Information on 2019 releases?


So other than the fact that Lantan will be the focus of an adventure at some point and that there will be at least one setting released next year do we know anything else about next year's release schedule? If not when are we likely to get more information?

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41st lv DM
I'd say it's reasonable to expect something where having that giant $200+ ship model WizKids has coming would be usefull in.

There are rumors and speculation.
I’m uncertain they’ll do three storyline adventures in a row, and the current AL season is running until next August. So maybe another accessory of some kind, another campaign setting, or a compilation adventure.
Who knows?


Speculation Specialist Wizard
The next Fireside Chat is today, we may get some information today. I remember back in October, Stewart and Welch were talking about Welch's first project being the Spring 2019 product and were teasing an announcement for November's Fireside. Since Welch was on vacation during that time, it was being pushed to maybe today. It was also mentioned that the Summer stream would be announced before the end of this year in order to give people time to make travel arrangements if they wanted to show up.

As always though, plans may have changed. I will give it a definite maybe that some news could be dropped today.

Now, as far as what those products could be...I think we're due another Xanathar type book, but I don't know if they have the content ready. I don't think we're getting another monster book yet either. My guess would be the "campaign setting" in Spring, the planar adventure in Fall (probably a version of the Great Modron March), and the November book could be that Xanathar style book with at least 8 months of playtest time. For the campaign setting, it could be as simple as another PDF release. I would hazard a guess that Wayfinder's Guide could be finalized by Spring...but we haven't seen the next iteration of the artificer yet.

The Big BZ

I'd say it's reasonable to expect something where having that giant $200+ ship model WizKids has coming would be usefull in.
I listened to an older Dragon Talk yesterday with an interview with RA Salvatore were the hosts pretty much confirmed that there is a Pirate themed product in the offing. Add that to the Wizkids ship, the last UA and lots of other things and it points pretty firmly to a 2019 piratey book.


Speculation Specialist Wizard
Nevertheless I do not think we are due another one any time soon. Not for another four years at least!

We shall see!

I listened to an older Dragon Talk yesterday with an interview with RA Salvatore were the hosts pretty much confirmed that there is a Pirate themed product in the offing. Add that to the Wizkids ship, the last UA and lots of other things and it points pretty firmly to a 2019 piratey book.

Piratey? piratey? Spelljammer nowhere near confirmed? :-D

Voidrunner's Codex

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