I think it is an interesting idea, but I think you can come up with better ideas for effects. I like the first one, but the others seem a bit lack luster.
For example:
* Wild magic - Any spell that directly targets you, has a random effect instead. Any spell that you cast is random as well.
* Empowered - Your spell casting abilities are increased, but so is the effect of spells used against you.
* Empath - You can naturally detect magic, detect individuals with magical powers, and their power level.
* Linked - Your spells are extra powerful when you are directly in contact with a particular element/material.
* Uncontrolled - Whenever someone is struck by your spells, there is a 25% chance the spell also hits another target within 10 ft. of the original target.
* Pulse - Whenever you cast a spell, all creatures adjacent to you take half the damage of the spell as well.
* Blast - Whenever you cast a spell, the struck creature(s) are knocked prone, unless they save.
* Draw - You can only cast spells by drawing energy from a nearby source, but spells of that energy type are extra potent. (fire spells from nearby fire, water spells from a river)
* Marked - Magical energy has left a permanent magical mark on you, that causes a specific type of creatures/monsters to avoid you, unless specifically attacked by you.
* Wellspring - You can sense a very powerful source of magic from miles away, and pinpoint its location. This includes natural magic fissures. You can tap into such fissures to completely heal your wounds.
* Steal - You can also cast the spells of any creature you are currently touching, provided they are of a spell level you can cast, regardless of what class the spells belong to.
* Necrotic - Whenever you slay a living opponent with one of your spells, it rises as a zombie and attacks your enemies. This zombie dies after 3 rounds.
* Drain - Any offensive spell you cast and that deals damage, heals you for 1 hp.
* Suffering - Casting spells or using magical items causes you physical pain.
* Transformation - Whenever you come in contact with magic, cast a spell, or use a magical item, it causes a minor transformation in your own appearance.
* Growth - Flowers bloom and butterflies are attracted to you whenever you invoke magic.
* Resistance - You are immune to one particular school of magic.
* Link - You can cast the same spell that an ally casts during the same round, provided you can cast spells of that level.
* Blessed - You have the ability to transform any of your spells into an equivalent cure wounds spell of the same level.
* Fury - Whenever you recast the same offensive spell during the same battle, you may add an extra damage die each time.
Wow, that's...super detailed! LOL It's nice, but I was going for something a bit more simple along the 5e lines so I wouldn't have to keep pages of notes. And it was just a germ of an idea. But good ideas! Another inspiration for me was the idea of "Knacks" from the Powder Mage Chronicles.