D&D 5E Instant gratification versus saving money

How the hell is chapters a WPN?
It ain't.

...But they are the biggest book retailer in Canada, and I'd wager they contribute significantly to D&D sales in this country. It's probably important to WotC to keep D&D in big-box stores like Chapters, so I suspect WotC not about to pick a fight with them; WotC looks the other way, and both companies profit from Chapters breaking the street date.

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For a decent-sized discount (say 20%), I'd wait. If for no other reason than that I don't really have time to read the book just now anyway.

However, Amazon UK aren't currently offering any discount, so I don't have to make that choice. :)


Research shows that those that learn to wait for gratification are happier, healthier, and wealthier than those that cannot. That said, I would buy from a store if i liked it. But then I can afford that decision.

I totally ate my marshmallow


World of Kulan DM
I bought it today.

I was able to get it for CAN $54.94 from Warp 2 here in Edmonton. In order to mitigate my costs, I sold four 4E books and another RPG book for $30. So, i look at as if I only spent $24.94 for the 5E PHB.

And it was SOOOO worth it! This book is awesome!


My FLGS sold it at a 20% discount for preorders. Had to pay tax on it (but that will be equal out because you pay local sales tax on all purchases through Amazon out of the goodness of your heart and desire to be a law abiding citizen right?) but it was not terribly expensive.

In this case, this is a dense tome with lots of fun inside. Still a great deal.


Got mine at Myriad Games in Salem a couple of hours ago. Would have paid full cover price, but turned out they're taking 10 bucks off the core book and 5 off Hoard, so that's pretty snazzy. Been jonesing for this for a while, so there was no real way I was gonna be able to hold out. Also, I like to support my FLGS, even if it's a 40 minute bike ride away. And they're pretty friendly up there.

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