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Interview with Scott Rouse, Chris Perkins & Bill Slavicsek


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Jim Hague said:
What well and truly bothers me is the attitude that, somehow, the folks at WotC doing D&D have somehow become 'the enemy'. I think that pulling in the license and cancelling the magazines was a mistake...but assuming that there's some sort of evil corporatism afoot is at best naieve and at worse strays into sheer lunacy. WotC is in the business of making money, and that means getting with the program to expand their online presence. Whether the DI will or won't do this is something that remains to be seen.

Absoluetly correct. WotC is not the enemy. Just because I strongly disagree with the decisions they have made, for perfectly valid reasons, does not mean that I consider them an enemy. They are doing what they feel is best for them as a company, and D&D as their product.

They are the captains of the boat that we are sailing on, and they are taking us down an unknown river with the promise of a wonderful destination at the end of the voayage. They can't tell us how long we'll be sailing or what we'll find when we get there, and they can't tell us how they are going to avoid the sandbars, rocks and debris along the way. All they can tell us is that we shouldn't be worried.

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Thornir Alekeg

People keep commenting that WotC won't say why they cannot support both print and digital formats. I can come up with one reason, and the reason they won't some out and say it is fairly obvious given the reaction of some fans of the magazine: they don't want to.

WotC has a strong interest in developing a solid digital format brand. If they put out both a print and digital format of the magazines, they know they will end up with some people buying print, and others digital, and will therefore have to pay the overhead to support both formats.

I'm willing to bet that the print subscribers would outnumber the digital from the start. That isn't what they want. They want people going digital, but if you give people the print format, what incentive do they have to change? Instead, they decide they will forego the print format, knowing full well that they will lose many old subscribers to the magazines. They hope that there will be enough people subscribing to the digital format early on to make it worthwhile to continue, and that over time more people, including some of the old print subscribers, will hear about the content they are providing and will come around and subscribe.

To be honest, that is exactly how I would look at it and present it if I was the one pitching the DI to Management. There are greater risks (alientation of part of the fan base, loss of well known brand names in the magazine format), but the potential rewards are greater as well (ability to reach more people worldwide, greater flexibility, greater costs certainty).


First Post
Jim Hague said:
How do you know it's a poor substitute? Have you seen what DI entails?

DI is a completely inferior product to me. I don't want e-content. I want a paper mag I can hold and read. I want to be able to bring it to my gaming table. I want to be able to read it at work during downtime. Additionally, I spend most of my work day looking at a computer screen and don't want to spend more time at home looking at e-content.

As someone who vehemently opposes this move, I actually think the content will be at least to the quality level that Paizo is currently doing in print. However, the delivery method is what I'm opposed to. I don't want e-content and I will not purchase e-content. That's why Paizo has my money with Pathfinder (for now and dependent on quality) and WotC does not with DI.
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First Post
Thornir Alekeg said:
People keep commenting that WotC won't say why they cannot support both print and digital formats. I can come up with one reason, and the reason they won't some out and say it is fairly obvious given the reaction of some fans of the magazine: they don't want to.

WotC has a strong interest in developing a solid digital format brand. If they put out both a print and digital format of the magazines, they know they will end up with some people buying print, and others digital, and will therefore have to pay the overhead to support both formats.

I believe this to be totally true. WotC would be foolish to compete with themselves by releasing print mags and e-mags, unless the two featured entirely different content. This is all about maximizing profit and it would seem to me (assumption, granted) that they believe the e-model provides the most profit. As sad as that is for us print magazine fans.

Jim Hague

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Ghendar said:
DI is a completely inferior product to me. I don't want e-content. I want a paper mag I can hold and read. I want to be able to bring it to my gaming table. I want to be able to read it at work during downtime. Additionally, I spend most of my work day looking at a computer screen and don't want to spend more time at home looking at e-content.

And there's something that's finally, thankfully coming out in thse various threads: it's not a good choice for you. I could exhort the virtues of, for examples, my own products (buy buy buy! ;) ), but if you don't like PDFs, they won't work for you. It's that simple.

As someone who vehemently opposes this move, I actually think the content will be at least to the quality level that Paizo is currently doing in print. However, the delivery method is what I'm opposed to. I don't want e-content and I will not purchase e-content. That's why Paizo has my money with Pathfinder (for now and dependent on quality) and WotC does not with DI.

And thus the good of the hobby is served anyways, by keeping money flowing into content producers you wish to support. ;)

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First Post
Jim Hague said:
And thus the good of the hobby is served anyways, by keeping money flowing into content producers you wish to support. ;)

The problem is that I want to support the content that I will no longer have the option of supporting, a paper Dragon and Dungeon.

It irritates me that they've taken that option from me, just as it would irritate me if any company stopped producing a product I regularly bought and enjoyed.

Jim Hague

First Post
Ghendar said:
The problem is that I want to support the content that I will no longer have the option of supporting, a paper Dragon and Dungeon.

It irritates me that they've taken that option from me, just as it would irritate me if any company stopped producing a product I regularly bought and enjoyed.

Unfortunately, as they say, them's the breaks. :\ The magazines have several months of life left, there's Pathfinder, and there's also the oft-lauded paper back issues or Dragon on CD. Given the sheer number of magazines available, there's plenty of content to last any number of campaigns for years to come, I'd think...


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It's true that there is a lot of content available for those who own the back issues. Which I do have. The loss of content is not the only thing that I decry.

The fact that electronic content is inferior, for me, personally, seems irrelevant. I don't make purchasing decisions for people who prefer electronic content. I make purchases for myself, and I purchase the things that I like. I also purchase them for others, and I'm an 'opinion leader' for a number of people involved in D&D.

Now, when I decide that I won't purchase a digital product, sight unseen, it is because I KNOW that the product won't satisfy my wants or desires. So far, the debate on price has been immaterial. I certainly won't pay for it. I might peruse it if it were free on an occasional basis (though very infrequently). There are a number of reasons why I prefer the physical content.

WotC doesn't care about what I prefer. They've said that repeatedly. Now, if you're right, they're doing this because they're motivated by profit. If that is the case, it is my duty as someone who enjoys D&D to let them know that while they may increase profits, the very real threat of diminishing profits exists because of this business decision. I don't know that they considered the negative response appropriately, despite their business acumen.

What I know.

1) The decision to non-renew the license was made a long time ago, and, in fact, the final issue would have already been delivered if an extension had not been granted for the purpose of completing the Adventure Path in Dungeon.

2) The decision to non-renew the license was made, at least for the most part, by WotC. Paizo has indicated that they'd continue publishing the magazines if given the opportunity.

3) With the decision being made over a year ago, there has been plenty of time to begin developing the replacement product. With the difficulties inherent in electronic content they must be either very close to completion (if it is to be released in September) and thus cannot really accept customer suggestions for change, or are not very close to release and there will be a gap after the magazines stop being produced and there will be 'lost content' for a period of time.

I'm upset about not being told anything. I'm upset about being lied to. I'm upset about receiving a form letter back to my clearly articulated complaints that failed to address any of the points I mentioned. I'm upset about being told that I should be excited about the new direction the 'magazines' are taking. I'm upset that people say this is an 'evolution' when by definition, a magazine is a paper periodical. And I'm upset that some people think the world is a better place simply by putting an 'e-' in front of the things you love.

I don't want an e-cat despite the fact that it would mean no litter box to clean up, no scratches when a cat jumps off my shoulder unexpectedly. I don't want an e-wife no matter how much less expensive that is. I don't want e-kids. I played the Sims. Sure, it is fun for a while, but it isn't nearly as fulfilling.

I don't want e-books, and I don't want e-zines.

I do want to make sure I've clearly stated my preferences. I do want to pay money to a company that provides the content that I want. And one of the things I want is something I've had for a long time. That is a monthly periodical for my D&D content (or two). The first company that can provide that to me, assuming they produce a quality remotely close to that of Paizo, will be the company that I'll be most inclined to spend my money with.

And to the company that decided not to continue providing the products I want, I'm done with their new products. I would expect them to be pretty eager to keep gamers like me (and I know I'm not alone) because we've been loyal customers for so long. It will take a lot of effort to replace all these dissatisfied customers with new ones. The cost to gain a new customer compared to the cost to keep one - well, it seems to me like it would be good business sense to try to please the largest number of people.

However, I don't have a business degree. I only represent one person directly. And while I hope I've communicated my message clearly, I'm not adverse to repeating it many times to be sure that is the case.

In the case of WotC I don't believe they've heard or understand. I think they think I'll stop being upset after two or three months. I know myself well enough that I can be upset about this for many years. And no matter how long I withhold my financial support, once they give me what I want, I can always pick up the material I missed in the original release.


First Post
deadDMwalking said:
In the case of WotC I don't believe they've heard or understand. I think they think I'll stop being upset after two or three months. I know myself well enough that I can be upset about this for many years. And no matter how long I withhold my financial support, once they give me what I want, I can always pick up the material I missed in the original release.

Nice post :D
I think they are indeed hoping that we will stop being angry and then look at the e-content. Then, when we see it, we'll want to have it.

Well, I won't.

It has nothing to do with being angry or not being angry. It has to do with a delivery method I have no interest in supporting.


Writer for CY_BORG, Forbidden Lands and Dragonbane
deadDMwalking said:
I only represent one person directly. And while I hope I've communicated my message clearly, I'm not adverse to repeating it many times to be sure that is the case.

FWIW, you have communicated it clearly, and reasonably as well. I'm just curious as to why you feel that you have been lied to by WotC?


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