After a short nights rest at the Tower's Shard tavern, Johanel, Sedar, and Bloodtalon are ready to head out again. It is early morning and the return trip to the Cogs is much quicker now that you know the route. Through the industrial section of the Cogs, the warrens of Blackbones, and finally the monstrous humanoid sections of Khyber's Gate.
By mid morning you've returned to the market square you were in the previous day. There are fewer goblins here in the early morning and more exotic races. A pack of 4 hyena-headed gnolls pass through quickly, their nostrils flaring as they track some elusive scent. Across the square a pair of harpies sit perched on the rubble of a merchants stall that was open just yesterday.
Suddenly, you spot something familiar. A group of goblin children are lounging around one of the empty stalls watching a young goblin male regailing his audience with a story. Unnoticed in the small crowd, you are able to slip closer to hear a voice you recognize. "...soz I led thems right ta Scratcher an' his gang lik theys paid meh to. Dez kilt thems surfacers and tooks all der gold bak ta da hideyhole. Scratchers gunna giv' meh eh big share."