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Tom Cashel

First Post
Bronn, Velm doesn't seem to be listening to you.

After Van tests the stability of the rubble and finds it all too stable, Wolf wriggles his way into the cracks, and works his way upward. It takes close to a half-hour, but he makes it to the surface (which is about ten feet up through tumbled broken slabs of stone).

Bronn, Wolf speaks in your mind. "(sense of awe) There is a lot of dust over everything. Crushed bodies of troglodytes...lots of them. (hopping a short distance) It seems that the entire Hall has been reduced to rubble. I don't see any--yikes!!"


"There are creatures scavenging for meat in the rubble. A giant cave lizard just went past. Do me favor, Spellforger...ignore your stupid cousin next time, okay? It is dangerous up here!"
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Bronn Spellforger

First Post
I relay this information to everyone.

Wolf! Hide as best you can, and get back here (if it's feasible). No need for you to get eaten. You have done exceedingly well. I'll get the Ranger to feed you more frequently.

Tom Cashel

First Post
You're damn right I'm coming back, Spellforger! I don't know what else is lurking up here, but I hope it doesn't like to eat incredibly intelligent and talented toads like myself.

That whitehair
better give me some more crickets, or I'll just have to piss in his rations.

After about twenty minutes, Wolf manages to reach you safely by wriggling back through the rubble.

Bronn Spellforger

First Post
OOC: This is my last post.. it's been me and Tom back and forth for a while. I shan't post again until we hear from Saeita.

Wolf: Good work, Wolf! My smelly cousin could never replace you as my familar. Now sit back and relax a bit. Soon I'll be casting powerful fire evocation magics ... you'lll love the rush.

Well, we know there's some cave lizards up there... not much we can't handle. Plus, they'll probably leave us alone if we leave them alone (and the blasting may frighten them off for a while --cave lizards are easily frightened, but they'll return in greater numbers).

The question is, what happened? Did someone destroy this entire temple? I suspect the dragon, but the stone said it saw flames before it fell... a wizard did that, not an acid-spewing dragon.

So how should we get out of here?

Something to consider... I can breathe underwater for hours if need be... I could scout out those tunnels.
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Saeita Nevi

First Post
Or maybe wolf could scout those tunnels, he seems to be doing a fine scouting job so far. maybe his little frog friends can point us into the right direction. that is if we want to go for a swim -- I don't know how van and roman feel about getting wet again.

And yes, Bronn, I am quietly here, I have to wait until you, snowcap and velm blow off some of your... steam, you three are a bit excessive.

I am now just waiting for my chance at nightscale.

are you satisfied at hearing my voice now Bronn?

Tom Cashel

First Post
"It's certainly a welcome change from the terrified bleatings of that coward who fancies himself a wizard.

"I too am ready to take a stab--or a slash--at Nightscale."

Caramip Murnig

First Post
Gee whiz, you folks sure make it hard to concentrate. I was TRYING to learn more about the drum! (OOC: perform check 12)

By the way, I was wondering.... How sure are we that you met Corpsecoil rather than, as he claimed, Flamecoil? There WERE flames up there, after all.

For that matter, why were the bones the key to getting out of the prison? Could the prisoner have been able to take the bones and recreate the bones' owner? Then the bones (Shieldcoil?) might have been able to free the prisoner.

Also, didn't someone say that there were four coils? If I've heard the name of the fourth, I'm drawing a blank. I think that I shall go off into a quiet corner and try to remember what I knew from 200 years ago.... But facing all four coils (and Hathos? including Hathos?) has a certain... literary appropriateness. (OOC: Just in case it does me any good, Bardic knowledge check 21.)

Tom Cashel

First Post
The Perform check doesn't yield any new info about the drum.

As far as 200 years ago, Cara, from your knowledge there were only three Coils...the Corpsecoil, his lover, companion and apprentice the Shieldcoil, and the Coil itself--the organization of serpent creatures brought on board to aid in the subjugation of Aerunedar. Of course, the latter-day Sons of the Coil might be considered a fourth...

In short, you never heard of a "Flamecoil" until recently.

Bronn Spellforger

First Post
Velm -- Is that anyway for a familiar to talk? Careful how you toss around that "coward" word... remember how accusations are solved in Clangeddin's hall, foolish cousin. I'd hate to lose you before such an important battle.

Cara -- Wow! We need to get your straightened out before you begin singing tales of our adventures (remember, that's "Bronn" with two "n's").

Okay, first, Flamecoil is the name that Ruathgrym (the Corpsecoil) used in an attempt to trick us all... We had all though we'd destroyed Corpsecoil in Rivior's Hall (before you joined our band)... but it turned out to be a ruse. Corpsecoil called himself Flamecoil... but there is not real Flamecoil.

Hathos wasn't a coil... he betrayed the clan of Dwarves living here (Clan Darkfell) at one point... but regretted his betrayal and returned to trap Corpsecoil (so we think).

Once trapped, the Corpsecoil asked to retrieve the bones of his lover, the Shieldcoil to "lay them to rest," as he told us. However, once we found those bones, we think he had some sinister use for them. We're not sure how he's going to use them, but personally, I think he plans to bring her back to life... and then ask her to free him from his prison. (I see you think the same thing).

So there's where we stand.

Saeita -- Always nice to hear your lovely, yet spooky voice. I'd rahter not send Wolf off into strange tunnels to explore, but I'll do it myself if need be. Once I find a way out, though, how will everyone come with me?

One last thing... which of us is using a shield? I know Roman can't use it right now, but someone's got to be using that Ghost shield... it has the power to turn a spell back against its caster... very powerful! If we're up against anything that casts spells, someone's got to take this out and use it.
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Caramip Murnig

First Post
Just wanted to make sure we were dealing with what we *knew* wherever possible. (Well, okay, I did get confused about how many coils. Brrronn, right? As for Hathos, he WAS a traitor--who knows what else? Besides a powerful bard, I mean.)

I think maybe I should have tuned the drum. I have now done so. (OOC: perform check 22)

Anyway, it doesn't matter how your name is spelled, you're Wolf's familiar--that's the important thing, isn't it?

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