D&D 5E If you don't like ASI at character creation...


Get off my lawn!
Sometime I came up with today and I like is the idea that instead of +2 ASI and +1 ASI, roll 6d6 and 5d6 instead of 4d6, respectively.

This keeps the maximum to 18, keeps the minimum at 3, but other than getting a total of 18 (or better using ASI), this idea generates slighly better scores for those two abilities.

The averages match up fairly well compared to 4d6 drop lowest +2 or +1, depending on the ASI bonus.

Just sharing. :)

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Dungeon Mistress, she/her
Point Buy is currently 1 point per point for 9 through 13, and 2 points for 14 and 15. Standard Point Buy is 15, 14, 13, 12, 10, 8. If 16 and 17 cost 3 points (their modifiers) and 18 cost 4 points, we can. Assume 17, 14, 14, 12, 10, 8 as typical, which would be worth 35 points. So 35 point buy won't need ASI's at start.

I was also thinking that Ancestry could give +1, background could give +1, and class could give +1 instead.


Point Buy is currently 1 point per point for 9 through 13, and 2 points for 14 and 15. Standard Point Buy is 15, 14, 13, 12, 10, 8. If 16 and 17 cost 3 points (their modifiers) and 18 cost 4 points, we can. Assume 17, 14, 14, 12, 10, 8 as typical, which would be worth 35 points. So 35 point buy won't need ASI's at start.

I was also thinking that Ancestry could give +1, background could give +1, and class could give +1 instead.
for point buy you can assume 15->17 and 15->16
that is 9pts higher than starting 27, so 36pts with max of 17.

but personally, I would only use pointbuy or array and no ASI at 1st level or later at all.
Only ASIs later can be from special class features(capstones) or magic items.

1: modified standard array:

2: modified point buy:

18: 8 pts
16: 5 pts
14: 3 pts
12: 2 pts
10: 1 pt
8: 0 pts
6: -1 pt

point pool: 22pts

I'd like to use random rolling, because point-buy characters have very predictable scores based on their class.

But to keep it balanced, it becomes convoluted fast, and you may still have weird pitfalls (it doesn't really matter if a Barbarian has Int 8 or Int 18, but if they multiclass to Wizard after lv1, then it suddenly does).


Get off my lawn!
point buy
Point Buy
point buy
point buy

I didn't realize this was a point buy thread... :unsure:


I was also thinking that Ancestry could give +1, background could give +1, and class could give +1 instead.
Class gave +1 throughout the entire D&D Next playtest. I’m still baffled that they mysteriously dropped it between playtesting and final product, despite what seemed from my perspective to be near-universal praise for the idea.
Why have one or more +1 bonuses locked in due to race, background, or class when you can have floating +1s or +2s???

Is it any shock it was dropped? 🤷‍♂️

While, I agree I like the +1 due to this, that, and the other thing, I also like rolling IN ORDER, but I know both are minority positions these days.

I dislike any version where the different available options give you math widgets that add up so that specific combos are always mathematically privileged for classes and builds. I'm all for dropping all ASIs at character creation and having race, background, and class give flavorful abilities instead of number bonuses that help you win a math equation.

I was also thinking that Ancestry could give +1, background could give +1, and class could give +1 instead.
Pathfinder 2nd edition sort of does this already. All characters start with a 10 in all six abilities. Then you get to:

  • Add in your character's 2 fixed ability score boosts, 1 fixed ability score flaw and 1 free ability score boost, which can be added to any ability score that isn't covered by one of them fixed ability score boosts. You can even add the free ability score boost to the ability score that has the flaw and negate it.
  • Add in one fixed ability score boost and 1 free ability score boost from your Background.
  • Add in one fixed ability score boost from your class.
  • Add in four free ability score boosts.

Each ability score boost is a +2 bonus. The ability score cap at 1st level is 18.

I am not a fan of this method. 😋 I prefer rolling 4d6, discarding the lowest die, assigning the results anyway I want and using the free +2/+1 ASIs. ;) I do like the idea of ASIs being tied to Background like they are in Level Up and 2024 D&D.

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