D&D General IF D&D were for sale ...


Heretic of The Seventh Circle
I'm not saying everyone is a greedy bastard.

But I am saying that many of the people who arent would innocently flip it to a greedy bastard for profit.

Or they wouldn't have the drive to keep it

Or the drive to please the fans.
Or the humility to state unbias with design.
You aren’t exactly making a cogent point, here.

Many people suck…okay?

There are companies with reliably good track records, and rich individuals with earned reputations for caring more about ethics than money. What percentage of the population they are is so entirely irrelevant that bringing it up comes across as answering an entirely different thread.

As for the whole “innocently flip it [for short term profit with no regard to who is buying]”

Selling out to Amazon or Elon Musk or another publicly traded toy corporation comparable to Hasbro, or to anny other “greedy bastard” isn’t “innocent”, it’s either greedy or completely idiotic. (Or desperate, but again that gets outside the hypothetical presented by the OP.

Seriously why do folks reply to threads where they have no interest in engaging with the premise? Why does this behavior exist?

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You aren’t exactly making a cogent point, here.

Many people suck…okay?

There are companies with reliably good track records, and rich individuals with earned reputations for caring more about ethics than money. What percentage of the population they are is so entirely irrelevant that bringing it up comes across as answering an entirely different thread.

As for the whole “innocently flip it [for short term profit with no regard to who is buying]”

Selling out to Amazon or Elon Musk or another publicly traded toy corporation comparable to Hasbro, or to anny other “greedy bastard” isn’t “innocent”, it’s either greedy or completely idiotic. (Or desperate, but again that gets outside the hypothetical presented by the OP.

Seriously why do folks reply to threads where they have no interest in engaging with the premise? Why does this behavior exist?

Companies we like can't afford it.

That leaves mostly big video game and tech companies. Most of them suck.

Larian and Paradox are mostly nice but they probably fall into the can't afford it category.

Micah Sweet

Level Up & OSR Enthusiast
There is a reality that whoever would buy D&D will have to face, and we should face too...

Gaming does not, in and of itself, present much selection for the personal character of players. There is nothing about our hobby that filters our community such that it is somehow morally or ethically superior to the human population as a whole. If all the -isms and -phobias of the world are in our community, unless people act to reduce their prevalence.

Indeed, the social dynamics of communities often allows the community to be worse than the general population, as the communities can provide social pressures to accept bad behavior where the general population does not.
Of course, but as you say that's pretty much true of everyone, so the statement is unhelpful and may be deeply insulting to some folks. What good comes from broadly stating that most gamers "want the woke out of their game"?


Heretic of The Seventh Circle
I genuinely cannot fathom the mentality that leads to seeing a thread asking a fun silly question about who you’d want to buy D&D if It were for sale, assuming your answer can afford it, and reply with a bunch of myopic “no one good could afford it trust no one lol meme”. Every time I see it I feel like I’m interacting with a mirror universe where the words all mean different things.


Heretic of The Seventh Circle
Well what? Every post I’ve made has either been directly engaging with the premise in good faith, or responding to someone who is threadcrapping.

Apologies if the post wasn’t give me the side eye, I jumped to a conclusion. I have several people on ignore who make a habit of threadcrapping and ultimately derailing any thread that pops up on certain topics.
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Micah Sweet

Level Up & OSR Enthusiast
It's often pushed that WotC as a big fish is bad for the industry.

But the industry has had 50 odd years to displace D&D.

Pre 5E blowing up it was sonething like 13 million dollars.

So D&D is probably 90-95% of the industry. Specifically 5E.

Basically the industry is 5E if it rolled over and died I suspect no other RPG would replace it.

I don't think it's because D&D is holding then down I think it's
because to be blunt the world doesn't really care about RPGs in general they're basically niche.
I still don't see your point though. Are you supporting the idea that a "big fish" in the industry is a good thing, or just stating the obvious?

I don't mean to be insulting, I just don't know what you're getting at.


Of course, but as you say that's pretty much true of everyone, so the statement is unhelpful and may be deeply insulting to some folks. What good comes from broadly stating that most gamers "want the woke out of their game"?
I was making a point when I made the comment about wokeness. The point was that every thread breaks down in tone and civility and usually along predictable lines. Now people are arguing about selling a brand that isn't for sale to companies who probably aren't in the market to buy it anyway.

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