Immortals Handbook Epic Bestiary (now available)

poilbrun said:
Hi there UK!

Hey poilbrun matey! :)

I hope you and 'Izzy' are doing well?

poilbrun said:
Hope you've been doing well?

Well I'm still on three square meals a day, however each meal is a hot bowl of steam (j/k). The good news is that it beats the heck out of the Atkin's diet, I've dropped 20 pounds in 2 months...although that could be due to me resuming my weight training regime and running 5+ miles/week since the start of April.

I'm a lean, mean, writing machine.

poilbrun said:
I just wanted to chime in and say that even though I mainly lurk on the forums (I check it at least once a day), I am still eagerly awaiting the release of Ascension. You can thus count on another sale as soon as the first version of the book is out! ;)

I appreciate the love dude! :)

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First Post
I'll help you playtest if you're interested at all. I'm painfully new here, and lost what few posts I had when the boards went so zany, but I've been running various epic games for a while now, and have worked as a copy-editor in the past. As a side note, never work as a copy-editor. You take what work you can get, which means you're quickly trying to decide if "she touched his strong, manly chest" is a better phrase than "she ran her fingers down his strong, manly chest."


A fallen seraphim for the master of epic...

Let me know if any of my math is wrong...I do hate making mistakes. I decided fallen seraphim in my campaigns would look like the mortals they seduce into evil. I also decided that in order for these few and very rare beings to stave off the numerous and potent forces of righteousness, they would have to be exceedingly powerful. Afterall, good creatures work well together, while evil turns in on itself in the most gruesome ways. As for their beauty. I thought it would be fitting if a beautiful angel walked up, ripped out someones still beating heart and then ate it. Not all that is evil need be ugly. If you have any tips or suggestions, I would be most honored to have them.

Cosmic Nemesis, Fallen Universal Deva
Medium Outsider (Angel, Evil, Extraplanar, Fallen)
Hit Dice: 177d100+6195 (47,790 hp)
Initiative: +60
Speed: 1000 ft. (204 squares), fly 4000 ft. (perfect)
Armor Class: 288 (+50 deflection, +20 Dex, +32 divine, +176 natural), touch 112, flat footed 268
Base Attack/Grapple: +177/+263
Attack: Claw or Slam +232 melee (10d10+54 plus 10d10 divine/19-20)
Full Attack: 6 claws or slams +232 melee (10d10+54 plus 10d10 divine fire/19-20), and 6 wings +229 melee (8d6+27 plus 8d6 divine fire)
Space/Reach: 5 ft./5 ft.
Special Attacks: Androgyne ray, authority, divine fire, ray of damnation, spell-like abilities, spells, splendrous visage, summon fallen angel, wrath of the fallen
Special Qualities: Beatific visage, damage reduction 85/-, divine traits (old one), fallen angelic traits (first choir), infinity halo, regeneration 85, slipstream, spell resistance 219, unholy messiah, virtual size categories
Saves: Fort +157, Ref +142, Will +166
Abilities: Str 119 (+54), Dex 51, Con 81, Int 82, Wis 98, Cha 111 (+50)
Skills: Omnicompetant - All skills 212 + ability bonus
Feats: Awesome Blow, Combat Reflexes, Cleave, Empower Spell, Enlarge Spell, Extend Spell, Great Cleave, Greater Spell Penetration, Heighten Spell, Improved Bull Rush, Improved Critical (slam, wing), Improved Initiative, Improved Natural Attack (slam), Maximize Spell, Multiattack, Power Attack, Quicken Spell, Silent Spell, Spell Penetration, Still Spell, Weapon Focus (slam), Widen Spell
Epic Feats: Automatic Metamagic Capacity* (x24), Blinding Speed, Devastating Critical (slam, wing), Dire Charge, Enhance Spell, Epic Prowess, Epic Spellcasting, Great Smiting, Metamagic Freedom*, Overwhelming Critical (slam, wing), Spectral Strike, Superior Initiative *New epic feats - see page 3
Environment: Any
Organization: Solitary or Council (7)
Challenge Rating: 190
Treasure: Black Bible of Insidious Hypocrisy
Alignment: Always evil (chaotic, lawful or neutral, dependent upon the plane)
Advancement: 178-255 (Large), 256-265 (Huge)
Level Adjustment: +96

[Assuming you do not die when you gaze upon it] This creature resembles an incredibly beautiful dark violet human male at the center of a miniature violet star. He has six arms, each gently poised. Its emotions are unreadable, as if simultaneously it can show antipathy and sympathy. Six devastating black wings bloom from his back, catching the light like perfectly polished mirrors. You have never witnessed a more beautiful creature, even his motion is majestic as if embroiled in some choreographed pavane. His six voices call out to your soul. As he approaches, you feel your essence almost explode with rapture and you sense that before this moment you failed to understand the true meaning of sin.

The balsareph, sometimes known as angels of sin, are the manifestations of the failings of the upper planes of good. In eons past they fulfilled the role of cosmic nemeses, who sought out and battled good overgods for the greater glory of evil. Now their role is involved with disrupting the cosmic balance. Seven fallen balsareph are known to exist, each, in effect, is one of the lower planes and as a consequence also represents one of the seven deadly sins. Their true names are unknown to any except them. Like the fallen cherubim, these cosmic forces were imprisoned from reality in a bid to prevent the destruction of the universe from the devastating wars fought between overpowers. As with all cosmic deities, balsareph cannot be encountered unless they are first awakened from their eternal slumber. An event of such magnitude would require immense power, and such an action would likely dramatically destabilize the bonds holding its diametrically opposed cosmic cellmate. Balsareph are some 7 feet tall, with an 21 foot wingspan, and weigh 14.08 metric tons (28,160 lbs.) due to their incredible density.


Balsareph were once the cosmic champions of the first choir and as such are awesome combatants. Assuming the opponent makes it past the balsareph’s splendrous visage ability, each of their six arms can act independently to either attack, cast spells, or use their light of the fallen. A balsareph’s natural weapons, as well as any weapons it wields are treated as evil-aligned and epic for the purpose of overcoming damage reduction. Although a balseraph can bite someone, they prefer to use their more potent abilities. In the even that they do bite someone, they inflict damage as appropriate as well as poison similar to that of a pit fiend's.

Androgyne Ray (Su): Balsareph can project a ray of light which will cause the target to permanently change sex. The ray has a range of sight and there is no save for this effect.

Authority (Su): The voice of a balsareph is the voice of all leaders. Anyone hearing it is affected by rulership (as per a rod of epic rulership). Up to 1600 Hit Dice within a 7480 feet radius can be affected. Those with an Intelligence of 17 or greater can make a Will saving throw (DC 175) to negate the effect. The save DC is Charisma-based.

Beautific Visage (Su): In addition to it's protective aura, a balsareph radiates an aura of beauty. All hostile targets within 7480 ft. radius of the angel must make a Will save (DC 175) each round or be charmed. The save DC is Charisma-based.

Cosmic String (Ex): Balsareph can only be permanently destroyed by a being of equal or greater stature to themselves. Otherwise they rejuvenate within 1d10 rounds.

Divine Fire (Su): Balsareph are wreathed in a brilliant violet flame tinged with blackness. This energy, also known as quintessence, or the fifth element deals divine fire damage. Anyone grappling with, or being struck by one of the balsareph’s natural weapons suffers an additional amount of divine fire damage equal to the base damage dice of the attack. If the balsareph scores a critical hit with its natural weaponry this damage is also doubled.

Divine Traits (Ex): Balsareph are effectively old ones and as such add a +32 divine bonus to: armor class; attack rolls; checks (ability checks, caster level checks, skill checks, turning checks); difficulty class (for any special abilities, spell-like abilities, spells); initiative; saving throws and spell resistance.

Fallen Angelic Traits (First Choir):

• Hit Dice change to d100’s. Maximum hit points per die. Total hit points always doubled (regardless of where they are).

• Clairaudience/clairvoyance over the entire layer. As well as darkvision and low-light vision.

• Immunities: Ability damage or drain, acid, cold, disease, electricity, energy drain, fire, paralysis, petrification, poison, sleep, stunning and death from massive damage. They are immune to non-epic magic and all abjuration, conjuration, enchantment, illusion, necromantic and transmutation magic.

• Omnicompetent (Ex): Fallen angels of the first choir know all skills and have maximum ranks in each.

• Protective Aura (Su):This aura acts as an octuple strength magic circle against good (+16 deflection and +16 resistance bonuses) and a anti-magic field (that doesn’t impede your magic) for anyone within its area of effect. Both effects have a radius of 7480 ft. (caster level 209th). This aura can be dispelled (by epic magic), but the fallen angel can create it again as a free action on its next turn.

• Spell-like Abilities (Sp): At will - astral projection, etherealness, greater teleport, plane shift, shapechange . Caster Level 177th. The save DCs are Charisma-based.

Infinity Halo (Su): This double halo of pure darkness represents the closed circle of energy. This allows balsareph to transcend the normal limitations of magic and as such can draw upon spells from any source, be they arcane, divine, druidic or even psionic.

Ray of Damnation (Su): The purpose of the balsareph is to convert the righteous to wickedness. To this end they can deliver a ranged touch attack with a range of 12,000 feet. Targets struck by this beam have their alignment changed to evil. There is no save for this ability, however, those beyond morality, such as beings with the apostasy power are immune.

Regeneration (Su): A balsareph takes normal damage from good-aligned artifacts, and from epic spells or effects with the good descriptor.

Slipstream (Su): Balsareph cannot be affected by temporal magic unless they so wish, neither can they be undermined by time travel.

Spell-like Abilities: At will - meteor swarm (DC 189), miracle, prismatic sphere (DC 189); 3/day - living fire* (DC 190), rain of fire (DC 190), 2/week - vengeful gaze of god (DC 190). Caster Level 209th. The save DC is Charisma-based. *As living lightning except fire instead of electrical damage.

Spells: As 88th-level Clerics (Caster Level 209th) with access to two of the following domains: Evil, Fire, and Sun. The save DCs are Wisdom based.

Typical Cleric Spells Prepared (6/17/17/17/17/16/15/15/15/14; save DC 86 + spell level): Duplicates any 0-8th level divine spell or 0-7th level arcane spell using its miracle spell-like ability. 9th - gate (2), implosion, mass heal (6), storm of vengeance, summon monster IX (2), true resurrection (2). Epic spells per day: (24)

Epic spells known: contingent resurrection, dreamscape, eidolon, epic counterspell, epic mage armor, epic repulsion, epic spell reflection, greater ruin, kinetic control, let go of me, living fire, mass frog, momento mori, nailed to the sky, peripety, rain of fire, raise island, safe time, soul dominion, soul scry, spell worm, superb dispelling, thrice unholy, time duplicate.

Splendrous Visage (Su):In addition to its protective aura, those who gaze upon a balsareph’s majestic brilliance may be destroyed utterly. Not for nothing are the balsareph known as angels of sin, for the very sight of them can overwhelm lesser opponents causing them to explode with rapture. Anyone within a 500 ft. radius of the fallen seraphim is instantly obliterated unless they currently have 88 Hit Dice or more. There is no saving throw for this affect. The balsareph can block this effect by using four of its wings to cloak itself, each wing used in this manner reduces the effect by 22 Hit Dice.

Summon Fallen Angel (Sp): Once per day a balsareph can summon one of the fallen cherubim or one fallen ophanim and all seven fallen kyriotates.

The Light of the Fallen (Su): Each hand of the balsareph can emit a line of divine fire dealing 88d100 damage (average 4488) up to a range of 480 feet. Targets can make a Reflex save (DC 180) for half damage. Each hand can emit this divine fire once every 1d3 rounds. The save DC is Constitution-based.

Unholy Messiah (Su): Balsareph cannot be harmed, either willingly or unwillingly, by any being of evil alignment unless it wields power akin to an elder one or above.

Virtual Size Categories: Balsareph possess seven virtual size categories.

Wrath of the Fallen (Su): Should they so desire, a balsareph's gaze can deal 88d100 divine fire damage (average 4488) to any targets within a radius of 240 feet. Victims appear to spontaneously combust. This power can be raised or lowered as a free action. Balsareph can use this power as an attack action, which opponents may face up to 2 times per round, once on their own action, and once on the fallen seraphim's action.

Possessions: Balsareph carry a Black Bible of Insidious Hypocrisy


Description:These ancient scriptures hold the sum of all fallen angelic knowledge since before time began. Two massive violet gem encrusted black rods contain the knowledge which when pulled apart, bleeding diagrams and sigils appear in the space between the rods as if the symbols were written upon invisible vellum.

Powers: Any being opening the scroll, requiring two hands, knows the abilities, powers and weaknesses of any opponent that has ever been encountered or interacted with in any way by a fallen angel. In which case any enemy of the holder of the scroll gains a - 32 insight penalty on to its: armor class; attack rolls; checks (ability checks, caster level checks, skill checks, turning checks); difficulty class (for any special abilities, spell-like abilities, spells); initiative; saving throws and spell resistance equal to their Wisdom modifier. If the foe has never before been encountered by any fallen angel then no insight bonus is gained until a subsequent meeting between the two takes place. Should the fallen seraphim choose to use the scroll, it cannot make any slam attacks. The effects of this artifact is not included in its stat block.
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Imagine one of those crossed with an orichalcum golem. I could see such a circumstance arising if a fallen seraphim was on the verge of death and fused with an orichalcum golem as a last resort.You should make an abomination that was once a normal angel of some sort, but was forced by circumstances beyond it's control to fused with an orichalcum golem. Something pretty, but destructive. Female preferably, so few monsters out there are female. It strikes me as a bit sexist.
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dante58701 said:
Cosmic String (Ex): Fallen seraphim can only be permanently destroyed by a being of equal or greater stature to themselves. Otherwise they rejuvenate within 1d10 rounds.
How would this be handled? That kind of defeats the usual D&D paradigm of a party of 4 heroes defeating an enemy more powerful than themselves...

Hey there Saerynishar! :)

Saerynishar said:
I'll help you playtest if you're interested at all. I'm painfully new here, and lost what few posts I had when the boards went so zany, but I've been running various epic games for a while now, and have worked as a copy-editor in the past. As a side note, never work as a copy-editor. You take what work you can get, which means you're quickly trying to decide if "she touched his strong, manly chest" is a better phrase than "she ran her fingers down his strong, manly chest."

Thanks for the help. :)

...and as someone with a strong, manly chest I can reveal that the latter does tickle more. :p

Currently, it looks like the Pre-ordering will begin on Monday 5th June.

However I probably won't ship the Playtest document until Thursday of that week. The reasons being that...

a) I have to get the cover painting done for the Pre-order release and thats going to take me the best part of this Saturday/Sunday to finish (by the way I have sketched it out and I think you will all love the illustration of Thrin vs. Apophis). ;)

b) This afternoon/evening I have to finalise the Bestiary and send it to the Printers, which involves some changes to the cover (product codes, bar codes, price, a spine etc.) and I want to double check all the text one last time just to be on the safe side.

Incidently the Epic Bestiary: Volume One should be on sale in September 2006.

So basically thats three days less time working on the text than I otherwise thought I would have, and obviously I want to have as much of the text finished as possible for the Playtesters to get their teeth into.

I can't simply delay the Pre-order past Monday 5th since I need to have at least some small amount of money entering my account by the 16th of June, otherwise I'll have to borrow yet more money and likely have to pass on the only local gaming convention of the year in Belfast (Q-Con) which runs from the 16th-18th June.

Early adopters will be able to Pre-order for $12.50. The final price will be between $13.50 and $13.95. The current build of the book I have is 200 pages, and that may rise to as many as 208 for the 'Gold' release*. So if you Pre-order you will be saving between 7.5-10%.

*Yes I am finally confident that it can go no higher than 208 pages. ;)

As a pricing guideline I have been thinking roughly 10 cents/page for the first 100 pages and 4 cents/page after that, and finally rounding down to the nearest .25/.50/.75/.95. Of course you don't count pages like the credits, table of contents and open game license as actual pages in this case. Does that seem fair/unfair to people?

So (given the 4 pages of credits, contents and OGL)
160 pages would be $11.95
192 pages would be $13.50
200 pages would be $13.75
208 pages would be $13.95

Hey dante! :)

dante58701 said:
Let me know if any of my math is wrong...I do hate making mistakes.

I am too busy to check math for you, but I will give it the 'once over'.

dante58701 said:
I decided fallen seraphim in my campaigns

Firstly, a fallen Seraphim would be called a Balseraph (Anti-Seraphim)

dante58701 said:
would look like the mortals they seduce into evil.


dante58701 said:
I also decided that in order for these few and very rare beings to stave off the numerous and potent forces of righteousness, they would have to be exceedingly powerful. Afterall, good creatures work well together, while evil turns in on itself in the most gruesome ways. As for their beauty. I though is would be fitting if a beautiful angel walked up, ripped out someones still beating heart and then ate it. Not all that is evil need be ugly. If you have any tips or suggestions, I would be most honored to have them.

My initial ideas would be to have them turn purple, and gain the Fiendish Creature Template. I assume there are either 7 Balseraph, or at least 7 beings of power equal to them who represent the 7 lower planes. Each could also be corrupted by one of the Seven Sins. Over the eons they could have been so corrupted that they would no longer be recognisable as Seraphim.

I think I used to have a list of the seven Old Ones of the lower planes somewhere. Off the top of my head, Erebus was one. I'll try and hunt down the list for later. I am sure I had it in front of me yesterday.

dante58701 said:


What I would say is that your CR/ECL is wrong since I updated all the Bestiary CRs using the latest build of version 6.

Light of the Fallen may well be broken.

Also I don't think I would give them the Scrolls of Divine Holy Knowledge, although I suppose they could have corrupted it into the Black Bible of Insidious Hypocrisy which gives opponents a -32 insight penalty rather than a bonus to the Seraphim.

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