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Invasion. Gathering of Heroes (February 1930)


First Post
Percy Ambleton-Smythe

In response to Ben's comment about leaving him to do the talking, Percy replies "OK. I'll use the upper-class twit act, so play along"

On seeing the armed guard, Percy comments to Ben "Well an armed guard in a warehouse is defiantly suspicious. This is England after all. Anyway we have seen enough here for the time being. Let's pop along and take a look at the other warehouse before investigating this one further. I'm afraid that could turn violent."

Percy and Ben head over to the other Long warehouse and once again settle down to observe it from a safe distance.

For "upper-class twit act" think Jeeves and Worster. If your not familiar try looking it up on You Tube.

If, after waiting for half an hour, there is no activity at the other warehouse. Percy and Ben will return to the original warehouse.

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Voda Vosa

First Post
----------------Billy Miles---------------​

Billy’s job was fairly easy during the first months in the force, traveling a lot, with his family joining him for long period assignments, such as the one in Egypt, where he spend three years, fighting and dealing with a local criminal society, with more than one terrorist attempt, known as the Pharos’s heralds. They preach that the Nile nation should return to its former glory by holly purification of the infidels to the ancient gods of Egypt. Billy was involved in solving the situations the Heralds produced, until after three years of service, the criminal society silenced. No more terrorists attempts, no more situations or demands to the government.
Billy and his family were assigned back to Switzerland, and Billy returned to his desk job for a couple of months.
His next big assignment came that same year. Several governments of southern Asia asked for a negotiator of skill to solve unsettling matters occurring lately. His first job was to assist Indian police forces to stop a series of terrorists from blowing up government buildings. The negotiations turned quite well really fast.
China was the next country in distress. A series of constant revolts among the lower resources class turned into armed raisings. Billy intervention helped ease the nasty situations that had occurred lately, but the problem was far from getting solved when Billy was assigned to Japan. In a desperate attempt to arrest a gangster band, the police force that was sent there end up splitting, and the gangsters captured most of one of the groups, and now made demands with the lives of the policemen at sake. The negotiation turned up quite well, and Billy managed to help releasing half of the effectives, before a special operation squad, unaware of the negotiations taking place, burst into the building where the gangsters were holding the policemen, and opened fire, killing almost half of the captives, along with most of the criminals.
Quite torn by his last assignment, Billy returns to the base, only to hear his new assignment before departing towards his homeland, United States of America. He was supposed to meet with an officer of the department of police of New York. The work was a simple one: Get a handful of Al Capone’s men to surrender, they had been cornered about two days ago in an abandoned factory by the law, but somehow, they kept the police away with a machinegun. Before blowing the whole factory up, the government decided to try out some diplomacy.
Billy managed the situation nicely, and seeing themselves out of luck, ammo, and the reinforcements of Capone, the three thugs surrender.
A good day’s work ended with Billy, walking alone in the streets of the big city, on a silent and dark neighborhood. The peace of the starry night suddenly broke with the sound of a gunshot, then another, and another, and a fourth, before a cry of pain! Billy rushed towards the sound, and spotted a few meters away, a man crouched behind a car, bleeding, and another one shooting at the first, who shots back. The man standing seemed strange someway, not taking cover nor seeming to care if he was shot or not.

----------------Waller Ackermann---------------​

Waller manages to pull away the crates, which seemed to be plugged to a mechanisms of sorts, some rope and a few gears. Under the wooden crates, lays a trapdoor. Waller heard no one answering his call, so, luger in hand he opened it.
There was a staircase made of concrete, descending to a metal door, several meters below the surface. Waller wandered about the nearby water body, and how was this isolated from it.
Placing his ear on the door, he heard footsteps closing in, so he holstered his pistol out.
A small panel at the height of the eyes opened, revealing a pair of blue eyes with brown eyebrows. “Who’s there? This is private property, so you better get out of here.” The eyes move around, apparently not spotting Waller who remains in the dark stairs under the door. Perhaps the mechanisms revealed his presence.

----------Jasper 'Quicksilver' Mortello----------​

Apparently convinced of Jasper’s appearance, the man nods. “Yeah? What is it?” he crosses his arms around his chest. Jasper mentioned he needed to go in the main room to search for a missing menu, so the man just stepped away from the door. “Whatever…” he said, disregarding.
With dissimulated the former mafia agent moved around the main lobby towards the stairs the waiter had mentioned. Up the stairs he found a small corridor, with a bathroom, a small guests room, and an office. The door to the guests’ room and the bathroom were open, but the office door was locked down. Peeking through the keyhole reveals a desk with several documentation on it; probably what Jasper is looking for.
-------------- Percy Ambleton-Smythe-------------​

Percy and Ben stayed several minutes walking around, and pretending. In that time they saw a man entering the warehouse, with another armed man on the inside opening the door. After about 15 minutes the gates opened again, and a black limousine came out. The armed man closes the door and gets into the side seat. On the back, Percy spots two gentlemen, one is whom entered a moment before, and the other, is Sir Archival Long in person. The limousine drives off quickly.
The two agents hurry to presumably empty warehouse and after a little scouting they found indeed no one inside. The back door was easily unlocked by Ben’s skilled fingers. As a young boy, Ben used to be a bugler, but that’s another story. Percy surveys the area quickly with his flashlight, and notice that this warehouse is mainly for administrative purposes. There is a big office in one corner with a by luxurious desk and a tall archive, and several other archives and desks scattered orderly throughout the place. The employees must have gone to their houses by now.

--------------Dr. George Wilkinson-------------​

George fires and misses again, quickly retrying behind the car as Andrade moves with robotic determination. His next shot bounces off against the car’s metal, but would have hit the scientist otherwise. As George shift his position, he catches in his eye another person, which steps out of the street, dressed with suit and holstering a gun.
[sblock=Initiative and conditions]
16 George 25/36
15 Billy 40/40
14 Andrade

Pistol shot: 17 vs AC miss[/sblock]


Speeding things up a bit, sorry for the delay, a really huge post to make. Note that Billy incorporates into the fight of George, so failedreality, read George's part too.
As for the others, I kinda took some decisions for you in order to move on, hope you were planning something similar.


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First Post
Looking around the warehouse, Percy and Ben quickly end up in the office. Turning to Ben, Percy says. "Well it looks like we could be in for a long night. I'll search the big desk and you search the others.

There again, while I think a detailed search would pay dividend, we just don't have the time; Timothy will be starting to worry and we still have to find our agent."

Ben and Percy start by searching the desks, they are especially interested in concealed drawers. If they don't find anything they will scan the papers looking for anything unusual or that does not seem to be associated with running an import / export business.

[sblock=mechanics]Search +10, Investigate +10.[/sblock]


Waller Ackermann, 66/66

"I'm Waller Ackermann. I'm looking for my family and friends. I have reason to believe they are hiding here," the soldier says quietly, hoping not to make any more noise than he already has.

He keeps his pistol in his hands and moves down the stairs slowly to show himself to the man answering the door. But he stays alert, prepared to duck to safety if necessary.

Spot: 29
Listen: 25


First Post
Billy Miles 40/40

Billy sees this man pinned down and this other man letting lose on him. The shooter seems odd but Billy just cannot fully grasp the reason why. Billy makes a quick second decision and grabs his 9mm, takes aim and fires at the shooter.

attack: 16

Voda Vosa

First Post
---------------- Dr. George Wilkinson and Billy Miles---------------​
Billy’s shot hits the gunslinger in the back, and blood starts protruding from the man’s shoulder, although he seems to notice no pain, nor pay attention to Billy, as he keeps walking around the car to shoot George. However, the scientist ducks behind the car just in time to avoid the bullet. George takes his shoot to, but misses as well
[sblock=Initiative and conditions]
16 George 25/36
15 Billy 40/40
14 Andrade 30/35
Pistol shot: 18 vs AC miss
At least Andrade isn’t hitting you either![/sblock]

----------------Waller Ackermann---------------​
The man from the other side, eyes you carefully without saying anything. “Wait” he said, and closed the little door.
After what seemed like an ethernity, the several door locks were released and the door opens.
Inside it’s Gunther with two german soldiers, pointing rifles at the newcommer, one of them you recognize as the one driving the fake truck. “Drop your weapon now” both said. You friend quickly pressed the men’s gun down. “Don’t point at him fools, he’s a good friend of mine, and has his good reasons to carry his pistol with him.” Both guards seemed reticent to lower their rifles but obey as good soldiers.
“My friend, it’s been a hell recently, tell me your family is fine please, and that you are in one piece. My Cathrina made it up here before they get her, luckily. I sent Carl and Markus to your place to inform you that Valdemar was shot before he could meet with you. Herr Hitler was doing all he could from the chancellor’s office to stop the government from massacring our men, but his own life is at risk, he had to move to the headquarters of the party in Berlin. We have no clue as why this terror wave was unleashed, but it’s hitting us bad.” He takes a few steps inside waiting for Waller to follow and to answer his first question.

----------Jasper 'Quicksilver' Mortello----------​
Waiting for players reply.
-------------- Percy Ambleton-Smythe-------------​
Percy and Ben find lot’s of cover information about the exports of Sir Long, but stored in his private office, Percy finds important documents, concerning the illegal shipments of various endangered species, and illegal substances from India. He also finds a key, a small gun, and a phrase noted on a piece of paper, apparently on a rush: New York City Farm. The characters are strangely separated from one another. The key is of no use, at least in that warehouse.


First Post
George 25/36

George hears 2 shots and begins to think he will not survive this minute, much less the hour. But he's got to try. As he moves on around the car, keeping it between himself and the shooter, he yells, "Why are you trying to kill me?" He only waits a moment before continuing to shoot.

This shot and damage (1d20=10, 2d8=10) is no better than his others.
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Frozen Messiah

First Post
"Well than this is where the artists fingers come in." Jasper says to himself as he cracks his knuckles before diving into his pack and grabbing his lock picking kit and starts working on the lock.

Open Lock: 1d20+2=8
well that isn't good :erm:
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