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Invasion. Gathering of Heroes (February 1930)


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George Wilkinson 25/36

Does the 'Detect Alien Parasite' invention have a range of 60' like the detect evil spell?

Once the inventions are complete, George, without telling anyone what he is doing, has everyone in the room, including Dr. Charleston and his men that may be inside or outside, gather in close. George then uses the 'Alien Parasite detector' to scan everyone. He also has the Jammer near so it can be used if needed. Once everyone else has been scanned, he has Dr. Charleston watch the readings while he, George, moves in front of the scanner.

Once assured that everyone here is parasite free, George gathers the schematics and diagrams for the inventions. George adds his name, address, and signature. He then adds the names and addresses of each of the scientists who helped with the invention and has them sign as well.

He then informs them that, "The inventions, as well as all knowledge of the parasites are classified for the time being. But when the inventions/patents go public, you will get equal credits and rights to any royalties."

He then defers to Admiral/Dr. Charleston for any further orders for the scientists.

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First Post
George Wilkinson 25/36

OOC: Sometimes I hate the internet. Timeouts and hanging connections causing double posts. Sorry.
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First Post
Arriving at the safe house, Percy is not fooled. The caretaker may look like a slattern in need of a bath. However, he knows that if they try to force their way in, they will be in a world of pain. Therefore Percy is very careful to give the correct password and is extremely polite, ignoring the smell and thanking her as she shows them into the cellar room.

Percy walks into the room, nods a greeting to "T" and the stranger and says "Good evening sir. these are the two men I was telling you about. I will let them introduce them selves and tell you their story." Turning to the Germans, he says. "Gentlemen. Please be seated." So saying, he takes a seat opposite "T". Percy is very careful to not introducing anyone, leaving it to "T" to determine how much to tell them.


First Post
Vincent feels around in the dark. Looking for a way out. He holsters the Tommy Gun and doesn't think there's any use trying to talk it out. He tries to work his way back to the tunnel that brought him there and feels around to see if the passage is open. If it is he will attempt to climb it. If it isn't then he'll continue feeling around in the dark for another way out.

Voda Vosa

First Post
Safe house number 7 (Percy and Waller Ackerman)

"Well met sir" says Gunther. "My name is Gunther Dellhey, my partner here is Waller Ackerman. We are persecuted by our goverment. We worked with a resistance movement, until they decided to go on an almost suicidal mission. We escaped and found our way to Britain. Something is happening on Germany sir, something strange; the goverment would never do something like that. I'm sure you've checked the recent news. Murders, daylight executions of entire families."
T frowns "Yes mister Dellhey, I've heard about those events. I would like to think you are safe here, but I can't assure you that. Agent Ambleton-Smythe, do you remember the content of the sealed box you secured from Long's warehouse? Well it seems it's not one of a kind. I've contacted Admiral Charleston from the American secret service, and he tells me he and a group of specialist have found two of such creatures. They have developed an apparatus to detect infections of these "mindworms" as he calls them. He and his team are currently in a choke hold. Apparently these creatures are being used to control the minds and actions of the victims. I recall you suspected that the guards you gunned down acted strangely, like zombies you said. Well I took the liberty to give the bodies to our scientists and they found a creature in each of the guard's brain." T turns to the germans.
"Gentlemen, my guess is that your government is no longer under german control. I think there is some sort of conspiracy I can't make out. But it is evident something big, something worldwide is happening." T sits back, and places both hands over his belly. "As my suspects go, any of you two might be infected, and unaware of it, until something triggers the little worms and bang, you turn into mindless killers ready to do the biding of someone that remains in the shadows. I bet Long has something to do with this. So I'm forced to put you two under arrest." T makes a resignated expression.
"B-but all this is mare conjectures from your part sir!" protests Gunther.
"True, but I intent to confirm them. And there is one way to do so, I'll send you two with Ambleton-Smythe here to America, and have you scanned with this apparatus of theirs." T smiles. "I love when things start to fall in their place. Your flight is in two hours agent, I'll suggest you go to the station and collect every evidence you might need, like the worms and those papers you found, anything that comes to your mind." T stands up. "I'll be waiting you with these fine gentlemen at the airport."
Knowing better the two Germans offer no resistance and are shackled by T's men. Ambleton-Smythe is free to go look for the things he thinks are important.


At the airport, the wind blows strong. T is standing there along the two german in black suits, and another two agents in blue suits, escorting them. A few feet away is a medium plane for intercontinental travels, it's engines are starting so it's hard to hear anything. Percy walks there, the wind playing with his clothes. T holds his hat that almost flew away. He nods towards the agents at his back and they follow the germans inside the plane. He shouts:
"I see you are ready agent. Please, get aboard. We'll keep in touch. Any last minute question?"

OOC: Name the evidences you are taking with you. You might ask last minute questions to T, and after that can interact with the germans aboard. I'll NPC Gunther since airwalkr is taking a month off. Feel free to RP the scene, nothing odd will happen during the trip.

University of New York (George Wilkinson)

The scientists are grateful with Wilkinson.

Charleston takes George off a minute. "Look Wilkinson, I've spoken to Flocker, head of British secret service. He is telling me they are having similar cases of these mind worms. I've told him of your inventions and he says he has two possible cases to test your apparatus. They'll arrive tomorrow morning. In the mid-time we might want to go to the police station and check everyone is clear back there, in order to establish an official operation base. I trust my facilities have been violated, as we have found out; and probably are subject to greater attention by our enemies than the local police office. We must also meet with the two cops I contracted." he explains.

OOC: You might ask some questions to Charleston, and then move to the station, feel free to RP the scene and the checking. Everyone will be clean.

Dark tunnels(Jasper and Vincent)

Vincent walks blindfolded, he feels something, like a lose brick. Instinctively he pushes it. Mechanic sounds echo in the dark pit, and Vincent and Jasper feel the floor moving under them. They stick to the wall and try to avoid falling to the opening gape, but to no avail. The floor slides inside the wall completely.
The pair fall again, into the shadow, this time a longer way, until they feel the cold water surround them completely. As they reach up for fresh air, they see that this place is illuminated. The roof is just 10 feet from the surface of the green glowing water in which they now swim. The room extends in both north and south directions. Apparently there's something below that provides the lightning. Vincent has never saw this place before in his day with Paulo. He is almost certain that the man knows nothing of this place beneath his trap. The walls of the room are of stone, and appear quite ancient.

OOC: You are little narrow in actions here, sorry. You might swim down to the source of light or might go north or south. Any will require a swim check.


First Post
George Wilkinson 25/36

George is about to go along with Dr. Charleston and his men to the police station when it occurs to him what a potentially disastrous or advantageous turning point they are at. George pulls Dr. Charleston to the side and quietly tells Charlston what has just occurred to him. "Sir, we can't tell anyone what we have. If the enemy finds out what we have, they'll change the actions drastically. They'll either have to kill us and destroy the detector or they'll step up their plans, maybe an all out invasion, before we can get ready to fight them."

George takes a breath and continues. "We have to find out if we can stop the spread of knowledge of the detector. You have to call, who was it, oh, yes, Flocker, back and make sure he doesn't tell anyone about what we have. If he's told anyone, he has to get them all together and sent over here right away. They'll have to watch each other till they get here because any one or more of them could be infected."

Another slight pause for breath. "If we can keep the enemy from knowing that we can detect them, then they'll not up their plans. We might even be able to feed them some mis-information. We'll still use the parasite detector, but only to know who we can trust and who we can't. When one of them goes on an assassination / killing spree, we'll try to jam them and stop them. Then we'll destroy the parasite and save the host if possible. Then we could make the host and the targets disappear. Send them somewhere we know is safe and secret. We'll give the news a report of so-n-so, who ever the host is, going crazy and killing whoever the target was. And local authorities had to kill so-n-so in the incident."

Glancing over at the scientists who helped, George adds, "I hate to say it, but if we are not certain we can trust those scientists, we may need to send them to that 'secure and safe' place. We could have them work for us while they're there, but we have to know that they're willing to keep the secret at almost any cost before we could let them stay in the public. The main thing is, we can't let the enemy know we can detect them."

George thinks a bit more. "I'd prefer that Flocker came here also. We can't take the chance that he is infected and doesn't know it. Wait, having him come over here isn't going to work. If he's infected, it's already too late. We just have to trust that since he's co-operating and talking to us, maybe he's not infected. We'll just have to test the people he sends over here and then send them back with a detector and jammer and a trained operator to use them. He needs to know to keep this quiet and be willing to take the risk that some of his men may die because we're trying to use the enemy's on agents against them."

George takes several breaths, "Well, that's my take on the situation and what we need to do. If you have any other suggestions or want to do it differently, let me know so I can handle this machine the way you want me to."


First Post
Grasping for something to grab onto and failing Vincent falls. [I'm one of the worlds best assassins and I'm going to fall to my death at the hands if that little sh*t Paulo?] he thinks to himself as he falls and then lands in the water. He thanks God for the watery landing. He looks around and upon noticing the glow from below, he takes a deep breath and swims down to investigate it's source to see if it's portable. They could use the light to get help find a way out of here...he hopes.

Swim check. (1d20+2=15)


First Post
"I'll get on it right away sir." say Percy. "Just one thing before I go. I want to take a sample of the beer we found. Can you arrange it with your contact. I don't want to get arrested for bootlegging." Percy briefly grinned at his last remark before his expression went back to being deadly serious. "Oh and can you arrange for me to carry my gun."

Percy drives back to headquarters and looks over the evidence that they found in Long's warehouse. Nervous about taking the original documents out of the country, Percy's first port of call is the secretarial support office. There he has to throw T's weight around to get the papers Photostated as a priority task. Finally he decides that the originals may be more useful in the America in case the Yanks want to use them to prosecute Capone. So he decides to take the originals and leaves the copies. On the way back to his own office, Percy detours to stores where he obtains a secure transportation case. Back in his office he packs the evidence he is taking, checking it off as he does so:

- original documents, including notes from torture chamber and "New York Farm"; check.
- Box with worm; check.
- two bottles, one of beer and one of other type of alcohol; check

Finally, after having a quick look around to make sure that there is nothing he has forgotten, Percy arranges for a lift to the airport.

Percy arrives at the airport just in time. he can see that T was starting to get worried, annoyed, whatever? Anyway it is obvious that T is not happy. Nodding a greeting to the two Germans, Percy addresses T. "Good bye sir. I believe that I have everything that I need, so I'll be off. I'll keep you up-to-date if and when I can." With that, Percy follows the rest of the party on-board the plane.

Once the plane is airborne, Percy settles down and after apologising to the two Germans catches up on his lost sleep. Eventually he is caught up on his sleep and he starts talking to pass the time. "Although I have a professional interest in the goings on in Germany and I am aware of the machinations of Herr Hitler, I do not really have a good picture of the day to day life of ordinary people. Especially given the latest behaviour of the government." He sits back, sips a cup of teas and encourages his guests to fill him in.

[sblock=Notes]1. Secure Transport Case.

2. Photostat[/sblock]
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Voda Vosa

First Post
New York Airport (Percy)

In the Plane

"Well, sir" says Gunther. "Perhaps the picture is more complex than it can be seen from the outside. Herr Hittler was indeed attempting to became Reich, and would have done so. After all it was logical to assume that, being first chancellor he became Reich someday. But something happened in the actual government, that Hittler was not expecting. Tese attacks happened. Soldiers executing people in the streets, entire families! We were part of a small resistance, and our intelligence draw the conclusion that all cases were related to war veterans. All people killed were veterans from the war. And Hittler fought in that war sir. I think he draw the same conclusion and that's why he flee to his bunker. I'm confident he'll be able to resist, for now; that's why we came to England, to ask for help. All I hope is that this delay is not paid with the blood of our comrades in Germany." explains the man. Waller remains silent.

In the Airport

Percy and the germans walk to the reception area, where the scientist, Wilkinson, Admiran Charleston and the sub-chief of the police awaits them, as communicated early by phone.

New York Airport (George Wilkinson)

Charleston takes some time to analyses all what George says to him. " Now I know why I employed you good Wilkinson, you have some big brain up there." he points at George with his finger, while smiling. "We'll do this then: We'll go to the police station and scan the people there with a lie or something. We can get them in the interrogation room, and scan them from behind the glass in one shot, they won't see the device, nor us. Come, lets go."
The pair moves to the limo and the bouncers drive to the police station. There, the plan unfolds quickly, the personnel is set in groups, and enter the interrogations room in turns to be scanned, under the lie of some politician that wants to check for a candidate for some personal security job. Perhaps a hasted lie, but it worked like a charm. The Wilkinson's detection device spent 5 charges in analyzing the whole station crew, but didn't detect a single case. However it took almost all day. Confident that there were no more infiltrations in the station, Charleston and Wilknson took a brief time to sleep in the quarters, after an exhausting day full of action and emotion.
At dawn, they are awaken by an officer that knocks the door.
"Sir, the airport called, the plane is about to land." he informs.

In the Airport

Wilkinson stands in the reception hall, flanked by Charleston and the sub-chief of police. They watch as the english agent, Ambleton-Smythe, approaches alongside with the two german subjects.

Dark tunnels(Jasper and Vincent)

Vincent swims down to the light. He founds it is a narrow tunnel that descends and turns. There si some mild or moss of sorts, perhaps some strange algae that produces the light. It grows everywhere in the tunnel, and not in the chamber, for unknown reasons. Holding his breath, Vincent swims through the tunnel, turns, and then finds the tunnel heads up, so he swims up.
With almost no air left, Vicente Reaches the surface. But it is not outside. It's a cave, a natural cave, probably not yet discovered. However, it shows sign of man craft. As Vincent explores the place, he finds that behind the illuminating moss, there are carved stone walls. The stone is of a peculiar cyan color, it's hard, but soft to the touch. There are some inscriptions in some places of the wall, strange hieroglyphs the italian man has never seen before. However, they resemble the Greek alphabet somehow.
Vincent notes there are other pools like the one he came from. The room is squared, and there's a pool at each angle. The air is humid, and the mosses also cover the floor. Then Vincent notices something in the center of the room, almost invisible as it is also covered in moss. A pedestal of sorts, a box shaped altar. It takes our hero about 10 minutes to remove the moss from the surface using his knives, and revealing a glyphs covered surface, and some sort of depressions and holders, for god knows what.

Then it occurs to him... Where the hell is Jasper?


First Post
George Wilkinson 25/36

George stands between the 2 men, Charleston and the sub-chief, waiting for the men arrive. Before the men from Europe get close, George says, "I'll use the word 'Trust' to indicate the presents of parasites and I'll try to do it in such a way as to indicate who is infected."

When the men from Europe begin approaching, George turns on the 'Alien Parasite Detector'. He uses it to scan the new arrivals and while it's running, he'll casually scan anyone else who is in range. He'll try to make it look like he's operating a radio. George makes sure to keep a casual face no matter what the unit indicates. If asked about it, he'll say it's a radio and he's trying to test it's range.

If everyone is clear, George will quietly say so to his comrades. If the detector indicates any parasites, he will quietly say something like, "Ah, our trusted friend is here." Or "Our trusted friends are here." and when introduced to the infected person(s), he'll say something like, "I'm glad to meet you. We were told we can trust you.(...trust what you have to say.)" If any of them appear to be becoming hostile, George will use the 'Alien Parasite Control Jammer'.

Voidrunner's Codex

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