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(IR) IR Interlude, Turn 5 - Turn 6 (Thread 1)

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<Im not sure if this will do anything or make any differnece, but I'm doing it anyway. This idea i have been kicking around for a while, and since the IR is getting more crazy by the minute, I'm posting it.>

Olinstaad is going to create a new independent order, similar to the Emerald Enclave of Toril. This order will be called the Emerald Order. :)

Olinstaad will make this group independent of even himself and will appoint a council of 7 members made up of a Human, Elf, Dwarf, Gnome, Halfling, Half Elf and a Orc. Each starting member will have Neutral or Good alignment and they will be charged with carrying the group forward. This group will have several goals initially.

1. To make sure that nature and the land itself is put before profit and expansion.
2. To educate peoples on how to better themselves, and their nations but not at the expense of the land or the life forms that live upon it.
3. To research, fund and further technology that does not hurt or damage the ecosystem and yet helps people at the same time. Example includes clean burning fuels
4. To research, fund and further magic that does not hurt or damage the ecosystem and yet helps people at the same time. Example includes magic that increases the output of crops, and thus removing a need to cut down areas of a forest for more land.
5. To research, fund and further psionics that do not hurt or damage the ecosystem and yet helps people at the same time.
6. To limit, control, or destroy technology, magic, psionics, groups, nations, and people that harm the ecosystem in anyway. This does not mean killing people outright, but it could mean killing people under certain situations (like the Shade who obviously can not be reasoned with). Ways to acomplish this goal might include diplomacy, open conflict, covert actions, advisory positions, leadership roles and setting good examples. These are just a few of the ways this goal might be achieved.
7. To Enclave will have respect for life and freedom.

At this point a sending will go out all across the world for volunteers (non IR powers unless you want, just npc's, normal folks, and whomever Edena thinks might join) to join this group.

Olinstaad will GIVE the group the Kron Hills but the group at this point is free to recruit and govern itself any way it sees fit. So can you adjust the map and remove Kron Hills from my list? I will defend the Hills is anyone gets territory hungry though.

Also a sending will go to Toril for any ex or current members of the Emerald Enclave to see if they want to join. Or offer assistance and advice.

Also the Kingdom of Ulek is still a member of the Alliance if your wondering.

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First Post
This changes everything... Everybody will be given 10th level magic for free, nevermind that Kalanyr and Melkor spent their precious powerpoints on it. 11th level magics will be stalled to turn 10, when I suppose everybody will get it for free as well.
No more civilization advancement. This invalidates my entire strategy. Maybe it's fair but I don't have to like it. :(
The IR will become a competition of who can come up with the most outrageous inventions and that will escalate into absurdity.
Everything will be posted on the boards, and attacking others after they have made a "secret" post will be considered metagaming, even if you would have attacked them anyways. If anybody sneezes in Kabooms direction now...
Maybe it's easier for you to moderate and the IR is your game to control however you see fit, but this really turns me off. I respect your decision and your person but I really believe that you are taking the IR in the wrong direction.

My apologies if I have offended

Last edited:

William Ronald

Dagger: I generally like the idea of an Emerald Order as long as it is not fanatical. I would suggest talking to most people about your concerns. I have set aside pristine natural areas, and have tried to mitigate pollution.

Serpenteye: Maybe Edena will rule what works based on ingenuity and what seems reasonable. I don't think it needs to be as bad as you fear. I have some concerns, but it looks like the IR was teetering on collapsing. Edena seems to have been getting little enjoyment out of the IR of late.

As for strategy, mine has changed because of this. I did also make sacrifices to help Forrester with 10th level magic. It did help with Vecna, the Robots and the Shade. (Forrester, even with the restrictions of the Prime Directive, the Shade and Anabstercorian are still legitimate targets for the UC of Toril.)

Perhaps we can strike a balance between strategy and absurdity.


First Post
Answers and Rulings to the Posts on page 2

New rule for the Moderator: Everytime he answers one page of posts, a new page is created for him just as he finishes the previous page.


Well I'm not cloning anything or anyone because all my NPCs are unique and it might hurt their feelings.

ANSWER: This is what happens when things get to this level of power. I start getting answers like that - although, actually, most people would be offended by being cloned ...

- - -



Anabstercorian I might just not have read all posts and such (I most certainly don't read all... at least not very carefully), but how the heck did you loss with that artifact (PL 24? that is crazy!)? I am kindda wondering, and even more so why the heck the staff hasn't more or less destroyed alzem by now (holding it and with its ego.... I wouldn't touch it with a 10 foot pole).
that fight thing really makes me crazy (well beyond the fever and such) since I have no ideaa how you lost heh.
finally I would say a Simucralum race is just fine... keep it in the same line as every other race... one per turn or whatever.

ANSWER: What are you complaining about, Zouron? You aren't in the IR - oops, sorry, you ARE in the IR now.
Every Power on Oerth has identified the location of your forces in Ravenloft.

- - -


I didnt tell you he could do or not do those things, I just think Edena should be the Moderator.

ANSWER: Edena thinks he should be the Moderator too.
However, he knows that the true Moderators of this IR now are 10th level magic and supermonsters and superweapons and nuclear weapons, and he accepts this fact with a grimace and a rueful grin.

- - -


Well mainly I think it would be because I cannot be mind controlled. Second I do not know if it was overlooked in Anabstercorian’s character description but nowhere does it say the artifact has that power, or that it is evil. It only states that it seeks to further the goals of the Illithid Empire. I could just as easy give it to the Neolithid for them to use so it would have no reason to even attempt it.
Oh one thing I did forget was to use magic to de-graft Anabstercorian’s hand off the staff, that would be just sick walking with it attached forever. But Edena I DO keep the hand.

ANSWER: You can keep Anabstercorian's hand as a soveneir (and Anabstercorian can regenerate a new hand - we now have the Three Hands of Anabstercorian.)

The Staff doesn't hurt you.
It doesn't have to.
It has already told you that either you get down on your hands and kneels, and grovel to Anabstercorian, and beg for mercy and forgiveness, and give it back, or the illithid are coming for Greyspace.
And if you break this insolent staff, it has told you that will summon the Elder Ones.
Now, it doesn't need to hurt you ... it knows you will be hurting as badly as it could hope for, soon enough ...

- - -

'o Skoteinos

Oh come on, Anab isn't that strong. 1 of my NPC's (PL 2) could beat him in a one on one battle (without moderating that is). What's he going to do against Quickened Innate Time Stops and Quickened Heightened Disjunctions with a DC around 80...? It's just about who wins initiative, cause I won't survive 3d4 Admixtured Meateor Swarm...(well, there is a *chance* I survive...)

ANSWER AND RULING: If you really want serious fights, using rules, Bugbear has a chatroom where you can duel it out.
If you are going to fight using posts on the IR, you need to observe the freeform fighting rules (which, in effect, make victory impossible, so I recommend you use the chatroom.)

- - -


So far I haven't seen anybody writing that they approve of the "simulacrum revolution" in it current version, with the possible exception of Sollir . The general opinion seems to be that it is far too overpowered.

ANSWER: It's moot at this point. I am using General PL only.

We didn't have all our undead killed. The intelligent, classed undead were resurrected back to life. They are made aware of the threat Acererak poses. The unintelligent undead are fools, they are cattle that can easily be slaughtered by their masters.

ANSWER: The intelligent undead decided they preferred Acererak as their Master, and not the Union of Oerth.
They want to KILL the mortals, not serve them.
So, they fight their way out, and many of them escape the Union.

Kalanyr, your cleaning crew will be allowed to preach against violence and for loving, but will not be allowed to even mention your deities in any way and must respect the laws of the Union when in our territory.

ANSWER: Heh. I await Kalanyr's answer on this one.
Nothing like threatening someone who has 10th level magic, when you don't have 10th level magic.

- - -


I think that the simulcrum arms race is too powerful right now, mabey 1 simulcrum per tern, 3 for myself and Sollir.

ANSWER: You think the Simulacrum race too powerful, but you create the Dividing Bats? LOL.
However, the Simulacrum Race is moot.
The Dividing Bats, however, are not moot. They are a real threat to all of Oerth.
Lucky for everyone you control them ...

- - -


Serpenteye- Fine. But if asked about it they will still spread the word. If you press any further than that you're just gonna end up with a bunch of insurrectionists as opposed to healers.So are the above terms acceptable or should my emisaries retreat from your holdings?

ANSWER: Excellent, Kalanyr! About time you threw your power around. I mean it! Forrester did it, you should do it. If you have the power, flaunt it! :)

- - -


Kalanyr- It's acceptable. They won't be asked though, the vast majority of the people are fanatical worshipers of the God Emperor and the rest wouldn't dare speaking about religion with foreigners. They are quite aware that heresy is a crime that is punished severely.

ANSWER: Serpenteye, are you trying to tell me that he who created the Olympic Games of Torture is going to take this garbage from a stinking drow?!
He should be washing your boots, not talking back to you!
Start acting like the God Emperor, the man who takes his due, when he wants, where he wants, and how he wants!
After all, he may have 10th level magic, but the Union of Oerth is by far the biggest Power in the IR.
Even without the superdragons and supertrolls.

- - -


Serpenteye, judging by your post, I came to the conclusion that your Union is still Dark, good!

ANSWER: I wondered when someone was going to figure that one out ...

- - -


Metagame Stuff (do not read!)

My preachers leave the Pomarj on request from the ruler.

ANSWER: Heh. It seems the orcs prefer Grummsh.

- - -


There are many shades of dark and more degrees of evil. The Union is not as dark as it once was, but wavering on the edge of neutrality. We really have no desire to destroy the world and our primary goal is the wellbeing and prosperity of our people and empire. If Oerth is eaten by the red goo or the Elder Ones all our work will be for naught.

ANSWER: Please inform Mr Draco of this, Serpenteye.
While you have preached neutrality, he has worked on a MASSIVE basis with the Red Goo to create the superdragons and supertrolls.
He is secretly research the Red Goo on Luna, thus polluting a second world with it.
The Red Goo is evil, working with it is evil, and it is threatening to bring the Red Death into the world, which most certainly is evil.

- - -


For Kalanyr’s/Edena’s Eyes Only:

Ah, Kalanyr I see you have also master the secrets of 10th level type hiding. It is good to see a fellow brother of the peek-a-boo club here. So what do you want to try and get accomplished next turn with out magic. And what do you think Lord Talos is going to try and do so we can come up with ways of countering him? Also can I send some people with your clerics into the Dark Union to take out those people who want to leave, and bring them to my Island? I just thought it would be the best was as you already have permission to go there. I think next I am going to read over what tenth level magic can do and then decide what to do next turn.
What I really think I am going to start doing next turn is enhancing all of my people with 10th level magic – smarter/stronger/healthier. Also I think I will pull a Forrester and start Upgrading all my troops to the Cyborgs using the Terminator Golems I made as a Template with the most advanced techomagcical equipment I can, and use 10th level magic to make it happen FAST.

ANSWER: Several Powers have announced they are going to upgrade their people with cybernetics and with 10th level magic.
Nevermind that everyone was just achieving World War II levels of science, not World War IV levels.
Don't you think you skipped about 50 years of science there, folks?

- - -


From The Book of Melkor:

-Behold, for I am Melkor The Shadowking, Lord Of Darkness, Lord Of All! I wield Power OF The Void, Power Of The Unmaking, greatest of all, for everything that was made shall be unmade, lost, forgotten, and nothing shall be left save Eternal Night, that was at the beginning and WILL be at the end! And the False Light will be estuinqushed!(....)

-Long have I wandered through the far paths that lie beyond, and I have reached The Heart Of Darkness, Eternal Void, and I embraced it, and Understanding was given to me! Do not listen to the greatest of The Lies Of The Light, for there is NO Good and Evil, only Power and Weakness! For Strong shall always prey on the weak, this the primary law of the multivers, and he will always find his excuse. But those that have Understanding don`t need excuses, for they don`t deny The Truth, like followers Of The Light, that are weak, and create morality to protect themselves, and hide behind foolish concepts, like Compassion or Mercy, that make them slaves of others, even greatest of them!
But those that follow me will find True Freedom, by embracing The Darkness that lies in the hearts of all! Embrace your hatred, for you are right to despise those that are beneath you, you have right to seek to usurp the power of those that are above you! Don`t deny your hatred, your wrath, for it gives you The WILL, will to rise high, and it is the gate to The Power Of The Void, Of Unmaking, Destroying.(....)
- Fear not! For I have looked through Darkness Eternal into the depths of future, and The Corruption that started on Toril WILL be defeated, and oblivion awaits all those that follow it!
For their morality will be their downfall, they lack The Will to win, win by all means. And at the
end they will understand, and they shall plead for mercy, and prostrate themselves before me, but I know no mercy, and Eternal Torment awaits them. For the will of Melkor CAN`T be denied!

RULING: This speech is heard by every sentient being on Oerth and in Greyspace.
The Torilian Border Guard cannot stop it from being heard in Realmspace, so everyone on Toril hears it also.

- - -



Melkor will try and kill everything because thats what he's been trying to do for 3 Turns now.
Have to ask Serpenteye about your evacuee's doubt it though. I've been enhancing my races for 2 Turns now and I don't intend to stop yet. Good luck with the cyborgs.Oh the mythal won't increase magic/civ research Forrester already asked about that one. So I doubt it will make the terminator's happen fast.

RULING: Since I have ruled that Mythals double your magical research, I am ruling they double the speed of your technological research.
Which means you can now cram your way into the world of high technology twice as fast as the previously supersonic rate of advancement.
However, this ALSO applies to Forrester, who thus can research the superscience of the City of the Gods (he has a 100 year head start on you, folks) twice as fast.

- - -


I repeat Kalanyr, i plan on winning don`t destroying everything! If I don`t reach an agreement with Elder Ones, they won`t be summoned. Blood Waste is useful for me becuse it weakens you and make you busy, and I assure you that Shade Poisoning won`t destroy Oerth!

ANSWER: I should have let Melkor play Vecna. I just should have. Curses.
If I ever do this IR again, I WILL let Melkor play Vecna.

- - -


Nice to see you reading Metagame stuff Melkor my friend.
You think you can reach an agreement with creatures that could destroy your god or that the Blood Waste won't destroy the world?


I suggest you augment my containing of the Blood Waste.

ANSWER: Quite true, Kalanyr. The Elder Ones will spare the illithid, who will be reduced to abject slavery, as is their proper place.
Nobody else will be spared. No exceptions.

- - -


You don't really think you can trust the elder ones, do you? Once they have entered the prime material there's nothing stopping them from betraying you. They are powerful enough to defeat every power on Oerth (if they are released within the next few turns), nobody could stop them.

ANSWER: They won't betray you because they won't talk to you (and if they did talk to you, you would go insane from listening anyways.)
They won't talk, but they will kill. They will kill on sight.

- - -

The Forsaken One

Edena... I'm afraid we really have to mail secrets because you know very well that metagaming will occur and that everyone is going to read those posts. Just stating a fact.
And like everyone is opposed to the simu race. I haven't heard anyone in favor.
And What do we do with next turn? Templates? Or how is this going to work and with advancement ect.


I cannot handle the e-mail, so you cannot e-mail me secret actions.
I simply CANNOT handle it. I will end the IR before attempting to handle it any longer.

The simulacrum arms race is moot. I am using general PL now.

You do not need to send me a Template for Turn 6.
Once I post the Lists, just jump in!

- - -


Edena Turn 6 plan:

Secret Retreat and almost full civ advance. (That is leave PL that would not actually increase my PL if invested spare.)

ANSWER: Noted. Already done, if you consider your Secret.

- - -


Blood Waste will be destroyed with 11th level magic, I don`t think it will destroy the world so soon, you even stopped its spread, but it is one more think for my enemies to worry about.
I read everything, but I WON`T use this information to my advantage.

The Blood Waste could start expanding again.
It is barely being held in check by 10th level magic.
Everytime you fight, you make it stronger.

- - -

The Forsaken One

That's just crap, if sopmeone is going all out advance and you attack him, it used to be lucky.
Now you immediatly turn into a metagamer.

I'll say it again.

"I DO NOT LIKE THIS". And it is showing that ideas are ripped immediatly
Secret plans back to the mail!
Rest on the boards.
Be gentle with mailing, make large mails and wait for a reply ebfore you start spamming.
That's my idea. Since metegaming just can't be prevented.
Melkor, let's start with Unholy Book. And I really don't care
I got my own buiseness. I'm not tied to anyone and I'm nice alone in this world. No stupid alliances. Just fighting for a cause here and there. For the rest, it's just me baby.

ANSWER: I am sorry. I supported the secret e-mails for over a full month IRL. And I sacrificed enormous amounts of time and effort to them.
But I can't do it anymore. It's simply too much for me. My regrets.
You're going to have to play this IR out on the boards.

- - -

William Ronald


I offer the AnaKeri full membership in the Kevellond League and the benefit of the remarkable new power that we have. I also offer to share tech with them and give them sovereignity over their lands.

ANSWER: Will anyone beat Williams? He is bidding for the alliance of the continent of AnaKeris.
If you do not contest him, the Kevellond League will gain the peoples of AnaKeris.

When does turn 6 start?
Do we need templates?

ANSWER: Tomorrrow. I started too late today for our European Players.
You do not need Templates.

Also, two of my NPCs are ghosts, can I convert them back to humans or to another template such as celestials?

ANSWER: You can turn them back to humans, but not celestials.

Also, I share tech with Serpenteye and Mr. Draco for their help in the last turn.
The Kevellond League and the Oerth Alliance will also establish a hotline directly to the leadership of the Union of Oerth. We believe that an attack on the Union is an attack on our vital interests. As such, we shall take great umbrage at such an action and assist the Union of Oerth as they have assisted us.

ANSWER: So be it. If they agree, the hotline is established.

- - -


I think the reason for moving everything to the board is that if Edena is meant to keep track of every little scheme by more than a dozen players (regardless of the harrowing workload), he is going to miss things. If he misses things, he gets blamed. That's not very fair.

ANSWER: Try 24 players. Try a hundred secret schemes, half of them beyond any system of rules to handle. Try a lot of accusations. And it's very unfair.

This IR, in contrast with the previous ones, is very covert.

ANSWER: I just fixed that. It's going to be very public, from now on.

I think we might want to migrate away from that a little. Aggression makes for nicer pyrotechnics anyway.

ANSWER: Indeed. A little (or a lot) of mayhem never hurts.

This freeform stuff DOES make it much more important to accept our limits though. If we wouldn't know about something, don't act on it (and "I happened to be scrying" doesn't count). Only post actions which are commensurate with our abilities, etc...

ANSWER: I can't stop metagaming. Only you can, folks.

- - -


Malachai speraks with Anakeris

Malachai sends a small delegation to Anakeris to speak of peace and to make amends for the butchering of their people in the Godspires.

"We bring greetings from the Empire of Malachai, we wish to bring you a bond of peace and solidarity and wish to support your goals and aims as bets we can. We have no love of the Solistarim and will see to it that any who have suirvived the purgin will be dealt with accordingly, unless you wish to deal with them. In that case we can extradite them to your lands for your justice. Let it be known that
we welcome peace..." The diplomat smiles pleasantly.

ANSWER: To gain the alliance of the people of AnaKeris, you'll have to do better than that, Tokiwong.
William has made them a far better offer ...

- - -


I thank you and return the favour. We also share our technology with you and will come to your aid should you need it.

ANSWER: Hotline established.

William Ronald

Tokiwong: It was actually the Eternal Empire troops in AnaKeri which were killed. They are now in defensive positions, but you should be able to talk to them.
Maudlin: A great idea, however not everyone will likely follow it. So, Edena will have to judge what people know and the results of their efforts. Thus if you say that you are looking for the Dental Floss of Vecna, then he will have to determine if you find it and if anyone knows about it. (For example, someone else might be looking for the thing.)

ANSWER: Uh ... don't give them ideas, William. They just MIGHT ask for Vecna's dental floss. You wouldn't believe the things I've been asked ...

Serpenteye: Thanks. I also would like to send some surveyors and architects to help you with finding good harbors for your new coastlines. The one where Sunndi was looks like an excellent place for you to set up a valuable and busy port.
We offer the Union assistance of monks to help teach people meditation and relaxation techniques to offset the red goo and the negative emotions it feeds upon. If the God Emperor of the Union of Oerth wishes, these monks will be available to help train elite units in ways to block red goo attacks.

ANSWER: I love the way you are working with the Union of Oerth, William, whose Red Goo research (compliments of Mr Draco) are threatening the entire Crystal Sphere.
Hmmm ...

Additionally, I try to convince the Eternal Empire forces on Toril that we are not their enemies.

ANSWER: They need convincing beyond words.

The Forsaken One: You have kept your truce with me as has Festy Dog and Kalanyr and Tokiwong. Tech sharing continues.
Edena: The Kevellond League, and hopefully some of the Oerth Alliance members and allies, will try to find or create a substance to halt or at least slow the changes wrought by the red goo and red steel in living creatures. I seem to recall a substance, synnibar(sp?) that did something like this in the Mystara setting.

ANSWER: Red Goo and Red Steel should not be confused with the Red Steel of the Red Steel setting of Mystara.
Red Steel is not metal at all.
It is emotion and tormented souls and magic, all wrapped up in one bundle.

No counter agent can be created.
The only thing to do is to destroy the stuff, which then releases the imprisoned souls (that applies to Red Steel also.)

Of course, the battles, the endless deaths, are steadily increasing the power of the Red Goo.

My people also take up meditation and martial arts training. Aikido is a relatively non-agressive martial art focusing on using your enemies strengths against them.

ANSWER: Noted.

- - -


Testing the semi-private messaging system...

To Alzem

Alzem, your office table has a human head on it, an expression of absolute terror on its face, its brains devoured.

Did that work?

EDIT: Yes it did. Okay, here's the metagame thing. People, I know it's tempting to read this, but please, please don't! It's hard for us to work in secret as it is, and covert stuff is, by far, the most spectacular when realized. How cool would my destruction of the Eternal Empire forces have been if you all knew I was on top of the situation the whole time? Much less cool, that's how much!

To Edena, and, to a lesser extent, Kalanyr

Anabstercorian, preparing for a final clash with Alzem at the Penumbral Hub, is attempting to steal scrolls of 10th level spells from Kalanyr's vaults, mainly protective, defensive spells, and no cataclysms - Don't want to accidentally grab the wrong scroll and wind up wasting the western seaboard! I think this is within his capabilities - He's a 20th level monk, and very stealthy, and he can easily remove someone's memories of seeing him as he is a 25th level Telepath. Of course, he's also a 25th level mage, so he shouldn't have too much trouble wielding 10th level magic. In a pinch, he's a 20th level Psychic Warrior and Cleric of Ilsensine, so he should be able to fight his way out of a tight spot.

ANSWER: I sympathize with you, Anabstercorian. Considering the fun we had (well, some of us had fun ...) with the episode in early Turn 5, I would like to see that again.
But people do metagame, and I cannot stop them.
And I cannot handle the e-mail anymore. It was either stop the e-mail, or stop the IR.
Or, as Forrester noted, my brain exploded today.

- - -

The Forsaken One

William, we need some serious discussion. You, me and Kalanyr. But let's start with you and me. Kalanyr can come in anytime and isn't really that relevant to the matter although he has a say.
Mail me when you read this and you have time, I'll mail back ect ect you know the drill
Everything I'll have to say will be 100% honest and pure buiseness. It's time for some firm deals and future plans. You are the fist one I'm appoaching you on this matter since you are the only reasonable person of power these days (you as head of the OA).
Don't expect to be negotiating and debating with a good person or a evil one. I'm neutral. And I'm all here for myself, and for my excistance. No need to be nice, just to the point, the way I like so much that Edena uses.
You are going to be talking to someone with some serious PL and some serious power.
Someone who is in my opinion VERY reasonable and I got soemthings you might like yourself.

Hold secret meetings with your friends and allies.
Let the devastating consequences to your foes become public when your plans are realized, and you post to the board!

- - -



You must have missed my earlier post about what I wanted to do over the Blood Waste. I want your assistance in placing a Mythal over it that attacks the goo continusly. Think of the Bacteria used to eat oil spills. And actuall I think I just posted that to Edena, sorry. If you think this is a good idea let me know and we can get started on it. And as for the People I want to send with you to the Dark Union, I Do not want serpenteye to know about it. I hope to take a LOT of people Many PL worth from his country, I just need a way to get them in first.
William if you want I will change your NPC’s to what ever you want.

RULING: The Mythal effort over the Blood Waste fails.
However, with Alzem's help, you can turn your 2 people into Celestials, William.


umm you can leave the head someplace for me to find but probably not in my office, since that that would be in my secret place, and for RP reasons or not I do not think I would let you find it Also the text is quite visable, as I said you need 10th level magic and be a good guy to learn this one... sorta anyway

RULING: Correct. Everyone still has their Secret Retreats. You cannot teleport anything there.

- - -


What am I supposed to do about an off-black background?
If the background isn't black, there's nothing I can do about it. And posting twice and deleting the one with visible text is just cheesy. Please, just do me a favor and don't read my squinty-text. I'm a covert character and it's the last option I've really got.

ANSWER: The only one reading Anabstercorian's posts should be me, the Moderator.
Unless he marks at the top of the post - FOR PUBLIC VIEWING.

This applies to everyone.

Why don't you all post FOR PUBLIC VIEWING on the top of those posts you want people to read.

And, if you don't see that notice on the top of the post, then DO NOT read it, unless it's mine.

- - -

Zelda Themelin

Your 'secret' text is too visible.

Spoof's text doesn't show anything in last mail. However, since background alters between light/dark grey, it is hard to do complitely right, since somebody is likely to be posting at the same time.

I believe everyone should create two kinds of posts.
For secret posts, just post to the board.
For posts you want others to read, write OPEN POST at the top of the post.

This is a request to all players in the IR.


Alzem while not completly shocked to see that you would kill an innocent over this is more saddened by the state of you soul. I will consult with this creature and determine what happened to it and if he wants to be brought back I shall do so, as long as he is not evil. Also I have learned that the staff is not completly truthful as to what would happen if I tried to break it, no blocking out the sun/strike. In the Character description so I guess it would be known. Also is the staff itself Evil, or just instrested in furthering Illithid society?

ANSWER: The Staff is VERY evil. So is Anabstercorian, and he has always been so.

- - -


What color should I use for the light grey boxes? Black blends in with the dark one... What's the other?

I repeat my request:

For posts you want everyone to read, write OPEN POST in bold letters at the top of the post.
For secret posts, write nothing.
We will know all too quickly who is metagaming, with this system.

All of my posts are public, unless I mark them SECRET TO ANABSTERCORIAN or SECRET TO WILLIAM or the like.

Again, we will find out, quickly enough, who is metagaming, under this system.

- - -


To halt the spread of the red goo the God Emperor proclaims 30 days of celebrations and religious festivals to celebrate the greatness of the people of the Union and the quick growth of productivity, power and wealth that the Union has enjoyed. People will still work as usual, of course, but they will be encouraged to be happy about it. The propaganda machinery of the state and the church spreads the message of pride, joy, hard labour and harmony between the people and their government. meditation-centers are started to help people focus their energies into their work and to spread peace and calm throughout the Union of Oerth (thanks William).
Botanists are sent to Anakeris and other parts of Oerth to find new, productive crops.
Expeditions are also launched to other crystal spheres and to the more hospitable planes to import grains, seeds and saplings of useful plants and breeding stock of useful animals.
The massive public construction projects are continued according to the current and future needs of the economy. The education sector is expanded 'till it's the greatest and most efficient in all the multiverse.

ANSWER: Because of Mr Draco's research with Red Goo, this only helps a little. The metamorphosing of the people of the Union of Oerth slows, but does not stop.
The veins slow down in their increase of number, but more veins of Red Goo continue to reach the surface of the land of the Union from the Underdark.

- - -


Hidden type

Anabstercorian actually I custom match the text to the background, because while you are right black is hard to read on the dark background it is still readable, and on the light one quite easy to read.
I personally have no problem with your character or your goals. My only real problem is your careless murder of millions of innocents. Fine if you want to build your empire go ahead. We would never have come to a head lat turn if I was allowed to remove the refugees without interference. All I want really is to be left alone to create my Island and remove the goo from the planet. I do not have any plans for conquest of others lands nor of yours.
I want to take the hand I got from Anabstercorian and start to create clones of him- using 10th level magic altering their alignment to that they are good. I will then decide what to do with them at a later point. I also want to use the blood/hand to possible make myself immune to all his attacks, by allowing myself to phase myself with his signature that he puts on his magic/psionic abilities when he casts.

ANSWER: Eeeek! Fortunately, not possible yet. You cannot do this, Alzem, until you have 10th level magic, which you will have starting on Turn 6.
After that, you can start creating good Anabstercorians (the Moderator wonders just where THIS one is going to end up ...)

- - -


Um, Alzem?

To Alzem

I'm aware of that, but Acererak is an ally of mine, and I was obliged by honor to back him up in his efforts. As for you? While I respect your desire to be left alone, I WANT MY DAMN STAFF BACK. So don't expect me to be all squishy soft with you.

ANSWER: Heh. Anabstercorian probably wants his hand back, too.

- - -


Meanwhile, the following of Annatar has spread, and is growing daily.
He now has several dozen acolytes, travelling the land as he does, though these make use of a large ruby stone to take away the pain of the suffering, as Pelor has not blessed them as deeply as the Lord of Gifts himself. His ministrations now reach throughout the affected regions to the northwest, and also all the lands still being hurt by the Shade Poisoning and the fumes from the Blood Waste. So much suffering!
Small pilgrimages are undertaken by those responsive to his message, those broken by war and willing to give up. Without any hope left, they call his name and plea for him to release them. And he does, by the thousands.
The clergy of Pelor admits to never having heard of him before, but it is not uncommon for prophets to take on a new, symbolic name after receiving a vision from their God. Each time they send someone out to meet him or his disciples, they *just* missed them. He seems to be everywhere and nowhere. Instead, the grateful populace showers them with stories of the grace and kindness of the already legendary Annatar.

ANSWER: Yes indeed. The Cult of Loviatar has now grown into major religions in many lands, with the authorities supporting it, in open revolt against the leadership of those Powers (Uvenelei, Darkness, William, Dagger, Tokiwong, Sollir.)

Now, a new cult has appeared, the Cult of Annatar, the Bringer of Gifts (Anyone who has read the Simarillion knows just exactly what is going on, OOC, but IC I will simply say that your Seers, upon careful examination, reveal that no such diety exists. Tell this to those who believe in him, though. Furthermore, there IS someone benefitting from all this adoration, and he may achieve Godhood from it, if his cult is not stopped.)

- - -




I know you want your staff back, but God only know what you will do with that kind of power again. Besides I might have plans for it, after all it does not say you have to be a psion to use it, just think my PL would top out over 40 now
Besides you are all kinda squishy right?

OOC: besides if it turns my character evil for a little while that might just be fun also, at least untill I decide to get rid of it
Evil laughter Muahhahahaha

I will e-mail you on how to change the colors correctly








This Post is OGC Compliant [Open Post]

Some people have been asking me things earlier in the threads. I've gotten lost in the big mess, and I was wondering - if people have sent me emissaries or want to contact me about something.


I can respond to email much faster, as my email works 24/7, unlike my 'net connection. I check my mail in the morning, and first thing from school. I constantly check my email, and I collect my mail from my server every 10 minutes, and my box beeps every time I get mail, so I'm sure to notice.

Thank you for your cooperation.


First Post


OOC: Dying is oh so bad... oh well this is the IR

ANSWER: Dying is not necessarily an escape.
You can be Wished back to life, if everything else fails.
If Wishes fail, 10th level magic will work.
If 10th level magic fails, 11th level magic will work.

You can be forced to live.

This is unfortunate, because your enemies have ways of making living painful for you.

- - -

William Ronald


I follow dagger's wise lead in rooting out spies and saboteurs, building up my defenses, and developing early warning systems.

You find spies from nearly every Power in the Kevellond League, William.
You are able to build you early warning system and your defenses.

I intensify my efforts to locate the Shade and Acererak and ask others to do so. I try to determine if they are on Oerth (in the same way as other powers are, on or under the ground, in the air, or in the water.), or in Greyspace, or elsewhere.

ANSWER: The Shade and Acererak have retreated to their Secret Places.
These are somewhere. I cannot say any more than that (except that, they are not in Realmspace.)

I think the freeform style will help make this easier for you to moderate.

ANSWER: It could cause the IR to collapse too. I hope not.


Hazen wishes to send a representative to speak to the World Congress on Toril? Do you accept?
Also, the illithid fleet may be heading towards Oerth over the Staff of Ancient Penumbra? What action might the UC of Toril and its allies take in this matter?

ANSWER: Well, I will leave Forrester to answer THOSE questions himself.

- - -


Im not sure if this will do anything or make any differnece, but I'm doing it anyway. This idea i have been kicking around for a while, and since the IR is getting more crazy by the minute, I'm posting it.>

Olinstaad is going to create a new independent order, similar to the Emerald Enclave of Toril.
This order will be called the Emerald Order.
Olinstaad will make this group independent of even himself and will appoint a council of 7 members made up of a Human, Elf, Dwarf, Gnome, Halfling, Half Elf and a Orc. Each starting member will have Neutral or Good alignment and they will be charged with carrying the group forward. This group will have several goals initially.

1. To make sure that nature and the land itself is put before profit and expansion.
2. To educate peoples on how to better themselves, and their nations but not at the expense of the land or the life forms that live upon it.
3. To research, fund and further technology that does not hurt or damage the ecosystem and yet helps people at the same time. Example includes clean burning fuels
4. To research, fund and further magic that does not hurt or damage the ecosystem and yet helps people at the same time. Example includes magic that increases the output of crops, and thus removing a need to cut down areas of a forest for more land.
5. To research, fund and further psionics that do not hurt or damage the ecosystem and yet helps people at the same time.
6. To limit, control, or destroy technology, magic, psionics, groups, nations, and people that harm the ecosystem in anyway. This does not mean killing people outright, but it could mean killing people under certain situations (like the Shade who obviously can not be reasoned with). Ways to acomplish this goal might include diplomacy, open conflict, covert actions, advisory positions, leadership roles and setting good examples. These are just a few of the ways this goal might be achieved.
7. To Enclave will have respect for life and freedom.

At this point a sending will go out all across the world for volunteers (non IR powers unless you want, just npc's, normal folks, and whomever Edena thinks might join) to join this group.
Olinstaad will GIVE the group the Kron Hills but the group at this point is free to recruit and govern itself any way it sees fit. So can you adjust the map and remove Kron Hills from my list? I will defend the Hills is anyone gets territory hungry though.
Also a sending will go to Toril for any ex or current members of the Emerald Enclave to see if they want to join. Or offer assistance and advice.
Also the Kingdom of Ulek is still a member of the Alliance if your wondering.

RULING: Several million people immediately join this order, and Cults of the Emerald Order spring up in every land.
A lot of people are weary of war and ruin, afraid, and they see the Order as a way to unite against the destruction of their people, their way of life, and their world.
Even in the Union of Oerth, hundreds of thousands of people - defying the God Emperor - form secret enclaves of the new Emerald Order.

- - -


This changes everything... Everybody will be given 10th level magic for free, nevermind that Kalanyr and Melkor spent their precious powerpoints on it. 11th level magics will be stalled to turn 10, when I suppose everybody will get it for free as well.

ANSWER: If I give it to only one or two players, everyone else will complain.
If I give it to everyone, people complain.
For what it's worth, everyone worked pretty hard on 10th level magic during the 5 Turns.
I can assume they are working hard on 11th level magic.

No more civilization advancement. This invalidates my entire strategy. Maybe it's fair but I don't have to like it.

ANSWER: I don't like it either, Serpenteye. I wanted to stay with the system I set up.
I did not abandon that system willingly.
I fought to keep it going until I was so exhausted I could not continue at all.
Only then, when I was so exhausted I could not continue the IR if I carried on in that way, did I change to freeform.
A last resort on my part.
Not something I wanted to do.

The IR will become a competition of who can come up with the most outrageous inventions and that will escalate into absurdity.

ANSWER: Unfortunately, this is very true.

Everything will be posted on the boards, and attacking others after they have made a "secret" post will be considered metagaming, even if you would have attacked them anyways. If anybody sneezes in Kabooms direction now...
Maybe it's easier for you to moderate and the IR is your game to control however you see fit, but this really turns me off. I respect your decision and your person but I really believe that you are taking the IR in the wrong direction.
My apologies if I have offended

ANSWER: Then how do I do it? How do I make it work? I have explained the difficulties facing me, Serpenteye.
I cannot answer over 100 e-mails each and every day, not to mention 200 or more posts, plus my own posts.
I have spent over a month doing a lesser version of that, but with the growth in power of all the Powers, their capacity for invention (and what they can do, within the realm of imagination) has increased exponentially (and it would, for science and high level magic gives the imagination more room to work in.)
Thus, the number of e-mails to me was increasing exponentially, and the difficulty of adjudicating the posts was increasing exponentially.

Is there a way I can continue the IR, using the system I had?
Is there another system that will work?

Is there, really, any rules system that can handle 24 powers all employing their imagination, 10th level magic, and high technology?

I very much wish you to have fun, Serpenteye, and I feel your displeasure keenly.
But I cannot do the impossible.

William Ronald



I think the open and closed posts system will work.

I also urge peopel to e-mail me if you want to contact me in secret. My quickest e-mail is williamwronald@aol.com.

If anyone wants a personal battle, contact Edena. Arrange a time for you to meet your adversary. It might be easier to keep this to one on one duels, or people can invite allies in. (The latter might have similar results to posting on the boards.)

I also think we need to stop being so argumentative. I suggest we all download the stuff WoTC has on 10th level magic from 2nd edition.

Also, we need to give Edena some respect. There is too much complaining.

Maybe Edena will keep this from turning to absurd. Creativity should be encouraged. However, good strategy should count for something in the IR too. (Good strategy is creative.)

My next post will be secret.


First Post

I repeat something I said above.

I feel Serpenteye's disappointment and displeasure keenly.
It makes me feel bad that someone is losing the fun.

I kept my system of rules that I set up going for literally as long as I could.
I could, conceivably, keep it up for one or two more Turns.
Then, I would be gone from the IR. Utterly burned out.

I was burned out last night after spending 6 hours dealing with 150 posts and 103 e-mails.
And under the system I had created, it would be like that everyday, from now on.

I could survive another Turn, probably - maybe two - under that kind of pressure.
Then, I would just be gone.

The reason my system worked earlier, and isn't working now, is simple:

You have imaginations.
You use your imaginations.
You think up things with your imaginations.

When you had little technology and low powered magic, there were strict limits on what you could realize into IC reality with your imagination.
However, as your ever increased in strength, gaining greater and greater magic, and higher and higher technology, the limits of your imagination were pushed back and back.

And, with 3 Powers gaining 10th level magic on Turn 6, and all the Powers with technology of World War II or higher, your imaginations are running amok.
Which is fine.

But that fertile imagination is translating into an exponential increase in the number of e-mails I am receiving.
It is also translating into an exponential increase in the difficulty of making rulings on things.
My rules system is crumbling under the onslaught of creative ideas you are thinking up.

It is similar, really, to what happens in a very high level game of Dungeons and Dragons, ala 2nd Edition.
The 2nd Edition rules broke down around 13th or 14th level, and really broke down around 20th level.
In 3rd Edition, they are trying to handle this with the Epic Level Rulesbook - I wish them luck.

Because, with 21st century science and 10th level magic combined, their is almost no limit on the imagination.

But there is a limit to my endurance, and also my time.
Last night, that limit was reached.
Last night, the IR almost ended.

If EVERYONE in the IR requests that I return to my system of rules, I will do so.
I will return to allowing you to e-mail me.

But the IR will go for only two more Turns.
For your Moderator will be hospitalized, if it goes any further beyond that.

If we go by Freeform ... well, as I said, Freeform was not what I wanted, and I don't want it now.
But it seems to be the only answer.

Is there another answer?
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William Ronald



Anabstercorian has stated how the Staff of Ancient Penumbra can be destroyed - being hurled into a specific sun. If it is destroyed in this fashion, are the Elder Ones summoned? What consequences would it have? Obviously the illithid fleet would not like it much. (A very BIG understatement.) However, it might be better than some alternatives.

I offer the Eternal Empire troops, during their stay on Oerth, my help and assistance. If I can convince the AnaKeri to allow it, I would like to extend the offer to the Eternal Empire troops -- with the caveat that they are going home as per the order of their superiors.

I send my 2 ghostly NPCs to Alzem to be turned into celestials.

Also, I try to create more intelligent and good aligned rust monsters (adding the celestial template if I can) that can become ethereal (like a phase spider.)
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