In Defence of Chickens [IC]


Yolo Swaggins

"Very well!" exclaims the excitable halfling, "if you will not follow my eminently reasonable and obviously correct suggested course of action, what would you have us do! It is well and easy to say 'NO', like a child, but an entirely different matter to conceive of a plan and have others follow you!"

Nope, no chance of beating that roll

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"Sir, I have already said we can check this place out on the way out of this foul place. Perhaps you couldn't hear me while you were shouting You Only Live Once." Ranken says. "Now, let us go to the other door that isn't barred from this side and see what we can discover."


the magical equivalent to the number zero
Billy and Granny
Granny Grain rolls her eyes at the exchange.

"Let's not argue amongst ourselves. We've got friends and family to find, and livestock."

She points at the door that is closed from this side. "That's probably where the cattle is kept, but I doubt they keep people in there, too."

"Or corpses," Billy Happy adds sourly.

"Indeed. So let's stay together as a group."

Jack and Calvin
Jack the dungfarmer nods, not one to take the lead. Calvin Littlebrook, still fussing over the mud on his shoes, eagerly starts for the other door Ranken indicated, hoping at least to find a cleaner place.

"This way, then?" the halfling haberdasher asks. waving everyone over.


Investigating the door to the south-east tower, there is no visible lock, but it appears to be held shut, probably by something from the other side.

Standing close, there are faint, muffled sounds coming from the other side. It sounds like there are animals held in there.


Yolo Swaggins

"By gum!" he exclaims, "if I can't open that door, I surely will open this one! Cover me, boys!" He proceed to carry out his intentions.


The door is blocked fast from the other side, but as Calvin and Billy approach to help him, Yolo throws his full weight against the rusty door.

With a dull thunking sound, it bursts open inwards, revealing a dark interior about 40 ft in diameter. Yolo is immediately hit by a rotten, foul stench; a mix of waste and putrid meat. Skins line the floor, some of sheep; some of cows and others that with a stomach-turning realisation you grasp are human skins.

There's a narrow staircase running up the back wall of the tower interior, underneath which you can just make out motionless figures in the shadows, dangling from chains spiked into the walls. But then you see other figures, moving. Strange, twisted mockeries of men. One has a huge, furred hump breaking through the back of its tunic, on which you can just make out a moving face. A second, closer to the door, has scales which reflect the light from outside and a forked tongue which dangles down as low as itschest. You can vaguely sense that there are more hiding in the darkness, all gripping spears and snarling bestially.


Yolo Swaggins

"I knew we should have opened that other door!" he mutters to himself as he throws his might against the door to shut it again.

OOC: Trying to shut the door before they get out.


Yolo Swaggins

"I knew we should have opened that other door!" he mutters to himself as he throws his might against the door to shut it again.

OOC: Trying to shut the door before they get out.
OOC: Yolo bashed the door inwards, closing it would mean running into the tower to grab it. Give me a DC 15 Agility check if you want to try that without them being able to stop you.

Voidrunner's Codex

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