If Gaming Wasn't Your Hobby...?


I was just thinking about how much time, money, and other resources I put into the gaming hobby. What other things did I do with my time before I got fully invested in gaming?

1. I wrote novels. [Now I write adventures for my players.]
2. I read (a lot). [Now I read gaming books.]
3. I played more video games. [Now I play RPGs on VTT.]
4. I wrote and recorded music. [Again, that time goes into RPGs.]

Not to say this is a bad thing. It's a good hobby, and I've met many wonderful friends. But I'm left thinking - what could I be doing with my life if I wasn't so invested in RPGs?

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Solitary Role Playing
Robotics* and miniature rocketry were my hobbies before I discovered war games and RPGs. I would have continued that I guess. I started doing miniature rockets again just before Covid. Considering picking up robot kits now that they can be controlled with a smartphone.

(*we build a R2D2 using car wiper motors. It was primitive and didn't look at all like R2 at all. LOL)

I should add painting, sculpting and other visual arts.
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