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Interview with Scott Rouse, Chris Perkins & Bill Slavicsek


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rycanada said:
Sounds like the DI is behind schedule, nebulous, and could easily turn out to be a total disaster. And for this, they cancelled my favorite magazines? This is just dumb. If the DI isn't up to snuff, all this anger they've created is going to get rekindled when they try to release it. I am so bummed that I put as much money as I did into Wizards products in the last 2 years. I feel like a sucker.

I've been a web developer for the past ten or so years and in my experience if they don't know exactly what the DI is supposed to do and support by now, they are in serious trouble. Four months is not a long time in software development cycles especially for something that's supposed to be this big.

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Veander said:
Hi lurkinglidda,

I doubt you could answer, but is it true you are being handed a lemon and are trying to make lemonade? I'm not sure who's idea it was to cancel these mags, but it couldn't have been a group WotC decision.

I can't speak on behalf of the corproation, but I personally am making lemonade. My understanding is that a number of folks were involved with the decision, and it wasn't hastily made, but as for who was involved I cannot say. I'm not privy to all those closed-door meetings :\


First Post
lurkinglidda said:
'sup Zaukrie. I've been pretty active on other message boards since coming to the D&D Brand team, but have only recently started hanging out here. That's basically because my job revolves around DDM & RPG accessories so I spend my time at sites dedicated to minis & such. I'm happy to speak up here when applicable, but there simply are a number of projects I'm not involved in. I'm doing what I can to be more visible here and I do believe other WotC folks are about to make the same efforts.

FWIW, any time I spend on the boards is personal time. I post when my job allows...meaning during lunch break or while at home. I can't speak for the others, but I'm pretty busy Brand-ing during the standard 40+ hour work week. Bear with me if I can't respond to all queries fast enough!

Feel free to comment in all the mini threads here or start some ;)
Thanks for what responses you can do.


First Post
Thanks to Morrus for compiling/summarizing/sending in the questions, and thanks to Scott, Bill, and Chris for taking the time to answer (and Linae for braving the messageboards).

For me, this particular statement:
What is the likelihood of seeing new online material being compiled in hardcopy format - perhaps an annual magazine, book or compendium?

Bill: Sounds like a great idea! In fact, it’s been part of our plans all along.
pretty much removed most of my disappointment in the cancellation of Dungeon and Dragon magazines.

With this, I'm more than good.


First Post
lurkinglidda said:
FWIW, any time I spend on the boards is personal time. I post when my job allows...meaning during lunch break or while at home. I can't speak for the others, but I'm pretty busy Brand-ing during the standard 40+ hour work week. Bear with me if I can't respond to all queries fast enough!
Hi Linae,
The fact that you're here at all makes a huge difference to me. Thanks for taking the time to give us your input. And BTW, doesn't it hurt the cows with all that brand-ing your doing? :confused:

One point about the answers we have received/will receive, I much prefer the straightforward "We can't discuss that right now" over ambiguous responses or non-answers. Specifically I was thinking of the response to the question about factors involved with replacing Dungeon/Dragon with DI instead co-existing; the answer was "Our online content plans will replace the printed magazines. That aside, we are still very much in the business of producing printed products." That's not the answer to the question!

Thanks again, all this branding talk has me hankering for some steak. :cool:


First Post

Here is what I'm looking for from the DI:

Information Lookup
I want to be able to search by subject (wiki-style) and get all relevant information for the subject.

For example, if I search for ghoul, I want to see the following on the page:
- stats for the ghoul
- single illustration
- notes on what has been errata'd from the print version
- official rulings and clarifications on the ghoul and his abilities
- expanded rules added after the print version (for example, what you can learn about the ghoul using Knowledge Religion from the Know Your Enemy articles)

Essentially, everything on the main page should be the basics of what I need in order to use a ghoul as DM. However, I also want links to the following:
- alternate illustrations of the ghoul
- expanded articles about the ghoul ("Ecology of the Ghoul")
- D&D Miniatures information such as which sets have ghoul figures and the downloadable cards for those figures
- related information to the ghoul (ghasts, undead in general, the turning rules...)
- a link that imports the ghoul straight into a monster/character generator so I can advance him, add levels or templates, alter his feats or skills, and then print out the resulting character sheet.

That's just a sample for a monster, but I'd want similar style things for classes, races, magic items, rules, etc...

Character/Monster ToolKit
I want a character generator that allows me to build my PCs/NPCs/Monsters. This should be able to:
- create and level-up characters (obviously)
- equip those characters with weapons and magic items and see their stats change appropriately
- take monsters and alter them (add class levels, advance them, add a template, change feats or skills)
- create houserules for my campaign (maybe gnomes get +2 CHR in my world)
- allow any of this to be stored on-line and downloadable by those with access (like google docs)
- easily import characters and monsters from on-line adventures
- incorporate the magic item creation rules
- create new content such as monsters, spells, magic items, etc...
- allow me to create new, but very basic, classes, races and prestige classes
- print the resulting character or monster in a variety of formats
- [Bonus Feature] incorporate the rules for Alter Self, Polymorph, Alternate Form, Reincarnate, etc... so you can easily alter your character for these events

Mapping Toolkit
I want to be able to create maps for adventures. Features:
- Create maps that are indoors/outdoors/underground
- add door, furniture, columns and other basic features
- add traps, secret doors or monsters that can be toggled on or off when showing the map to the PCs
- a "fog of war" that hides sections of the dungeon until you click on them
- easily import existing maps from on-line adventures
- build or break down the map with dungeon tiles (if possible)
- break out sections of the map so that they can be printed out at different scales, all the way up to a scale compatible with miniatures
- the ability to import the maps into an on-line game

I want on-line adventures with these features:
- the ability to import maps, monsters and characters into the toolkits above
- the ability to automatically alter the adventure within 2-3 levels of the intended level
- the ability to automatically convert the adventure to different settings
- included links to the Information Lookup pages described above
- artwork for new monsters, unusual rooms, etc...
- well formatted for the whole adventure to be printed out if necessary
- generate lists of all D&D Miniatures used in adventure
- the ability to easily use the adventure in on-line play (see 2 sections down)

Combat Tracker
I want an on-line combat tracker I can use with on-line play or with a PnP game:
- enter all combat participants, either manually or from toolkits
- set initiative order, either by handling the die rolling itself or allowing the DM to set it manually
- reorder initiative when someone readies an action or delays
- track damage and current status of participants (dazed, sickened, sleep, bleeding, etc...)
- track spell and effect durations on participants
- a dice roller than can display a result of any set of dice being rolled
- if the characters/monsters have all stats entered, allow the program to optionally handle dice rolls internally. You could ask it to make a DC 20 Fort save for a monster, or see if a bleeding character stabilizes, or just have monster A attack character B and it would show the result and damage

On-Line Play
I'd like to be able to meet on the internet with other players and play live. We would need:
- a central room the would contain a map of the current encounter (uploaded from Mapping Toolkit), links to characters (Character Toolkit), and a chat window
- to chat privately with individual players
- move into the Combat Tracker for combats
- allow players to move characters on the maps in the combat
- option to auto-handle attacks of opportunity, concealment calculations, grapple rules, and other similar things.
- track changes to character sheets (XP, damage, loss of spells, used equipment)
- easily upload on-line adventures to be used in this arena
- be able to pause the adventure and store everything in its current state so that the game could be resumed later

D&D Miniatures
- quickly find miniatures by monster type for later purchase
- run skirmishes on-line
- have on-line tournaments

This is all the functionality I'd want out of DI (that I can think of right now), although I would certainly not expect all of this on day 1, or heck, even year 1. I would, however, like to see this be the roadmap for DI, so that I know these sort of things are coming down the pipe, and things that are planned for are easier to implement in the long run.

For the content, I want to be able to access all the monsters, spells, feats, etc... that are out there. I'd be disappointed if I were limited to only the core books. I'm guessing this will be handled through micro-purchases or varying subscription levels, there's simply no way for you to know I own a Monster Manual III and allow me to digitally browse all the monsters in it. Repaying for that content doesn't particularly excite me, but I have no alternative practical solution. For the future though, I'd like the purchase of printed content to also allow access to digital content.

Thanks for the chance to let me add my 2 cents.



First Post
Sammael said:
I can certainly attest that both Linae and Stephen "Shoe" Schubert maintain a very nice presence on Hordelings, where they often discuss mini-related issues with fans.

/me waves to Lidda

:cool: <waves @ sammael> yo

Riley said:
I haven't seen anyone actually compare this action to rape. Maybe I missed it. However, I do keep reading posts claiming that people have been comparing this to rape.

And, in fact, it's still happening.


EDIT: And the moderators are very quickly reacting to it!

Everyone is entitled to feel however they like, believe whatever they like and (within the rules of the forum) say whatever they like. But I assure you, it does impact how seriously professionals take what else you say.

It can also color how likely it is someone who already spends 40 or more hours a week staring at a computer screen is going to come to that forum to chat.

EDIT: And, to be fair, how moderators handle it is going to impact people's opinion of a forum as well. Swift, even reactions help reduce the overall impact significantly.
Last edited by a moderator:


First Post
ScotMartin said:
Here is what I'm looking for from the DI:

Information Lookup
I want to be able to search by subject (wiki-style) and get all relevant information for the subject.

Character/Monster ToolKit
I want a character generator that allows me to build my PCs/NPCs/Monsters. This should be able to:

Mapping Toolkit
I want to be able to create maps for adventures. Features:

I want on-line adventures with these features:

Combat Tracker
I want an on-line combat tracker I can use with on-line play or with a PnP game:

On-Line Play
I'd like to be able to meet on the internet with other players and play live. We would need:

D&D Miniatures

For the content, I want to be able to access all the monsters, spells, feats, etc... that are out there. I'd be disappointed if I were limited to only the core books. I'm guessing this will be handled through micro-purchases or varying subscription levels, there's simply no way for you to know I own a Monster Manual III and allow me to digitally browse all the monsters in it. Repaying for that content doesn't particularly excite me, but I have no alternative practical solution. For the future though, I'd like the purchase of printed content to also allow access to digital content.

If (and I do mean if) the new whatever the heck it's called did all of this, as well as the stuff in the original "D&D Insider" listing, and the content was customizable (i.e., collecting/arranging/tagging whatever content you want in whatever and as many collections as you liked), and your access to content is not dependent on being logged in all the time, and custom collections could be downloaded/printed on demand, and the quality and variety of content equalled or surpassed the existing magazines ... then I'm in.

Basically, it will need to be as content-rich and easy to use and accessible as something like XBox Live to sway a lot of us who are not inclined to jump onboard at first blush.


First Post
Scot Martin, I absolutely love your suggestions, especially on the information compilation. That said, however, I think it is far too optimistic - I doubt it will be THAT good.

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