(IR) IR Interlude Turn 5 - Turn 6 (thread 4)


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Acererak regards the boy Zouron sent to deliver his note.

"Tell your master that I design for myself to turn the very last page, and who knows, in strange aeons even death may die."

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Could someone please post a summarized update? I asked for one earlier, but that was before this thread, IIRC. Another one would be nice.

Phibrizzo turns to Mina, "I thought it was obvious," Phibrizzo gives a smile, "The League of Warlords will join the Alliance of Worlds, I'm sure Mr. Sanctus will agree to it as well."


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Continuing a proud tradition

My best attempt at an update

Mina, an interloper from the world of Krynn, is offering to help protect Oerth from the incoming Fleet of Darkness, which is composed of vast amounts of spelljamming Illithid and Drow.

An alliance of sorts is formed between (To the best of my knowledge) Mina, Malachi, Melkor, and Phibrizzo. Everyone else thinks more outsiders = bad and wants to get rid of her, including me.

I skip town and head out to meet the Fleet of Darkness. I THINK I've managed to earn their respect and command of them, but the jury is out on that one - Edena missed some of my posts.

William Ronald

Hazen stands in the new headquarters for the Kevellond League in Veluna City.

"I see that Mina will arrive soon. I shall speak with her."

"I have recently become aware of what has transpired on Krynn. I will speak with her, but she will likely not like what I have to say."

"She may hate me for what I have to say. However, I stand for Oerth and its peoples. And its traditional cultures and faiths. People have a right to believe or not believe as they chose. I respect Alzem's right to act on behalf of Oerth's peoples as he sees fit. I respect Forrester's right to follow or not follow any divinity. I believe that all choices must be made out of free will."

William Ronald


My forces will try to disrupt all efforts by the Black Brotherhood to help the red goo achieve sentience. Also, we are trying to use healing spells to free as many souls from the Red Goo and Red Steel as possible. (I stated this previously.) I also contact the Emerald Enclave (Venus), Dagger, Gnomeworks, Alzem and Kalanyr and ask for their assistance. I ask Skotenos and Alyx to keep a watch on the Black Brotherhood's activities.

Also, I will ask those powers with spelljammers to ready them for a force to protect Oerth from the Fleet of Evil.

Also, Hazen will try to determine if he can use a certain item to free spirits chained to anothers will or the Red Goo.

Members of the Kevellond League begin to research the mindset opposite of the Black Brotherhood and try to begin a transformation into some form to oppose the Red Goo. (Antibodies as it were.) Possibly limitless love and self sacrifice can achieve an ascended form.

I try to added the celestial templates to all my monsters. I build tanks and the equivalent of flame throwers that can fire holy water. (As well as flame thrower tanks.)

I have also tried to enhance my rust monsters by giving them sentience, phasing abilities, and the celestial and half-celestial templates.

I also try to find some way to speed the reproductive and growth process of my monsters. Maybe raise them in an altered area of time. Also, increase their nutrition.


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*The Eternal Order Delegation looks at Acererak carefully, one or two of them even shivering slightly in fear, but seems to lack understanding for waht Acererak means. They all stay silent in fear of enraging the powerful Acererak.*


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Posted by Anabstercorian

Then it shall be thus!

Anabstercorian points to the now fading afterimage of the magical sending, as if to indicate the destruction that was just wrought.

<< That is what we will do! We will cleanse Oerth, we will cleanse it indeed. We will reduce its past to chaff and ashes, turns its present in to a madness undescribable, and remake its future in to something glorious and amazing, and ours. >>
<< I will lead your army. We will remake the world in our image. We will shatter Oerth beyond recognition. >>
<< I promise you this! One hundred years hence, there will be no elves on all of Oerth! There will be nothing but the drow and the Illithid! Over time, as the drow learn the wisdom of my path, there will only be the Illithid, but the Drow will not miss their past, and Lloth will grow stronger, and never be forgotten. The Queen of the Demonweb Pits will exist forever alongside Ilsensine, my brethren and my allies! It will be difficult, it will be strenuous, and it will require great skill and wit, but we will crush Oerth - We will crush it utterly. And we'll have a damn good time doing it! >>
He raises his staff, nothing but wood, and ululates loudly. The other warriors of the Illithid and Drow raise their weapons and scream with him, a sound like hundreds of innocents being murdered...

- - -

So be it.
An enormous cheer, a roar that would rival a jet fighter at full throttle, erupts from the countless millions in the Army of Darkness.
The symbols of Ilsensine and Lolth are brandished, and a million swords are swept from scabbards.


And now you, Anabstercorian, are their leader.
The Army of Darkness has a player, and that player is Anabstercorian.
4,000 PL strong is the Army of Darkness.

- - -

The Angels gather, and speak to Alzem

'We have decided ...'
'We have chosen ...'
'The end does not justify the means ...'
'To consort with Malys the Red Marauder we will not do ...'
'To ally with the Dragon Overlords we will not do ...'
'Malys has killed tens of thousands of innocents ...'
'Khellendrous metamorphoses innocents into hideous monsters ...'
'Darkness is in the hearts of the Dragon Overlords, and you ally with them ...'

'We shall protect Hope Isle, Toril'
'We shall protect Hope Isle, Oerth'
'We shall protect Realmspace from the Elder Ones'
'We shall protect Realmspace from the Red Death'

Then a single Angel speaks softly:

'We will aid the innocent of Oerth, should they call to us.
Those who schemed, those who plotted, who brought ill knowingly on themselves and others, on those who are bent on conquest and murder, we will not help'
'We will help the innocent.'
'Their hearts will call to us, and we will come.'

In other words, the Angels will not help, unless their help is actually requested in a Post to this board.
Then, whether they will help depends on who is requesting their help, and why.

The Angels are no longer under Alzem's control - he has released them.
Although this was excellent roleplaying on Alzem's part, it is very unfortunate for some of you in the IR - it just took 4,000 PL in Angelic strength away from you that you could not afford to lose right now.

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