(IR) IR Interlude Turn 5 - Turn 6 (thread 2)


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Welcome, Zouron!

Remember, Zouron - The people of Ana Keri are under my protection. You piss me off, you'll wish you hadn't. ;) Okay? Leave the natives alone or die horribly.

Edena, thank you for your agreement regarding the artifacts. I have actually made an agreement with Forrester. That post was a transcript of an e-mail conversation we had.

Edena, we continue to have a Red Goo rating of 5.
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Mr. Draco

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The the legions of Kas will colonize the abondoned Tilvanot Peninsula. They will first build cities/buildings there that match the year 1500 standard that the IR started at, then they will advance said territory to the year 1672, like the rest of the Union of Oerth (or is that impossible?), thus gaining (hopefully) the extra PL from industrialization.

Secret Text for Edena:

Edena, the Union of Oerth will send diplomatic liasons to each new country, they will come bearing great gifts of technology, alliance, and information. Even larger efforts will be made with the evil nations, as they may be more accepting of our efforts.

Secret text for Zouron and Edena:

Zouron, before you came to command the Eternal Empire forces on Oerth, the Union of Oerth sent a rather LARGE diplomatic liason bearing gifts and information, and requesting an alliance. What would you think of that?

Secret text for Gnomeworks:

So, find anything interesting from your new "city of the gods" yet?
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First Post
Public Letter:

Greetings Lords of Oerth.
The Eternal Empire's deligation on Oerth have been the subject to severe internal disputes, but would like to announce that our leaders have come to an agreement, our commander has changed and it is now the honorable Fujishi Zuroji that commands our forces. Our plans have also strongly changed and we do not wish to be associated any longer with the actions of our former commander. We have declared our independence from the Emporer and the Eternal Union, we will of course consider ourself positive towards our former ruler. To reflect the change it has been decided that our deligation herefort shall be known as The Eternal Union.
We have the following agenda:
A) Integrating ourself on Anakeris.
B) Including the existing countries of Anakeris in a for all part favorable union.
C) Secure peace on Anakeris.
D) Secure peaceful relationship and trade agreement with all willing to this.

For now it will mean anyone trying to conqurer any land on the Continent of Anakeris will be meet with complete resistance from both existing country and the Eternal Union.
It means we will trade with all that desires to trade with us.
It means we offer the following nations to join our union Anakae Noct, Crisfae Noct, Kiwae Noct, Taerae Noct, Llurae Noct, and The Empire of Aquaria, this relationship will be based on either equal footing no matter the size of said country or based on the country's own economic, military, magical, resource and population mass.
It means we will attempt to live here without exploiting the natural resources and we have no wish to destroy the land which we have settled on.

"From beyond the Mist, From Beyond the Sea."
"We are Here, We join you."
"Eternity is now, We are Now."
"Strength through Unity, Strength through Will."

signed: Commander Fujishi Zuroji


Letter For Draco:

The Eternal Union, gladly accept your offer. We see it as important to keep open lines of communication and interaction to friendly as well as neutral nations.

Signed: Muji Eviri, Diplomatic Officer.


Letter For Anabstercorian

The Eternal Union will take your warning into consideration, sadly it seems that the new leadership see little reason provided for looking favorable on your proposal.
We have no interest in harming the people of Anakeris, but feel a strong need to include them in our union to avoid for them and ourself a tyranic dictators wishing to use threat as well as force to gain power. We wish this to establish a base of power that will secure the Eternal Union as well as the People of Anakeris from outside interference and by doing this integrating ourself as permanent residence of Oerth.

Signed: Muji Eviri, Diplomatic Officer.

Anab.. Here the promised stuff! (this takes to long, Arf Edena I know how u feel now)


Anab. enjoy, I promised the entry of the Illithid in Lords of Darkness and well.. here u got your official candy my man :)


"The taste link is active," sugglir sent to his assembled peers. "Begin," came the collective response.
"Human food-creature," sent sugglir to the bound captive, "you are being honored by being chosen as the subject of pa'nur. My mind and yours are linked. When I feast upon your brain, you shal sense it, and savor its taste as much as I do. In this way, perhaps your souls shall be convinced to tread the world in the future as an illithid, rather then as a surface cattle." With that, Sugglir's tentacles bored their way into Kilimur's skull.
Kilimur screamed, but as he died he learned that the mind flayer found his brain to be quite delicious.

The mind flayers are rightfully feared for their evil, their power, and their diet of the brains of intelligent creatures. They assemble in great cities in the Underdark and enslave entire colonies of sentients to work for them and serve as sources of food. What prevents them from immediatly conquering the world, in addition to their very specifique dietary needs, is their inherent self-serving nature ---- even a slight setback causes an Illithid to flee in the interest of preserving its own skin.


As with beholders, the origin of the illithids is the scource of much speculation and little fact. Some think they came from another plane, some from another time or from across the sea of night (Explanation to GH people, Sea of night is Faerun realm space). Others theorize that they came from a place outside the normal considerations of Faerun's cosmology. There are other worlds where mind flayers rule and all other races are their livestock, and it was ancient slave rebellions against the mind flayers that resulted in psionically active races such as the duergar. As things stand, mind flayers are scattered across the worlds, and noone can point to a specifique place where they originated.



While all mind flayers revere Ilsensine, their evil deity of knowledge, conquest and mental power, few choose to devote themselves to the deity and become clerics. Each illithid city has a handful of clerics that remain somewhat apart from others in the city. Ilsensine is said to look like an enourmous green brain trailing countless tentacles that elad throughout its cavernous realm and into the hidden corners of all planes. Its symbol is a brain with two tentacles. The domains associated with it are Charm, Evil, Knowledge, Law, Mentalism and Tyranny. It's favored weapon is the tentacle (whip).



A mind flayer city is a hideously beautifull place, alien in construction and designed to suit creatures that can naturally levitate. Openings to palatial tunnels rise in staggered levels up the sides of great caverns, ramps instead of stairs, and the lowest level is relegated to slaves and slave handlers. At the center of the city in a large building that houses the elder-brain, the aggregate intelligence and memory of mind flayers that have died. Within the elder-brain's pool swim the tadpolelike young of the race, which implant themselves in a humanoid host when they reach maturity, eventualy transforming the host body into the form of a adult mind flayer.

Mind flayers work to advance the plans of their community and divide themselves into smaller groups for specifique purposes, such as creating attack strategies, planning slaving runs, searching for a way to dim the light of the sun, or creating magic items to enhance their psionic abilities. Illithids encountered outside a city are either agents of these smaller groups or (very rarely) traitorous citizens marked for death. Whether associated with a city or not, mind flayers vigorously compete with each other, rarely pooling their powers, even when working towards the same goal.



The head of a mind flayer city in the elder-brain, which telepathically links all the illithid minds within a mile of the city itself. The elder-brain is parent, orator, judge, arbiter, governor, and library for the illithids. Imbued with vast psionic power from its constituent preserved brains, the elder-brain cannot move and has no ability to physically defend itself, but its mental powers can effortlessly bring any mind flayer to its knees.

Below the elder-brain is the Elder Concord, a counsil of mind flayers representing each of the various illithid creeds (factions). The Elder Concord sets goals for the community, elects officials for various duties, and takes care of most of the responsibilities for ruling a community. Underneath the Elder Concord are the "common" illithids of the citym which either work alone or agglomerate into inquisitions or cults. Below the common ilithids are the many slaves of the city, which do all the actual labor, act as the city's military arm, and eventually end up as meals for the mind flayers. A city usually has one or two races of thralls to maintain its breeding population.



mind flayers wish to dominate the world so that they may live lives of luxury, feasting upon the refined minds of carefully bred thralls and honing their psionic powers to a fantastic degree. how each illithid plans to see this goal achived may differ --- some wish to blot the cursed sun that prevents them from easily waging war on the surface, some wish to amass great armies of slaves, some to create psionic items of incredible power, and some have even stranger and more incomprehensible goals. Ay motivation is a means to the desired end of world domination.



Mind flayers do not recruit. To them, other races are only potential slaves. Only when it is to their advantage or when greatly outnumbered do they ally with others instead of enslaving them, and any "recruited" by the illithids are eventually going to be charmed and enslaved by them. Almost every type of creature with discernible intelligence may be found as a illithid thrall.



Mind flayers have few true allies, although they sometimes make temporary alliances with other underdark cares. They keep slaves of almost any race; the most common ones are grimlocks, because grimlocks breed fast and are willing to eat the remains a hungry mind flayer leaves behind. The illithids also frequently have chuul as slaves, and use many Underdark adapted animals as spies (the illithid scour the animals' brains to get teh information they wants, bypassing the limited intelligence of the creatures).

Mind flayers sometimes lead small bands of doppelgangers, a type of group known as a druuth. The shapechangers are able to infiltrate various organisations and societies, providing their illithid masters with valuable information.



The illithid have many enemies --- namely, almost every creature that isn't an illithid, because no sane mind would volunteer to be enslaved and eaten by these monsters. However, some beings in particular are frequent foes. Deep dragons and drow compete with mind flayers for living space and slaves. Undead of all kind kinds are hated and feared, for they are immune to most psionic powers, forcing the mind flayers to use their own natural attacks or wast valuable slaves.

The Duergar are the most ardent foes of the mind flayers. Once a normal clan of dwarves, after being enslaved and tampered with for generations, the duergar shook themselves free of their mental chains and emerged into the underdark as a new subrace of dwarves. The duergar have never forgotten their enslavement, and they train all their soldiers in illithid fighting tactics.


Hope you can make some use of it Anab. and maybe some others can make use of it as well!


Tnx Edena :)

btw you missed a post of me above I'll edit this post later and paste it below for you to read again.
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And for my larvae hatching process, if you would be so kind to mail me what for effect in PL increase it's going to have each turn? If it is in the stage I mailed it to you, I'm expecting a big number in PL increase each turn (yeah the 3 digit )

That's it, awaiting your divine assistance :)


tnx in advance and I appreciate u appreciate my enthusiasm in the mails and plans

And as you know we all love u man for doing this, this stuff is GREAT and I'm still puzzled why people would leave this.. everyone has setbacks and we can't all win but then take the loss and go out in a blaze of nuclear glory!

Nukem until they Glow Guys :D:D:D:D:D:D


First Post
Cool! Thanks. ^_^

I recommend everyone read over Forsaken One's post on Illithid culture. It is, after all, common knowledge - Anabstercorian is a published author on the history of the Illithid.

Here are my comments on more specific portions of this information:


The true origin of the Illithid was secret, but with the publishing of my history it is no longer. We are an evolved form of a psionic parasite (similar to but also distinct from Puppeteers) that originally traveled to your metaversal space from the non-space that you have called the Far Realm.
After we were summoned to fall from the sky like rain and used as a biological weapon by one species against another in a war to rival any of those that have wracked Toril in the last decades, we turned against our summoners and crushed them. The species we were originally sent against no longer exists, and we were in tadpole form when we devoured them, so nothing is known of them. Those who summoned us are known to you today as the Githyanki and Githzerai.
This information is really public knowledge - It's in my book.


All of the information here is true - I suppose my domains are Mentalism and Tyranny, then, not Psionics and Domination. But no biggie. I suppose I should pick up a good magical whip.

All of this is secret to factions who have no Illithid in them.

Edena, this may be a point of contention with other Mind Flayers on Oerth. I have completely escaped normal Illithid hierachy, and this sort of this is very important to Illithid. This may cause other Oerthian Illithid to react negatively, as I am a bit of a vagabond.

All of this is secret to factions who have no Illithid in them.

Illithid have no known allies, but in these trying times that could, conceivably, change. Of course, it would be an immense effort for creatures as lofty as the Illithid to suppress their arrogance, but we're Illithid. You think we're not strong-willed enough to do that?

You'll ALL screwed. Some of you are just more screwed than others. And not necessarily by me. OR even by my allies. Wow.
More specifically, those of you who have strong Drow or underdark aspects of your Faction would likely bear a strong grudge against the Illithid.


First Post
Welcome, Venus!

Welcome to the IR!

Or, rather, welcome to the bedlam and uproar that the IR always has been.

You are now the Player of the Emerald Order.

Has Dagger told you what the Emerald Order is about?
If he has, you are welcome to play the Emerald Order in that way, or you are welcome to play them in any way you like!

The Emerald Order as Dagger conceived of it was a good organization.
They are dedicated to preservation, especially of the wonders and beauties of Oerth, of it's unique plants and animals, of it's inherent magic, of it's native magic.

Considering the destruction and pillage of these things in recent months, they are badly needed.

They currently only hold one country, the Kron Hills.
However, they have access to Dagger's Secret Retreat, so they can all hide in a place where they cannot be found, and if the Kron Hills are devastated they will survive.

Also, several million people on the world of Oerth have secretly joined the Emerald Order.
They are even joining the Emerald Order in the Union of Oerth, turning their backs on their God Emperor.
Those who seek peace, those who seek safe harbor, those who seek preservation of what was, are those who are joining the Emerald Order.

You are now the player of that Power.

Welcome to the IR! :)



First Post
Anakae Noct, Crisfae Noct, Kiwae Noct, Taerae Noct, Llurae Noct, and The Empire of Aquaria REFUSE to join with the forces of the Eternal Empire, citing them as tyrants.
In fact, the people of AnaKeris demand to know why nobody has helped them kick the Eternal Empire invaders off their continent - everyone has been full of promises, but nothing delivered.

Mr Draco, you are able to seize the lands south to the Tilvanot Peninsula.
However, your plan concerning Advancing Your Civilization is only starting now - the fruits of that plan won't occur until after the end of Turn 6.
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