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[IH] Bekath's Progeny


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An Iron Heroes game set in the Swordlands. You all share the same father, Bekath, one of the First who has used the century since the Masters fall to travel the land, spending at most a few years in any place before moving on. Now he has summoned you all together and requests your services, whether you give them willingly or not.

This is a continuation from this thread where I announced my intent to run an IH game. The game will start at first level but levels will be gained quicker than normal. Character generation works as in the book.

Erekose13 - Serryn gor'Dregal, Harrier 1
Elocin - Liliana, Arcanist 1
ThirdWizard - Danil, Thief 1
passengerpigeon - Danar Sigrittiano, Executioner 1
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First Post
The World

This is what I've written down about the world so far, more will follow.

The land:
Ixian: A jungle full of dangerous animals and monsters, a few human settlers have also managed to survive here and rumors from there tell of people living as feral as the animals in the deeper wilds.

Serah: A desert mainly populated by nomads who alter between raiding and trading with their neighbours depending on what they can get away with. It is believed that they have contact with other people on the far side of the desert as well, but the truth of that is not known by many. Serah also contains Gorgorath, one of the remotest outposts of civilization.

Swordlands: The Swordlands is the greatest and most varied part of the known lands. The Swordlands are home to a great number of villages, monasteries and fortresses; all constantly prepared to defend themselves against the bands of gray and barbaric humans constantly threatening their survival. Many settlements are destroyed each year and others spring up in their place. The ruined remnants of the Masters that sprinkle the land are avoided by all as the traps and creatures guarding them are rarely worth the risk.

Ghostlands: See IH book for now.

Gorgorath: A city too strong for the nomads to attack, it has grown rich and powerful by their trade between the nomads, southern mines, and Silahin.

Silahin: A city built on the ruins of an older city, it is the largest known city and home to the most powerful group of First.

The races:
The First: Around two dozen First are known to each other in the area, some have grouped together to rule parts of the land while others keep to themselves. Almost all First are found in a position of leadership over mere humans though. Although no First has yet died of old age, they rarely breed as both their pregnancy and time to reach maturity are about thrice as long as for humans. First are commonly at the levels 7-15.

Humans: Created as a slave race, humans are hard working but reluctant of change and not prone to take the initiative, exceptions exist but are relatively rare. Humans are spread mostly in the swordlands but remote colonies exist in all of the known world. Most humans are 1st level (NPC classes) but levels of up to 5 are not too rare.

The Gray: Named from the color of their skin, Gray are a race created for fighting, they are far from smart but more cunning than animals and have a basic language. They exist in great number all over the world in sizes from half that of a human and up to at least three times their size. They are unable to build anything of their own and tend to roam the lands in small bands, attacking anything they encounter. Sometimes they stay in villages after an attack until they have drained the surroundings enough that it can no longer support them. Gray exist of CR 1/4 - 13 approximately.

Others: Other monsters exist but are far less common and not much tends to be known about them.


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First Post
I'd love to play in this game. Here's a character concept:

Danar Sigrittiano
executioner 1

Danar was born to a poor washerwoman of Silahin; neither he nor his mother has any idea why Bekath would have chosen her, of all the people in Silahin, to bear his child. Being the offspring of a First didn't have the same cachet in Silahin that it does in other places, and Danar found himself forced to use his abilities to feed himself and his mother. On a typical day, he can be found near the duelist's arena, where, for a price, he will defend your cause against whatever challenger your opponent might field. Though he is only 17, already a mystique is growing up around his cool precision and the deadly flicker of his rapier. After he crippled his second opponent, even many of the veteran champions are loathe to go against his blade; he tends to disable instead of killing in the ring, applying cut after cut until his opponent yields, but there's some debate over whether that's better or worse than the alternative.



Serryn gor'Dregal, harrier 3

There we go that should just about finish him up. Thanks for pointing out the active/passive defence missed that one. From the last thread:
[sblock]Serryn gor'Dregal;
human harrier 3;
medium humaniod (human);
Init +5; Senses Listen +8, Spot +8;
Languages: Common.
AC 18, active 8 passive 0; +8 vs. AoO
DR: 1d2/magic
HP 25 (HD 3d4+15) <-based on 4+3+3+15;
Fort +4, Ref +8, Will +5;
Spd 40';
Melee: bastard sword +10 (1d10+5[+7 2hd]/19-20/x2) 335gp, 6lbs;
Ranged: longbow +9 (1d8+1/x3) Range 100', 20 arrows, 501gp, 6lbs;
Attack Options: Combat Mobility (+4 defence on AoO when moving, full move while tumbling, 2*Dex to tumble)
Mobile Assault (+attack = # squares moved, max level)
Base Atk +3, Grapple +4;
Combat Gear: torch
Abilities: Str 12, Dex 20, Con 13, Int 10, Wis 14, Cha 10.
XP: 3300
Traits: Dexterous, Weapon Bond
Feats: Mobility (1), Weapon Focus (1), Weapon Finesse (1)
Skills: Agility 6 (Balance +11, Escape Artist +11, Tumble +16), Athletics 6 (Climb +7, Jump +7, Swim +7), Hide 6 (+11), Listen 6 (+8), Move Silently 6 (+11), Sleight of Hand 6 (+11), Spot 6 (+8), Survival 6 (+8)
Possessions: masterwork bastard sword (335gp, 6lbs), mighty composite longbow (+1) (500gp, 3lbs, 110ft), 20 arrows (1gp, 3lbs), leather armor (10gp, 15lbs), backpack (2gp, 2lbs), Flint and Steel (1gp), 5 torches (5cp, 5lbs), Waterskin (1gp, 4lbs), 2 days Rations (1gp, 2lbs), Thieves Tools (30gp, 1lb), Adventurer's Outfit (2lbs), 2118 gp, 9sp, 5cp.
Encumbrance: 41lbs; Load: Light (43lbs)
---------------------------- [/sblock]
Description: Serryn is a very skinny individual, short in stature and very quick on his feet. His angular face is small and his eyes seem to draw back more towards his ears than most. He sports short cropped brownish grey hair and has deep grey eyes. He is usually wearing as little as possible, his leather jerkin and a utilitarian pair of short cut trousers. He carries his large sword easily in one hand despite it's lengthy grip and has a bow attached to the side of his pack.

Personality: Serryn has led a pampered life, he is very overconfident in his abilities. He often speaks very quickly, using short sharp sentences that don't always provide all the information as he assumes those he is talking to already understand the background to the conversation.

History: Serryn comes from the city of Gorgorath in the thin strip of verdant land bordering the great river Kyith. Deep in the desert, Gorgorath serves as an important trade point between the empire of the north and the mines of the southern mountains. Many things pass through Gorgorath, ore, spices, slaves and more.

Serryn led a charmed life, born to one of the First held special status in Gorgorath as it did in many places. His father had left soon after siring a child, not even staying to watch his son's birth. That had little effect on Serryn as he was born to a powerful merchant woman. His mother later married and his new stepfather wanted nothing to do with Serryn. Serryn's mother set him up in a villa on the banks of the Kyith.

As he grew older and into his teens, Serryn's many servants began to bore him. He sought a life of change and danger. Seeing his restlessness on one of her many visits Serryn's mother brought him a tutor from the finest fighting school in Gorgorath.

Having studied at the Quicksilver Academy in Gorgorath, Serryn has gained an appreciation for the quicker arts of combat, striking fast and sure then moving out of range before your opponent has the chance to even touch you. Through subterfuge and speed, it is easy to confound an opponent who chooses to stand still or one who is not concentrating enough on the dance.

His father's call came as a surprise, as Serryn had never met him before. His mother had told him stories when his stepfather was away (most of the time), but he had never met the man. Summoned by Belkath he is moving quickly to meet his father.
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First Post
EDIT: This is my character, fully finished. It has slight alterations to his background and personal information.


Danil Felds
Human Thief 1
Medium Humanoid (human)
Init +3; Senses Listen +5, Spot +5
Languages Common, First Speech
AC 14, active 4 passive 0
DR 1d2/magic (leather)
HP 10; reserve 10
Fort +3, Ref +4, Will +1
Spd 30'
Melee dagger +3 (1d4+3 / 19-20)
Ranged crossbow, light +3 (1d8 / 19-20) range 80 feet or dagger +3 (1d4+3 / 19-20) range 10 feet
Attack Options Devious Manipulator 1, Overwhelming Presence 1
Special Attacks +1d6 Sneak Attack
Base Atk +0, Grapple +0
Base Def +1
Combat Gear daggers (4), crossbow, caltrops, torch
Abilities Str 10, Dex 16, Con 14, Int 14, Wis 10, Cha 17
SQ Alias (Salacious Deadens), Skill Expertise
Traits Weapon Bond: Dagger (Charisma), City Rat (Face in the Crowd)
Mastery Defense (1), Social (2)
Feats Devious Manipulator (1), Overwhelming Presence (1)
Skills Agility 6 (Balance +11, Escape Artist +9, Tumble +11), Athletics 5 (Climb +5, Jump +7, Swim +5), Robbery 6 (Disable Device +8, Forgery +8, Open Lock +9, Sleight of Hand +11), Social 6 (Bluff +9, Diplomacy +11, Gather Information +9, Intimidate +11), Stealth 6 (Hide +9, Move Silently +9), Theatrics 5 (Disguise +10, Perform +8), Appraise 1 (+3), Knowledge (Silahin) 1 (+3), Knowledge (Swordlands) 1 (+3), Listen 5 (+5), Search 4 (+6), Sense Motive 5 (+5), Spot 5 (+5)
Adventure Gear combat gear, bolts (10), leather armor, thieves’ tools, silk rope (50’), chalk (33 lb: Light Encumbrance)
Other Gear pouches (2), flute, adventurer's outfit, crude clothes, plain clothes (3), nice clothes, backpack, bolts (20), bedroll, flask (empty), flint & steel, sack, waterskin, tent (total 72.5 lb: Heavy Encumbrance)
Wealth 42 gp, 6 sp, 8 cp
XP 0

Danil isn’t a tall or short man, neither thin nor fat. Overall, his appearance isn’t provoking or frail unless he wants it to be. His most striking features are his sparkling blue/green eyes and friendly smile. He keeps his long black hair pulled back in a pony tail and a neatly trimmed goatee on his face. His is nineteen years old.

One word used best to describe Danil is charming. His smile looks earnest and friendly, and he always seems to know the right thing to say at the right time. This is no surprise considering his main source of income over the years has been gained through convincing others how deserving he is of their charity and aid. He can be quite outspoken and sometimes might be overly friendly. Still, he doesn’t crave attention, and avoids too much of it if at all possible. He doesn’t lose control in anger often, and indeed, those who know him well find this facet of him to be somewhat odd. Whatever his true feelings, he is able to hide them and present an outward persona that is very calm, friendly, and humble, in even the most strenuous circumstances. He knows when to be serious, of course, but it is a rare occasion that he lets others push him to outwardly show his true aggression or fear. He can be very intimidating when it calls for it, but true rage is extremely rare.

Danil was born in a small town relatively near Silahin. He never saw his father, who left soon after his mother, a woman named Fala, became pregnant. He was her fifth son, though the others were all his own half-brothers, their father having been dead a year before Danil was himself fathered. Son to a poor family, he was sheltered and lived as a normal boy, showing no outward sign of being anything more than just another child in the village. It was only in his interaction with others that any true sign of his heritage shown through. Even as a young boy, his perception and ability to influence others was above average.

This was not to last, however. When he was eight, the village was attacked and destroyed by raiders. Only his mother, one older brother named Wil, and he survived of his family, fleeing to the city of Silahin. There, they made a meager survival in the slums of the city.

After two years in Silahin, a sister named Genna was born, but her father disappeared soon after. Life in the slums was difficult, and Danil and Wil stole and conned people in order to survive. Sickness wasn’t uncommon for his family members, and often he and his brother would have to fight the thugs and thieves of the city. Over time Danil learned his way around the blade, finding an affinity toward the dagger, though he tries to avoid fighting when possible.

Recently, Danil has heard word that his father has come to the city of Silahin. Curiosity has gotten the better of him, and he wishes to meet with Bekath, whom. he is mostly ambivalent toward. His mother still loves the man, and that has lead to mixed feelings, not so much concern for leaving him than for leaving his mother after she found out she was pregnant. But, his mother wouldn't have Danil holding that against Bekath, so he wants to judge the man himself.

Danil is proficient in playing the flute, but instead of using music to entertain, he uses this art to keep up a separate alias of a man named Salacious Deadens, an entertainer in his mid twenties who has gained a slight reputation, at least in parts of the city of Silahin. He has used this persona to deal with those who would look down on a thief, confidence man, or just anyone who lives in the slums.
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Lurker (sort of)
Liliana - Arcanist 1

Ok, I have updated my character a bit more after actually thoroughly reading the Arcanist class and I think this one works a lot better (was basing the Arcanist on a sorcerer type before but I think I did better with this revisions).

I think I am done with making my character.

Starting Gold=80

Human Arcanist 1
Medium humanoid
Init +7
Senses Listen +6, Spot +6
Languages: Common, Ancient Speak, Kolorean, First Speech, Death Speech (3 spots open for new languages)
Defense: 13 - Active 3 Passive 0
DR: None
HP 8 (HD 1d4+2)
Fort +3, Ref +4, Will +3
Mana Limit: 14
Speed 30'
Melee: Shortspear +1 (1d6+1/20x2) 1gp, 3lbs
Eldritch Dart +3 (1d6+3/ 20x2) (DC 15 Concentration check)
Base Atk +1, Grapple +1
Abilities: Str 12 (+1), Dex 16 (+3), Con 14 (+2) , Int 16 (+3) , Wis 14 (+2) , Cha 10.
XP: 0
Traits: Shadow Born (Arcane Nature), Perceptive

Feats: Improved Initiative, Beast Lore (1)

Skills: Academia 4 (Appraise +7, Concentration +6, Decipher Script +7, Heal +6, Knowledge (Arcana, Nature, The Planes, Religion) +7, Speak Language +4), Mysticism 4 (Concentration, Decipher Script, Spellcraft +7, Use Magic Device +4), Social 4 (Bluff +4, Diplomacy +4, Gather Information +4, Intimidate +4), Theatrics 4 (Bluff, Disguise +4, Perform +4, Slieght of Hand +7), Listen +6, Spot +6, Move Silently +7, Search +7, Survival +6, Hide +7, Tumble +4.

Spell Masteries:
Primary: Necromancy 2
Secondary: Conjuration 1
Aspect of Power: Eldritch Dart

Possessions: Shortspear (1gp, 3lbs), Dagger (2gp, 1lb), Red Cloak, Adventurer's Outfit (5gp, 2lbs), backpack (2gp, 2lbs), Bedroll (1sp, 5lbs), Silk Rope 50’ (10gp, 5 lbs), Hooded Lantern (7gp, 2 lbs) , Flask of oil (6) (6sp, 6lbs), Flint and Steel (1gp), Waterskin x2 (2gp, 8lbs), small steel mirror, (10gp, .5lbs), 4 days Rations (2gp, 4lbs)
Encumbrance: 39lbs
Load: Light (43lbs)

Wealth: 37gp 3sp

To those who do not know her, Liliana seems to be just your average person. She is not all that tall or rather beautiful, until you look into her eyes. Her eyes seem to be filled with a knowledge that seems uncharacteristic of one so young. Wearing a red cloak and some average clothing if you saw her on the street you would instantly forget her, which is how she likes it.

You would think being born from the First would have its privileges but not when your father leaves you with your cult following mother. I clearly remember being born and hearing my mother shriek out some gibberish upon seeing my faintly glowing eyes for the first time. I also remember seeing my father smile and then kiss me on the forehead before leaving never to see him again. I hate him for what he did to me that day. Growing up in this monastery was not fun as my mother constantly attempted to purge my soul of the demons inside me even though I knew there was nothing wrong with me. I sought out refuge from her as much as I could amongst the monasteries great libraries and I learned much. I even found a secret passage that looked like no other person had been down in centuries. Upon searching this passageway I came upon a door that was intricate in design. Upon grabbing hold of the handle I felt something flow through me and then I was knocked across the hall hitting the wall hard and passed out. I am not sure how long I was out but thankfully it did not kill me, even though it did burn the inside of my hand right hand. I hesitated as my hand once more reached out to take a hold of the handle and push the door open, expecting again to be knocked senseless possibly even outright killed this time. Again I felt something sweep through my body but for some reason I was not thrown across the hall this time. The door gently opened inward without me even touching it. What was inside changed my life forever, there were books everywhere and at first it was very hard to understand them but when ever I could escape my mother I would come down here and continue my research. I finally found a book up in the monasteries library, mentioned a race called “The Masters”, that helped me start to decipher the old texts and to my surprise all of the books down in this secret library were on the ways to use something called mana and how to shape it to your will and release it in the form of magic. Over the years of being a prisoner here at the monastery I studied well and the things I was able to form with my mind was exhilarating. I studied the ancient texts with a vigor that surpassed anything else in my life. The only odd thing was when I finished mastering one book it would crumble to dust so I had to move on to the other. Some of them would crumble to dust the moment I touched them so I stayed with the books that were on similar subjects. I even attempted one day to continue down the passageway to see what other rooms might be hidden down here but as I got another 20' down the passageway something blocked my path and I could no further no matter how hard I attempted it. One day I will have to return.

One day as I was practicing outside, as I had a few mishaps inside my room, a monk who was delivering me a message saw what I was doing. Needless to say the monks who are a superstitious lot did not like when they discovered that I was able to use magic and even know they knew who I was they banished me from the monastery never to come back again. Upon reading the message I discovered it was from my father and he requested an audience with me. This filled with me some raging emotions and since the monks were banishing me from the monastery anyway I decided to pay my father a little visit. As I had learned all I could for now from the secret library I needed to seek ought knowledge elsewhere but I vowed I would return one day to this monastery and see just where that passageway went.
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First Post
Some random info

Roll for starting gold: 5d4 x 10. Use Invisible Castle with the character name you've posted here.

ikazuchi: I'll let you be weaponmaster of both hand- and throwing axes if you wish, they're similar enough and neither is so powerful that I expect it to unbalance anything.

I should note that information is scarce in the Swordlands so you probably won't know enough of the setting info in this thread to separate it from empty rumors and exagarations unless you've experienced it first hand or have an appropriate Knowledge field.

passengerpigeon: Welcome to the game.

I guess it's time I posted more about your summoning to give us all some more common ground, here goes:

Bekath is actually in Silahin so the ones already there won't have to travel far. Those living in the city first heard some rumors that another of the First would come to join the four already in the city, ruling it and a small area of land surrounding it through a council. Shortly after, he was officially announced to the people: First Bekath, your father. Three weeks later, before you had an opportunity to seek him out if you were trying to, a messenger comes to your home telling you to present yourself before your father in the castle an hour later.

For those living outside of the city: you hadn't heard anything of your father since he left you until the day a uniformed soldier suddenly approaches you. After making sure he's found the right person he hands you a small scroll, sealed with the image of a stylized helmet. Breaking the seal and reading the scroll, it is clearly addresed to you above the actual message, which otherwise reads simply: You are hereby called to present yourself before me in the city of Silahin. The ranger delivering this message has been instructed to provide you with escort. It is signed: First Bekath, of the Silahin council, a name you well recognise as that of your father.


First Post
Since I'm living in the city, I'm sure curiosity would get the better of me and I'd try to meet with him before the actual summons arrived. Cut out the stuff about feeling guilty over leaving his family and save that for when I actually need to leave the city. ;)

Mostly my character is ambivalent toward Bekath. His mother still loves the man, and that leads to mixed feelings, not so much concern for leaving him than for leaving his mother after she found out she was pregnant. But, his mother wouldn't have Danil holding that against Bekath, so he wants to judge the man himself.

Here's my roll for starting gold, and I must say, I think I've used up my good rolls. :p
Staring Gold Rolls: 190 gp

A few questions:

Are there any languages of note? I'm sure I'll have a decent Int (probably 14), so I'll have some bonus language slots.

What kind of Knowlege (local) will we purchase? Should we pick a specific place, for example Knowlege (Silahin) if we take that?


First Post
Thanks, Jolmo. :)

Starting gold: 110.

Character sheet to follow shortly. Also, a question: as with any one-handed weapon, the rapier can be used two-handed to gain 1.5 * the normal damage bonus, but I'd hate to run around trying to fence with both hands on my sword. Can I just RP it that I can use my off hand to balance myself and add impetus to my lunges if it's empty? Mechanically it would play the same.

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