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Interview with Scott Rouse, Chris Perkins & Bill Slavicsek

Kid Charlemagne

I am the Very Model of a Modern Moderator
sjmiller said:
I would like to answer this as well. I find the internet content to be particularly challanging to use because of its lack of portability. I can read a magazine at my leisure, anywhere I want, including outside. I cannot do that with internet content as I can't take my desktop with me everywhere.

Having the content on the 'net doesn't inherently make it better for me - though if its something I can copy-n-paste into word docs (which I would then print out as needed) that would be a minimal level of portability. I've doen that with a lot of the current WoTC content on the page.

I think they'd need to work at making the content as portable as possible. I'm not so concerned about reading in the same way as I'd read a magazine. My concern is with making the content useable at the game table. Everything revolves around that - for me.

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I appreciate the interview, but I'm still going to take a wait and see approach to the actual DI. However, I do like that they are going to continue some of the articles that we see today and that the tradition of freelance submissions will continue. My one big worry is who will be in charge of the DI content from an editorial standpoint? Filling the shoes of the Paizo editorial staff is going to be a big challenge, right up there with pricing and format, IMO. Those three issues are going to be the deciding factor for me when decision time comes up in a few months.



I'd like to echo the idea that some others have put forward to online VOIP play complete with wiki access to rules, dierollers, character generation, etc. It's really the only thing I can think of that gives me more than what Dragon and Dungeon gave to me in the past.


Thanks for driving the herd.


First Post
JVisgaitis said:
When 3e came out the same thing happened to Dragon and Dungeon as far as 2e content. I'd expect it to be the same with the Digital Initiative.

When WotC switched from AD&D to 3E, all the new content changed, but all the hard copies of your old content stayed the same. (obviously) Some gamers were upset with the switch but they still had all their campaign details at their home.

The difference I'm worried about in the future is that many of the features that are being requested for the DI will mean that your campaign detail, access to character sheets, access to monster stats etc etc will be hosted at WotC. If you have been using WotC's DI to run your 3.5E game and dont want to switch to 4E what happens to all that information you accessed from the WotC site?


The_Gneech said:
This is pretty much where I am. WotC should know what I want, because I bought it every month like clockwork. I want print trade magazines. The online content might be great, in which case I'd want it as well as the magazines, not instead of.

-The Gneech :cool:

Pretty much where I stand as well.


Hanging in there. Better than the alternative.
Joël of the FoS said:
Now, Scott, while I appreciate immensely that you registered here and ask for our input - which is very cool, it would be much better if you actually answered a few of the concerns or ideas put here (instead of laconic one liners :) ). I do not say this to be nasty, mind you, I really wish an on going discussion with WotC on the subject.
Hey, give him a chance! His first post here was last night at 10pm. He's a busy guy, I wouldn't be surprised if he could only post here (some) nights. Considering he stayed past midnight and likely had to be at work early today, I'd say he's definitely giving an effort to follow the discussion.

Just because you can post in the middle of the day doesn't mean he can. ;)

Thornir Alekeg

PoeticJustice said:
I have serious issues with their ambiguity regarding pricing.

More than 5 years ago WotC shut down their Magic magazine, the Duelist, and promptly revamped their website so that it puts out 2 or 3 professional quality articles every day. Knowing this, I was overjoyed to hear that Dragon content would enjoy a similar renaissance. Then I read this interview and they said DI might come with a price tag.

In order for me and my university expense account to continue buying Dungeons and Dragons material, the website must be kept 100% free of charge. No subscriptions. No premium content. Free material on the web or I walk.

Just curious: Did you have a subscription to Dragon and/or Dungeon? If yes, and the online subscription were the same price, or maybe even less, would you still walk? Why would you be willing to pay for the mags, but not for online content (DRM issues aside for the moment, since they are unresolved - assume you can download and keep everything).

If they offer content that is better for you than a single WotC splatbook, for a price lower than a single splatbook, would you consider not buying one less physical book and get a subscription instead?

I've found that some people have an attitude that just because it is on the web, it should be free. I've never quite understood that.


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blargney the second said:
By the way, I'm taking this to mean that the WotC guys are listening in this thread to what we want them to do. Empowerment to shape the future of a product doesn't come every day. I'm as sad as anybody at the loss of Dungeon, but that doesn't prevent me from letting them know what parts of it I want to see continued.
We are listening (but not in a Big Brother way!) so do please continue sharing your thoughts here.


Hanging in there. Better than the alternative.
Thornir Alekeg said:
Just curious: Did you have a subscription to Dragon and/or Dungeon? If yes, and the online subscription were the same price, or maybe even less, would you still walk?
Assuming DI is the same amount of material as Dragon and Dungeon, I'd expect a lower price since publishing stuff online is way cheaper than printing it and distributing it.

They are looking like they're going to add a bunch of other features, though. I can't imagine that DI is going to include the number of articles as two monthly magazines combined (much less more articles), so maybe it'll balance out.


First Post
rycanada said:
Sounds like the DI is behind schedule, nebulous, and could easily turn out to be a total disaster. And for this, they cancelled my favorite magazines? This is just dumb. If the DI isn't up to snuff, all this anger they've created is going to get rekindled when they try to release it. I am so bummed that I put as much money as I did into Wizards products in the last 2 years. I feel like a sucker.

:\ I submit this is an unfair assumption. Not revealing our plans should not be taken to mean we are floundering. We simply want to announce our specific plans at a time that maximizes impact (that's a lot of marketing speak for "we want to make our plans known when people are most open to hearing them").

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