D&D General Industry Veteran Jennell Jaquays Passes

Legendary game designer and artist passes away at the age of 68.


Jennell Jaquays was an important figure in the development of Dungeons & Dragons and the tabletop roleplaying game industry. She passed away today at the age of 68. Known for her work on Dark Tower and Caverns of Thracia, she was a game designer and artist; she was responsible for many RPG covers, including Dragon Mountain. Jennell worked for TSR, Judges Guild, and Chaosium, amongst others, as well as video game companies, working on Quake and Age of Empires, and was also an activist for trans rights, instrumental in bringing about important legislation as creative director for the Transgender Human Rights Institute. Jenny had been suffering from Guillain-Barré syndrome in recent years.

Our condolences go out to Jennell's friends and family. The industry lost a legend today.


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bedir than

Full Moon Storyteller
Her "Campaign Sourcebook and Catacomb Guide" book taught me how to run a game - when I was a teenager growing up in a small town in the Bible Belt with no one else to guide me. Still keep it on my shelf. I wish I'd had the opportunity to thank her in person for helping light the way to a hobby I've enjoyed for decades.
My wife bought me this book for Christmas.
I'm going to devour this week in honor of Jaquays

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