I tend to roll really well for stats. I had a Barbarian with 4 16+, a 15 in Cha and a 13 in Int. Some of the other characters were buffed.
I don't like point buy. I've done it a few times, even in games that I've run. I like random stat rolls. Now, our rules were: 4d6, drop the lowest, 7 times. If the total bonus wasn't at least +7, you could roll again. We also occasionally just did 3 sets and chose the best.
The excuse of "But then some characters are better!" is just ridiculous. Of course some characters are better. It's a fact of life that some people are better than others. Not just in one or two areas, but in all areas. It's not unheard of to have a charismatic, intelligent football player and an intelligent but weak and socially awkward nerd. (Sound familiar?) Characters can be better at what they do and it gets to the point where you don't even notice the scores. Point buy tends to create a lot of characters with almost the same scores.