In Defence of Chickens [IC]


The creature bellows in pain as the awl sinks in deep, blood splurting out over its hooves. Its clearly badly hurt, and spins round to face its attacker.

@JustinCase - Granny is prone in front of the monsters - it would take her action just to stand up. Jack and Calvin are still stood by the door right in front of the big, now injured guy.

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the magical equivalent to the number zero
Granny groans softly as she looks into Billy's lifeless eyes, right before her. Those bastards! Instead of getting up, she angrily takes her chances still on the floor; she grabs her pitchfork and, over the prone body of her late friend, goes for the legs of the creature that so easily knocked her back. The angle is difficult, however, and in her rage Granny strikes with more power but less precision.

Jack advances nervously. He had hoped this wouldn't be necessary, but seeing the monsters advancing, he knows he must act. Clumsily, he stabs his trowel at the nearest enemy. It's not a bad attack, actually, but the makeshift weapon barely makes a scratch.

"Stay close," Calvin whispers to Jack, doing exactly that. The halfling haberdasher refrains from attacking the foul creatures; he holds his scissors ready but mutters a prayer he won't need them.


Those of you in the doorway see Granny's form vanish from view as the beastmen leap onto her prone form, jabbing downwards viciously and repeatedly with disturbing, cackling cries, and stamping up clouds of dust from the filthy floor.

The filthy creatures scamble forward to where the massive bulk of the bull-headed creature is blocking the doorway, more appearing from the darkness behind them. The huge beast stares with disbelief at the gaping wound in its leg, from which blood continues to spurt, and with a bellow of rage brings his axe crashing down with mighty force on his attacker, cleaving the little halfling's body in two!



Talia, as a noblewoman, attempted to rally her troops saying, "Fall back! Get together in a group! Don't let them cut you off from the others, or we all won't make it out of here!"

She pressed forward, determined to show her father that her disputed sword training hadn't been in vain.
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the magical equivalent to the number zero
Alice the miller is still somewhat dazed from her encounter by the well, but when she hears the commotion she comes running towards the others.

"Granny!" she shouts in disbelief, as she watches, still so far away, how the old corn farm matriarch goes down. Not an easy woman to get along with sometimes, Alice nevertheless had come to an understanding of sorts with Granny Grayn and even liked the old tough lady.

Furiously, Alice runs on, cursing the Gods under her breath, hoping that somehow she would find the power to avenge the deaths of so many villagers.

Meanwhile, Fleetfoot Mac follows Talia closely, easily keeping up with the noblewoman. "Defensive positions," he adds to her commands, forming a line with his hammer raised.


Markus dragged Dav away from the crowd. As soon as he was safely at a distance from the monsters, Wenzel moved in to help him. Together, they brought the missing lad to Margrit, who was a town healer. (She moved up to halve the distance between them). She took a look to see if the lad could be revived.

Edelgard, from his position behind the corner of the wall, flung a dart at the thing that had killed so many villagers. Unfortunately, there was such a crowd, that the dart didn't find its mark.



The bull-headed monstrosity limps forward with a raucous bellow when it sees Markus escaping, holding its axe high overhead. Vasha sees the chance and plunges his blade into the exposed chest.

The bellow cuts off with a startled squeak, and the beast stands motionless for a moment, before the axe drops from his hand and it slumps to the floor, body landing with a thud face-down in front of you.

There's a brief pause during which the creatures huddled behind stare in apparent shock, before they all begin to surge towards with strange shrieks and howls of panic.


A suffusion of yellow
Seeing Yolo split in two made the orphan turns pale and backs off into a corner, looking for somewhere to vomit, he might be brave but he wasnt suicidal.

Give a yelp as the Bull monster collapsed and Spotting the boys plight the two dwarfs looked at each other and then Fritz moved to help Koby and give him some cover should any thing monstrous break through.

Ivan examined the door of the Fire Blackened building, wondering if getting inside to some shelter might be worthwhile - and not just a trap that would bring more of the twisted things down on them

The Elf Stradew took aim with the shortbow, ready to fire if any of the twisted things got pass the first line,
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the magical equivalent to the number zero
"Can we make a funnel?" Calvin calls out nervously, his voice quacking as the haberdasher watches the monsters advance on them. The halfling swings his pair of scissors in front of him, hardly daring to look if he hits anything.

Hitting nothing but air, Calvin keeps waving his intrument in front of him. "I can't hit them for the life of me!" he says in desperation.

Jack, meanwhile, takes a step forward, hoping to hit one of the creatures before retreating back to the defensive line. The unlucky dungfamer half-slips on the bloody floor, however, and it takes his full concentration to keep his feet under him.


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