In Defence of Chickens [IC]


The bar is not so difficult to pull free from the door of the blackened building, and as far as you can see there is no other lock on the door. Two of the horrific faces sculpted on the door hold large metal rings in their mouths to serve as handles.

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"Wait, put that back." Ranken says to the people coming late to the building, "I don't think we should go in there. It's barred on this side. We can always checks what's in there later."

Yasha says, "I agree. No need to stir this hornet's nest."

OOC: My characters would have stopped someone taking the bar off but Turnip already wrote that the bar was removed.


The bar is not so difficult to pull free from the door of the blackened building, and as far as you can see there is no other lock on the door. Two of the horrific faces sculpted on the door hold large metal rings in their mouths to serve as handles.

Yolo Swaggins

The brash halfling pushes his way to the front of the crowd, grasps the pull ring on the right hand door, and pulls. "There's no point standing around twiddling our thumbs!" he exclaims, "or my name isn't You Only Live Once Swaggins!"


Game Designer
Wenzel, the Orphan
Emboldened by Yolo's speech, Wenzel jog to catch up with him and peeks between the doors as one is opened.

Edelgard and Markus
Both drop their rocks on the ground, and seeing the center of action moving to the doors, they slowly make their way towards it.

She eyes the group moving towards the door, but with worry at her brow, she stays with Alice to make sure she's alright.

Voidrunner's Codex

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