We went through this stage too. Here is where we went..So any thoughts on game ideas I might be forgetting at the moment?
Morkborg: Fun but ultimately like all OSR games, it does not hold attention for long.
Blades in the Dark: great game, takes a hard-shift to change from D&D combat to Blades combat though...
Exalted: Essence edition: This is the best version of the rules for Exalted, and there are plenty of old books if you want pad out the setting. Its not good system, borders on terrible, but it also has elements that are really new and fun when it comes to social and combat. So with the mess you get fun too.
Numenera: this works, but you have to consider things in different light. Its not a new spell each level, its a loot-crate game. Get a cypher, use it, go get another. And think of Pool not at HP, but as "pools of effort" and you will come to love the Pool mechanic. House rule, dont spend XP on roleplay, just let them use Intrusions more narratively instead of bonus damage.
Legend of the Five Rings current edition 5th: Amazing game, amazing rules, best fun with samurai duels ever. Takes a little getting used to, but it does sort its self out after you put in a little effort. If you are looking for big magic though, this wont work for you...
Ars Magica current edition. This is like the opposite of L5R. Combat with a sword is meh. But the magic is what made legends like Mage the Ascension and others. Honestly the grogs troupe play gets more and more fun each time. It's like having a level 1 OSR dungeon crawl built into your lvl20 D&D game. as a mini adventure. Just dont bog players down in the lore and setting. Hit the ground running, make naughty word up, and keep the repercussions light till you really know who you are dealing with.
Conan 2d20: really sad they messed up their license on this one. Because its simply the best fantasy RPG of this era. The magic is epic but slightly dangerous. The combat with swords makes D&D and Pathfinder look tedious and boring. You might find it on ebay...