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(IR) IR Interlude Turn 6 - Turn 7 (thread 2)

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If someone declares they are charging their defense, do they have to state for how long they want to charge for immediately?

I ask this because, if I can declare I am charging for one week, and I never need to use my defense that week, I may as well have said two weeks and I just wasted a ton of 11th level energy. It makes more sense (and I might just be confused) that we all assume we are charging till someone states they are using an attack or defense.

Zelda Themelin

First Post
Re: Question to everybody

NOTE: My post can later be altered by DM.

Like said, that offer isn't very popular. (Not much power for you to gain here, that is).


For few inviduals, however it seems better than hardship at hand. To some, Anabstercorian's is impressive, some of those people have admired this great being. Some think Anabstercorian is indeed, great god of Destruction and Chaos, like another one called Forrester, and should indeed be served, rather than opposed. Some are just afraid. Some seek better life. There are many reasons, numberous reason. Few of them are 'right reasons' to make such choice.

These people left their people already. They ran into other people, they heard the tales. They had given up their way of life.. they were seeking something.. they found. you.. or maybe your agents just found those lost people first.

Those civilians who didn't leave their lands are not open for your offers.

1 PL of those civilians, some barbarians, some ex-citizens of Ratik are ready to take this offer after little persuation. Their people didn't use to practise magical alteration on people, so they are bit shocked at prospect of being... changed that way. Few find idea even intriguing.

They don't know great secrets, they don't carry much valuables with them. However, they are able to tell, that traitorous king Morreg, secretly 'fan of Iuz' managed to manipulate few important people leaving with him, not to mention, managed to steal some treasure with him. Of course, Morreg is dead, and died somewhere none knows.

This group of civilians might draw along another another 1 PL of mixed lot, if offered something more for this work. Or your agents can just brainwash and force them *shrug*.

Zelda considers: This loss of PL from people is about 8, I presume. Evenly shared between barbarians and Ratikians, other groups are really minor.

((When you choose your path and believe in free will, be prepared, that not all are ready to follow your way. Universe is filled with better sounding offers, than 'create your own fate'.))


Greetings, all.

I want to put claim to the Nations of the Chosen of Mystra. I believe someone else has also put claim to this place, and that makes it a contested nation.

Oh well.

This is my new posting time, from 8:56am CST to 9:47am CST. I may also be able to afford around a half hour during the night after 5:30pm CST, but don't count on it. Sorry, :(

Despite that, I am still a part of this IR. I am not inactive, and have emailed Edena a few times in the last turn or two, and taken action (the nuking of the Elder Ones, for example).

Thank you all for your patience. However, do not delay the IR on my behalf - I can still participate effectively, if I cannot post all the time. I will keep myself updated and ask for updates from my allies when necessary.

If this is too much of a drain on the IR, I can quit and surrender the Lortmils over to an ally. I would prefer to not have to do that, however, as I still think that I can be an effective part of this IR. I still have a few aces up my sleeve, and I'll be using them shortly.

Thank you.

Zelda Themelin

First Post
I shall return in 12 hours.

Gametime (and none was willing to give me any ideas, such a shame).

Some cynicism bites it's iron-teeth into your flesh,
when you step from the summer of youth to the autumn of maturity. Belief and mystery fade away if they are not tended.

Posted by Anabstecorian:

<< My friends, my enemies. We have fought together, and we have fought against each other. But we all - ALL of us - Have a common enemy. And that enemy is great. You all know of whom I speak. >>
<< I speak of Melkor, the Destroyer, the Consumer, the Raper, the Dominator, the Grinder of Souls, the Devourer of Hope, He Who Spawned The Red Army, The Bastard Son Of Oblivion and Despair. >>
<< You all know that he's going to destroy the world first chance he gets. I recommend we crush him in to a one-dimensional point before he can do the same to us. >>
<< I recommend we begin a focused attack on the magical assault capabilities of the Shade, and shatter his offensive power immediately. We have no chance of creating a lasting peace and denying the Dark Powers the pleasure of acquiring Oerth otherwise. His presence is too disruptive, his mind too antithetical to harmony, his form too blasphemous to the creed of peace and law for any sort of coexistence with him. >>
<< I saw we KICK HIS ASS! Who is with me? >>

Image of Melkor appears before Anabstecorian:

-Hmm, I like you, nice titles that you have given me, I might even add them to the official list, or maybe not, it is long enough. And I see that you have finally gotten smarter, Favored OF Ilsenine, and understood, that I AM to be feared. But I can spare you my wrath, I offer you a non-agression pact, I suggest accepting, my gifts are NOT to be rejected.
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I'm hitting Athas HARD. All forces native there will be told that I'm coming in to kick some oerthian booty and they are free to join in.
Psions should be united :)

All forces who voluntarily joined me I presume agree to be hiveminded and join the ideal of one perfect organism. If not they can remain independant but those who freely join me I presume for now they join in.
Their powers and DNA will be added to the gene pool.

Edena, my dreams effect one sphere right? But now that all is open I can use it everwhere I want?

And healing kills evil persons right now they have that strange ability :D

Everyone is free to join in the action to kick Melkor out of Athas or out of where ever.
If it's up to me this guys time is over.
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First Post
dagger> I can attempt to pretend it didn't happened? hehe. Nah actually I mostly ment Empire of Aquaria to the north of me, I am hoping to soon get some land, but I couldn't get the land for free Edena wanted me to conqurer it :( so I have to play nice.

Voidrunner's Codex

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