Interesting germ of an idea for a campaign


I think it is an interesting idea, but I think you can come up with better ideas for effects. I like the first one, but the others seem a bit lack luster.

For example:

* Wild magic - Any spell that directly targets you, has a random effect instead. Any spell that you cast is random as well.
* Empowered - Your spell casting abilities are increased, but so is the effect of spells used against you.
* Empath - You can naturally detect magic, detect individuals with magical powers, and their power level.
* Linked - Your spells are extra powerful when you are directly in contact with a particular element/material.
* Uncontrolled - Whenever someone is struck by your spells, there is a 25% chance the spell also hits another target within 10 ft. of the original target.
* Pulse - Whenever you cast a spell, all creatures adjacent to you take half the damage of the spell as well.
* Blast - Whenever you cast a spell, the struck creature(s) are knocked prone, unless they save.
* Draw - You can only cast spells by drawing energy from a nearby source, but spells of that energy type are extra potent. (fire spells from nearby fire, water spells from a river)
* Marked - Magical energy has left a permanent magical mark on you, that causes a specific type of creatures/monsters to avoid you, unless specifically attacked by you.
* Wellspring - You can sense a very powerful source of magic from miles away, and pinpoint its location. This includes natural magic fissures. You can tap into such fissures to completely heal your wounds.
* Steal - You can also cast the spells of any creature you are currently touching, provided they are of a spell level you can cast, regardless of what class the spells belong to.
* Necrotic - Whenever you slay a living opponent with one of your spells, it rises as a zombie and attacks your enemies. This zombie dies after 3 rounds.
* Drain - Any offensive spell you cast and that deals damage, heals you for 1 hp.
* Suffering - Casting spells or using magical items causes you physical pain.
* Transformation - Whenever you come in contact with magic, cast a spell, or use a magical item, it causes a minor transformation in your own appearance.
* Growth - Flowers bloom and butterflies are attracted to you whenever you invoke magic.
* Resistance - You are immune to one particular school of magic.
* Link - You can cast the same spell that an ally casts during the same round, provided you can cast spells of that level.
* Blessed - You have the ability to transform any of your spells into an equivalent cure wounds spell of the same level.
* Fury - Whenever you recast the same offensive spell during the same battle, you may add an extra damage die each time.

Wow, that's...super detailed! LOL It's nice, but I was going for something a bit more simple along the 5e lines so I wouldn't have to keep pages of notes. And it was just a germ of an idea. But good ideas! Another inspiration for me was the idea of "Knacks" from the Powder Mage Chronicles.

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"High magic world where everybody has some magical ability?" You're thinking of Dark Sun. Wait, I'm sorry, that's "psionics," not "magic."

I like your ideas. I don't have an issue with your options layout, but the scarcity of spells in 5e means you will probably we a lot of overlap/duplication in the long run. Probably even in the short run. As long as you are flexible with players' ideas and allow people to riff off your basics, it should be super cool.

A couple of immediate thoughts:

1. Do people have to roll? If I have a great idea for a Null or an Initiate/Ritualist can I just play that?

2. How will magic items interact with the Nulls? Can they use them? Are they subject to their effects? This could have interesting ramifications.

3. Be prepared for some sheistering and minutiae. "I cast levitate on the guard to move her up and out of he way." "Sorry, she's a Null. Your spell doesn't affect her." ". . . Ok, I cast levitate on the gravel under the guard's feet to lift them and her up and out of the way."

It can be cool to have people think outside the box a bit but I don't know how much you've thought about it.

Another source or inspiration, for a literary world that has the same basic idea as yours, is the Darksword trilogy from the mid 80s. If you haven't read it, it's well worth checking out. Its approach may be helpful in setting up your world.

1. No, I guess people don't have to roll. I just have a fondness for rolling (and it goes with the "born this way" theme).

2. Magic items: Trickier, but I have given it some thought. Yes, they can use them -- depending. The magic is inherent in the item, so they could use a +1 sword, for example. But any magic that requires activation they would be unable to use. So they couldn't activate the flames of a flametongue sword, though it would still count as magic for the purposes of resistance and such. They couldn't activate wands or rings of invisibility, but a +1 Ring of Protection would work (always on). If a magic weapon is used on them, I would say they would be immune to at least parts of it. For example, a +1 sword will probably maintain the accuracy bonus to hit them (inherent in the item), but the Null would be immune to the +1 damage. But...a sword is a sword. It's still going to hurt. They would be immune to any activated effects, like the flames of a flametongue sword.

3. I am looking forward to some of the creative use of spells to get around the Null. I would probably rule you can't levitate the gravel, though. It isn't a single object. But if they're standing on a stone slab or boulder, and it doesn't violate the weight restrictions of the spell (including the weight of the Null), then yes, levitate that rock -- and the man standing on it! Throw that tree at him with telekinesis when you find you can't actually grab the man himself. All valid. Or start the grass on fire around him with your fire bolt.


Does that sound interesting?

Great! :)

3-4: Roll 1d20. This is the number of total levels you may take in spellcasting classes before you hit the limits of your aptitude. You may multiclass out to a non-spellcasting class with no ability restrictions once you hit your aptitude limit. If you choose to multiclass earlier, you must follow normal multiclassing rules. If you choose not to take a spellcasting class, you still receive the benefits of #2, but lose those feats if you do take a spellcasting class. You retain any spells from the feats that match your spellcasting class as part of your spells known and lose the others.

My only concern with this (and it might have already been mentioned - haven't read the entire thread) is that it doesn't as written tie into your mental abilities (int,wis,cha). Ofc this can be easily fixed.

But otherwise I really like the concept. Good job.


Great! :)

My only concern with this (and it might have already been mentioned - haven't read the entire thread) is that it doesn't as written tie into your mental abilities (int,wis,cha). Ofc this can be easily fixed.

But otherwise I really like the concept. Good job.
Was working on the concept of 20 levels of casting works nicely on a d20 lol I was thinking of it in terms of your natural inborn magical aptitude. Perhaps your die roll plus your casting modifier? But that runs into the levek cap.

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Guest 6801718

If you're creating a high magic world where the majority of people have magical abilities, then your d4 system doesn't really mesh with that idea. It's a very interesting and cool idea, though most of the options actually limit magic considerably. Rolls of 1 and 2 take all magic using classes right off the table, for example. A roll of 3 or 4 lets you take a magic using class, but the level you can take is random. Those options are actually less magical than just playing a regular wizard, warlock, or any class that has magic in a regular D&D campaign. I like the idea of the Null as a kind of backlash to a very magical world. The rest of it seems like it needs to be more in line with an abundance of magic though.

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