D&D General Iconic and Best Adventures in each Edition

I love 4E but it had uniquely few good adventures for it, due to a combination of WotC incompetency and intentionally driving away 3PPs.
Man, I know it's a bit egotistical of me, but the fact that so few people on this website have checked out the adventure paths that EN Publishing put out kinda stings.

ZEITGEIST: The Gears of Revolution is probably the thing I've written I'm most proud of, and I wish more people knew about it.

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Switch the Fane and the battle of Brindol. Make sure the avatar of Tiamat escapes the Fane to show up in the climax battle before the awed citizens of Brindol.
I played RHoD, and our whole party was themed around being mounted. Mounted knight, my mounted ranger, a gnome druid on a riding dog, even our wizard was bopping around on horseback flinging fireballs.

It made us kinda sad that the climax happened indoors.

Then again, due to the way 3e combat worked, when we did fight the big red dragon in Brindol, it breathed from the air, and then we used a spell (wingbind) to bring it down. We converged on it, and stayed in the exact same spot on the battle map (prone, no less!) just full attacking in the most static and underwhelming 'boss' battle I can ever recall having. Like, it didn't even stand up, because that would have cut it down from 5 attacks to 1.

5e dragons are much better. But late-era 4e dragons were the best.

I never played it myself, but I heard a lot of good things about the 4E adventure Lord of the White Field, an adventure that has the party infiltrating a town where nearly everyone has become a ghoul due to a cursed object from Ghoul King Doresain's White Kingdom.

D&D 3.5e : Red Hand of Doom, Rise of the Runelords and Curse of the Crimson Throne.
D&D 4e : Madness at Gardmore Abbey.
D&D 5e : Lost mines of Phandelver, Curse of Stradh and Tomb of Annihilation.

Night's Dark Terror, Sunless Citadel and Reavers of Harkenwold are on my to-read-list.
Also, Wild beyond the Witchlight is veeery close to be in the 5e selection, i'm still not sure about it.


Follower of the Way
Man, I know it's a bit egotistical of me, but the fact that so few people on this website have checked out the adventure paths that EN Publishing put out kinda stings.

ZEITGEIST: The Gears of Revolution is probably the thing I've written I'm most proud of, and I wish more people knew about it.
If it makes you feel any better, I have been eager to play Zeitgeist Classic (that is, the original 4e version) for ages and ages. It's probably the only adventure path I have scrupulously avoided any kind of spoilers on, something I never do.

Man, I know it's a bit egotistical of me, but the fact that so few people on this website have checked out the adventure paths that EN Publishing put out kinda stings.

ZEITGEIST: The Gears of Revolution is probably the thing I've written I'm most proud of, and I wish more people knew about it.
WotC ensured few people would become aware of that kind of thing by setting up a GSL that ensured 95% of people didn't sign it and not correcting it until after people had learned 3PPs didn't make material for 4E. If it helps if one does search for "4E best adventure path" it comes up on the first page.

Personally 4E forced me back to writing my own adventures because WotC's ones were so bad.

Eyes of Nine

Everything's Fine
Man, I know it's a bit egotistical of me, but the fact that so few people on this website have checked out the adventure paths that EN Publishing put out kinda stings.

ZEITGEIST: The Gears of Revolution is probably the thing I've written I'm most proud of, and I wish more people knew about it.
For some reason, I thought the thread was just for TSR/WotC adventures... Although come to think of it, I've mostly only played/run those


Hmm, for AD&D ones which are the most iconic, I'd probably put...

#1 - Ravenloft
#2 - Dragonlance Campaign (all 16 modules)
#3 - Temple of Elemental Evil
#4 - GDQ (this includes Giants)

Personally, the most epic would have been

The Bloodstone Campaign with Throne of Bloodstone being the most over the top, crazy, insane adventure ever written. Nothing has ever come close to being as insane and zany as it ever since. (IMO, obviously).

PS: Just found out that Red Hand of Doom is in a way similar to the first of the Bloodstone Series, the one that got it all started...Bloodstone Pass.


I think megadungeons are adventures that carry a lot of weight in the game, even if they’re not to everyone’s taste. There are many out there but I’d give my vote to Rappan Athuk as the best of them from 3e onwards.

Voidrunner's Codex

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