-1 Att/+3 Dmg), Freebooter's Bane +1 Att/Dmg
Current Weapon in Hand: None
Chakrams: 5/5 Remaining[/sblock]


First Post
Annika looks briefly at Astor, then nods at Donall.

"Bind his hands." To the lead scout she says, "Send one of your men to get the guard, if you haven't already."

She keeps her crossbow aimed at the mysterious dark-eyed man as she speaks.


the magical equivalent to the number zero
Peregrin Badgerfoot

The halfling who was sitting at the bar, left his seat the moment the barkeep fired his crossbow. Initially trying to get behind the bar and restrain the half-orc, Peregrin decides against that when he hears someone cry about 'enchanted'. Instead, Peregrin attempts to move silently and unseen, mostly underneath tables and behind people, towards the mysterious black-eyed man, trying to position himself behind the mage.

OOC: Stealth check: 1d20+12=21


OOC: Maldavos, are you still with us?

Chkikn realizes quickly that the dark-eyed man, or rather the image of the man, is making no sound, not even breathing. What everyone was seeing was an illusion, created by magic. He may have been there before, but he isn't now.

Peregrin realizes this as well as he approaches the image stealthily. Illusion and shadow were related, allies even in the magical sense, and Peregrin sensed the work of shadow here.

One of the scouts, meanwhile, rushes out to follow Annika's orders. Astor is watching Annika and Kowl and Donnal both note that he appears to have become instantly smitten with her.

Voidrunner's Codex

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