(IR) The 3rd IR, Turn 5 (thread 1)

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Ah-HA! I finally got in...

All right first we...

Wait--Edena still hasn't posted...


Well, at least he can see that I got through...

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Edena, I am going to sleep, I leave you in charge of my faction, by the way I just sent you another email, I am confused, can I get magical research help from my allies( other than Maudlin) this turn? if not, then consider my original Template valid, so I get 10th level magic next turn.


First Post
Oh no.
Not this time.
Melkor shall run the Shade that he has claimed.

- - -

There is a civil war in progress in New Dorakaa.
Much of the city is burning, and several foreign embassies have been destroyed.

Malacki and Iuz personally fight it out.
Great flashes of dark purple and red dominate the sky as the two battle.
In the end, Malacki strikes Iuz down and kills him.
Iuz drops to PL 0.

Malacki is now the leader of the Empire of Iuz.

It is now known as the Empire of Malacki.


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Well, since Kalanyr is openly scouting, he finds the following, which soon become public information:

Polaris, the continent near the south pole of Oerth, is empty of humans, demihumans, or humanoids.

Telchuria, the continent around the north pole of Oerth, has the Storm-Riders, and several independent small nations around the coast.

Fireland, the large island, lives up to it's name.
It is filled with volcanoes and lava streams.

Fireland is the home of a race of people that look human, and they are indeed native to Oerth.
They are not native to the Elemental Plane of Fire, nor are they Elementals.

They radiate extreme heat.
They are comfortable at temperatures of two thousand degrees.
They wear no clothing except metal harnesses, and magical transparent gauze.
Their cities are hand shaped by them out of lava, which they work as if it were mud.
They seem to breathe sulphuric dioxide and carbon dioxide without trouble.
They are a hedonistic and depraved people, lazy and indolent.

Their favorite activity is to mate while bathing in the streams of lava (they have great strength, and moving lava is like water to them.)

Their magic is powerful, and their offensive magic is more powerful: they can hurl blasts of white heat from their bodies that will melt rock, turn steel white with the heat, and even make adamantium glow a dull red.
Living things hit by this heat evaporate.

Yet they cannot be bothered by the troubles and problems of Oerik.
They are happy in their magnificent cities of basalt and crystal, and care not for war or other follies.
Not when they can pass the time dancing and celebrating.

They point out that there is a colony of their kind somewhere in the Flanaess.
They do not know where, and cannot find out, so further inquiries in that direction are useless.
They tell you attempting to scry their colony would be useless also, for their magic is too strong.

They state their colony is much more aggressive that they are, and is likely (they yawn) to come out and start burning down whole cities and civilizations any time now.


First Post
The people of AnaKeris are still wondering if you are going to do something about the Eternal Empire base that's sitting on their land.

They don't have the military strength to destroy it, and are wondering if you do.

Kas is able to kill the giantish guards, and penetrate into Saermont.
He founds a large series of caverns and caves, filled with angry fire giants.

He better say something quickly, or they are all going to attack.

Nobody ever did figure out what that pool of water was all about.


First Post
Spies confirm the following (in other words, it's true, folks.)

The Union of Oerth has perfected half-fiend trolls.
These enhanced trolls are immune to both fire and acid.
They are also decidedly evil.

The Union then attempted a new experiment, and it was successful.
They crossed a Gem Dragon with one of these half-fiend trolls, and the result was a Flying Half-Fiend Troll (still immune to fire and acid.)

These flying half-fiend trolls are now being mass produced at some place that is (infuriatingly) immune to 10th level scrying.
Those spies caught, in the Union, typically ... well, we know what the trolls are eating, now.

The Union has also successfully produced undead half-fiend flying trolls, who not only are immune to fire and acid, but drain life energy when they attack.

Because of these developments, the Union gains 9 x 2 points per round in the Monster Arms Race, each Turn, instead of 3 x 2, from here on out.

- - -

A confirmed report comes that the Solistarim have outfitted their dragons with Red Steel.
The stuff is so light the dragons can wear it while flying.
What effect, if any, the wearing of Red Steel is having on the Dragons, is unknown.

However, the Red Steel makes the dragons all but invulnerable to attack, while they, of course, can fire their breath weapons at will.

Some of the spies that gave this report were captured by the Solistarim shortly thereafter.
One was given to the dragons to eat.
The others ... well, we won't speculate on what happened to them.


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Malachai's Whim

Malachai smiles from his new position of power, "Dispatch forces to Fireland and extend to them a warm welcome," he glanced to his honor guard assembled, "a small delegation to offer our show of gratitude."

The Honor Guard snapped to, a diplomat bowing her head slowly, "It is as you command, oh great lord."

Malachai smiled, he could get quite used to such a term, "Now go, and do not return until the task is completed."

OOC: Dispatching a small delegation to Fireland by the quickest means possible... flown there by a Gem Dragon
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First Post
What base?

The Solistarim, in a show of appreciation for the friendliness of the AnaKeri, utterly annihilate the Eternal Empire outpost. Anabstercorian himself arrives (completely dispelling any rumors of his ousting) and, with the help of massive, armored red dragons, wipes the outpost off the map, reducing it to a flat plain and executing any survivors of his assault. He states:

<< This is the fate that all who insult the dignity of the AnaKeri will pay. So speak the Solistarim! >>

A PL 26 force (24 for me, 2 for the dragons) should be more than enough to crush the outpost to nothing.


First Post
News rapidly comes to the emissaries on AnaKeris that the Solistarim are offering to take out the base of the Eternal Empire of Toril IF the nations of AnaKeris agree to supply food only to the Solistarim.

Since nobody else, apparently (from the point of view of the people of AnaKeris) has the guts to take on the base, and the people in it who slaughtered the people of AnaKeri when they arrived from Toril, they agree to the Solistari Proposal.

Unless the rest of you can offer something better.

But the people of AnaKeris want immediate action, Anabstercorian.
No waiting around.
They want that base gone, and they want it gone now.

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