Ideas, Questions, Mechanics and Discussions


Just making this thread to have a place to get ideas of how others would work things.

My opening question would be; how would you design the "Gravity" portfolio?

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Just making this thread to have a place to get ideas of how others would work things.

My opening question would be; how would you design the "Gravity" portfolio?

The new book will have a Matter Purview* that is essentially a Gravity Purview as well as a new Epic/Immortal Race that specializes in Gravity-based attacks.

*I changed the name from Portfolios to Purviews.

Oh, that actually segues great into a question I have for Upper_Krust! Theoretically, can a DR1 Immortal in the 5e book take any Purview, or are some Purviews only available for higher-ranked Immortals?

Oh, that actually segues great into a question I have for Upper_Krust! Theoretically, can a DR1 Immortal in the 5e book take any Purview, or are some Purviews only available for higher-ranked Immortals?

On the current build, some Purviews are closed off.

There are 20 Purviews any Immortal can take, then there are 6 extra ones which are (currently) for Elder Ones and above. But have a few ideas how these might be opened up, but its not my priority right now. I'll cross that bridge when I get the rest of the book finished.

FWIW, (mechanically) Purviews in the new book are 80% new Divine Ability/Realm Options and 20% a few things immortals get for free.

Anyone have any ideas how to go about creating a level of abomination, who are capable of facing Supernals?

I think what you have to do is find a design 'hook' for each group.

For the abominations I am cooking up for 5e, I have a new mechanic that just sort of gives abominations a shared identity. I won't say what it is.

But my point being, give each group something, even a single feature they all have in common. Beyond that you can have whatever wild designs make sense.

Anyone have any ideas how to go about creating a level of abomination, who are capable of facing Supernals?
Yep I have something called Pleromic Phenomena and they're the next stage up from an Anomaly. Basically they have the powers of a stage 4 Highlord and have a single Metempiric level power that they're based around. For example one I designed is called a Nexus Walker based loosely off of the White Wolf Nexus Crawler. It's basically a living black hole with massive spider like appendages that spread out from it seemingly out to the edges of the universe around it. It draws all opponents into it at once and uses Exclusivity to keep itself fighting only a single foe at a time though it can pull in any number of opponents into it's central mass. Those who are absorbed have their QP devoured and their atoms shredded with nothing remaining of them besides a shred of fine dust, this ability requires no save and will simply just kill you. Moreover they can seemingly move the entire universe around them being able to choose how far you are away from it and what direction is forward back up down etc for all opponents in essense causing them to get very backed up in terms of how to fight this thing or if they should flee.

Voidrunner's Codex

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