(IR) The 3rd IR, Turn 5 (thread 1)

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Mr. Draco

First Post
Likewise, the Union of Oerth will begin a programme of hunting down and executing any BB members in our territory. Additionally, all government officials are sworn in again with the Rod of Oaths (sp?)

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Hand and Eye of Piratecat [Moderator]
William Ronald said:
(Gnomeworks: Shyntara Starfire is the PC of Darkness, though I suppose IN CHARACTER that Darkness is a codename or nickname. Now you know why I created an NPC William Ronald:D)
(I can adapt. Admittedly, Shyntara has a certain inner darkness, acquired during a long life of seeing too much deceit, death, and destruction. Maybe the gnomes have known her for a long time and use that name because of some past event that they've witnessed. :))


First Post
A most interesting thing just happened.

The entire treasury hoard in Veluna City has disappeared.
It was not teleported.
It was not removed by any normal magic.
Scrying does not reveal where it is.

Nobody forced their way into the vault through the doors.

There is minor damage to the floor of the vault, like someone drilled a hole into the vault from below.
Below that hole, is a long tiny hole in the earth, and following it magically, it goes far through the rock and comes up outside of Veluna City.

Then, all traces of it are lost.

- - -

The same thing happens in Rauxes.
It happens, also, in Ishtarland, in the extreme far west.

About 50 million gold pieces worth of assorted jewels, gems, gold, silver, platinum, and magical items, are filched in this way.

William Ronald


Give me a little credit.:) Why march a force when I have magic at my disposal.

I ask that my allies who have access to Heward, Keoghtom, and Murlynd ask them to peer at the situation, determine what is going on, and get me the right coordinates.


Hand and Eye of Piratecat [Moderator]
(Edena, I have replied to the two mails you sent me in one mail to you, and also sent you another mail regarding a different - but related - topic. Both are relatively important...)

William Ronald


I will again ask Kalanyr and my allies with access to demigods to find the cash.

Rhialto, you do realize this little stunts have an escalating price scale?

Every Black Brotherhood agent found is killed immediately.

Mr. Draco

First Post
Creamsteak, large amounts of treasure were just stolen from Rauxes. Our only evidence is a hole in the ground, going for a great distance. We have also heard rumors that the elves under your command may have gained the ability to shapeshift into red goo. This rumor, should it be true, would place you as the prime suspect for these robbiries. What have you to say regarding them?


First Post
The Black Brotherhood states (when captured) that they have no use for gold or jewels.

Why in the name of Tharizdun would they steal gold and jewels?

They categorically deny any involvement in the thefts, and state that they are being made into scapegoats for all the problems of Oerth.

- - -

And no, the Demigods cannot find the stolen treasure.
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Hand and Eye of Piratecat [Moderator]
William Ronald said:
Every Black Brotherhood agent found is killed immediately.
ooc: I hope that they are raised again after that - only be to killed again for my sake, too? :D :D :D Or else could you perhaps give their bodies to SerpentEye so he can animate them for eternal use as dungsweeper zombies? :D :D :D

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