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Into the New World, Chapter 1: Amongst the Verdant Towers


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Erin woozily gets back to her feet and nods at Enko, not needing any second thoughts about THAT.

She rushes to her mother's cart as she looks for the elders, to make sure Anka's okay before going on.

(assuming nothing wrong)

On finding an elder she grabs his sleeve and points at the mountain, "A mountain's exploded and everyone's panicking!" she tells the patriarch. "I didn't do it! Enko and...the...that boy with the wolf...they knew it was coming. So did Quoth. What should we do?!"

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Ignored again, Cleyra thinks as the two she was following run off in different directions. But I can still help! Enthusiastically, she joins those trying to help the wounded. Though she knows nothing of treating injuries, she might be able to keep things organized.

{{OOC: Now might be a good time to point out that I can offer +3 bonuses on Fortitude saves. As the area of this aura is 60 feet, Cleyra will center herself as to included as many of the fainted/wounded as possible.}}
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Within the first few minutes after the earthquake and eruption, the paniced screams and shouts die down, the shock and terror gradually overwhelming people until they are numb of thought. People stare passively at the distant, fiery mountain even as those skilled in healing tend to their wounds. Some villagers close and bar their doors, fearing disaster; others stumble listlessly across debris-strewn alleys.

Gradually, order returns to Cuirlen. Healers stabilize the most injured and move them to a central location, while people who have kept their wits about them gently gather those who are more shell-shocked. Others run or ride to the outlying hamlets to assist recovery efforts there. The Elders move about the populace, offering aid as they can and doing their best to keep the people calm and collected.

As the sun begins its scarlet descent under the horizon, people from nearby hamlets begin to trickle into town. These people, especially the ones who lived nearest the river, show signs of hardship which the people in the village proper mostly managed to avoid. Broken limbs, long gashes where buildings collapsed onto them, and even a few corpses born on stretchers stream slowly into Cuirlen's central areas. Tales begin to circulate that the farming villages have been devastated. Fewer than one house in ten remains standing, and Sotera herself has been tirelessly expending her most powerful magics - creating living servants out of the River itself - to extinguish fires and prevent the surging, earthquake-driven waters from washing away what remains of the settlements.

As the rumors and tales continue to circle, threatening to start the panic anew, the members of the Council of Elders clamber up onto an overturned wagon. Phaidros casts a quick spell and raps the butt end of his staff sharply against the wood of the wagon; the noise it makes carries unnaturally far, quickly silencing the crowd. Pantheras steps forward and addresses the gathered populace; his voice, too, is amplified and projected such that all can clearly hear him.

"My fellows, tragedy has struck here today. I do not know what, precisely, has happened." Immediately, the crowd begins to mutter and murmur, but Phaidros bangs his staff against the wagon again and silence returns. "I do not know what happened, but I do know this: we are lucky. There have been deaths, yes, and few homes outside the village still stand. I mourn for those who have lost. We all do.

"However, most of the people were here, in the village, not in collapsing houses or near the river to be swept away. To my knowledge, there are only fourty-seven people missing or dead at this point - most of the missing are hunters out in the field who could not have returned so quickly - and only a few more still at risk of death from their wounds. Even now, Sotera communes with the river, expending all of her energy to turn back the second flood brought by the shaking earth. I have no doubts that she will be successful in her task. Our fields have already been planted for the spring. Our lives are, mostly, still with us. Our homes may be gone, but they can be rebuilt. We will continue. We will survive. The spirits are still with us."

As his speech winds down, Pantheras steps back and allows Eriboea to take his place. She takes a long moment, sweeping her gaze across the village square, meeting the eyes of as many hopeful people as she can, then begins to speak. "There will be much work to do. We need to get new houses built, which means we need to cut more wood. Some of the fields have been ruined by the second flood, so we will need to hunt and gather more food and perhaps even slaughter some of the herds. According to Phaidros' auguries, the earth-quake and the fiery mountain have disturbed the dark spirits of the forest and some of them may relocate closer to town; everyone outside town will need to be watched by those of us that can wield weapons and magic. Finally, we need to find out exactly what caused this disaster, so that we may prevent it from happening again if at all possible."

She takes a deep breath, then lets it out again in a slow sigh. "We will need volunteers from the village to do these things. Whatever your area of expertise is, the village needs it. We especially need hunters, for protection and for food. Anyone who can hunt or wants to learn to hunt will be welcomed, and trained if needed. We will immediately begin taking volunteers for rebuilding, hunting, healing, training new hunters, guarding the work parties, and for the exploration party. Anyone uninjured who refuses to help his fellow villagers ... will be exiled." Her eyes are hard as she ends her speech.

When Eriboea finishes talking, the Elders disperse to set up volunteer lists. Kallistrate holds the hunting list, Anakletos and Eriboea hold the rebuilding lists, Ambrosia holds the healing list, Mnason holds the guard list, Phaidros holds the training list, and Pantheras holds the exploration party list. At first the people stand in silence, then, gradually, the people being to talk amongst themselves and the crowd begins to disperse into smaller groups around each of the Elders. Even a few of the injured stand and hobble to one group or another, although they are gently escorted back to their beds and pallets.


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Ryon gets up and motions Growl to follow. C'mon Growl, lets help these people get to safety, wherever that is. The mountain spirit is really ticked off." Ryon helps treat the lightly wounded and revive the unconcious.

Dire Lemming

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Enko moves to where Ambrosia is holding the healers list.

He had not seen Artimisia when he'd gone by her house, presumably she had been hunting. He now looked around again for her as he waited in line.
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Nac Mac Feegle

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Thane shows up next to Pantheras, and speaks quietly. "You would be hard-pressed to find a hunter who has ranged farther or for longer than I, with my father gone. I will aid this exploration, and help discover what has troubled the spirits."


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Cleyra arrives late to the gathering. After aiding with the wounded in the town center, she quickly traveled home to ensure that Mathis and her mother were safe. Finding that they were and that damage to their property was fortunately minimal, she ventured back in time to hear the announcement regarding volunteers.

Naturally, Cleyra approaches her mentor's line, offering to help Eriboea rebuild. "However," she insists, "I also intend to lend my hand to the hunting parties whenever my duties will allow." Cleyra, as her father once was, is familiar with the motions of pulling a bowstring. She isn't much of a hunter, but she's reasonably confident that she could kill a rabbit if necessary, and these circumstances certainly seem to necessitate it.


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Ryon walks over to Pantheras. "Put me on that list as well, Pantheras. I know the land as well as any here, better than most. I know the forest as well as its denizens. How to fight them, and more importantly, how to avoid them. Kallistrate saw to that."


First Post
Like an arrow shot, Erin appears at Pantheras.

"I'll go explore too," she says. "And so will Alistia."

She looks around, spies Enko and waves him over.

"Over here!"

Erin gives the elder a nod. "Enko too."


Alistia considers the various options carefully, wondering where she can best help. She reasons that there are already plenty of healers in town, and she probably isn't cut out for guarding or hunting... That leaves exploration!

She sees Erin dart over in her mercurial way to old Pantheras. Well, looks like she got her wish thinks the young baker And she wants Enko on board... huh, she gets him over and not me... well, I'm going!

Trying to muster all the confidence she can, she walks over to the exploration line and says to Pantheras, "If it's alright, I'd like to be considered for the explorers group. If I'm allowed."

Voidrunner's Codex

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