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(IR) The 3rd IR, Turn 6 (thread 3)

Don`t worry Kalanyr, in his current form Melkor isn`t turning people to Red Goo by touch, and his power is greatly surpressed( othewise he would be killing people by his mere presence).

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First Post
Iuz is not made of the RED SCOURGE, niether are his concubines and Iuz is not using the power to control, it is just an undrstanding that being divine he radiates that power and awe... and Iuz was unaware you were an Intermediate Deity as wel Kalanyr... Iuz continues to enjoy himself...


I am not but Iuz is limited in the amount of Divine Power he can bring to the Material, he is an Avatar I am a Demigod who is present in person!

Well I got school now please don't turn my population to Goo or Vapour or evil while I'm away. Or destroy the world etc.

Well Anabstecorian, when Melkor passes by he gives you look that you can interpret as "you are nothing but a worm for me, that I will crush in due time", same for Kalanyr and most of his enemies present, despite Hazen, whom he gives a look of hatred, and doesn`t stand in the same room as he for more than a moment.


First Post
LordMelkor{Talos} said:
Kalanyr, do you have a concubine, wive or daughter? The same question to God-Emperor, Creamsteak and everyone else.

Concubines, thousands. Wives, none. He had an infant daughter a decade ago when he was still a mortal. She was killed by a powerful enemy (possibly the Avatar of an unknown God) during the Aerdian Civil war that brought the man now known as the God Emperor to power. She's dead beyond the power of resurrection, or even his current divine power, to bring back to life.

The image of the God Emperor appears at the party glowing with a faint golden light that has a soothing and healing effect on those who see it (and who are not magically protected). He seems somewhat subdued but observes all the diplomatic niceties.

With a quick gesture he conjures a huge table full of exotic delicacies and 200 illusionary waitresses.
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First Post
This is the DM - READ this article, please

Some clarifications and answers are in order here:

And some rulings:

First of all, folks, there are six touches. You have only gone through two of them.

Now ...

Black Omega

OOC: Oh crap.

Other stuff edited out once I reread and found the part I misunderstood.

ANSWER: Well put, Black Omega. But please remember, your foes may not care or sympathize with the situation.

- - -


Oh deary me and I thought Melkor was bad. (See Edena this is why we don't fight and prefer diplomacy and civ advance instead)

ANSWER: You can fight all you want, without much in the way of ill effect. But you have not eliminated the Red Goo - and that was unwise on the part of everyone, to not eliminate the Red Goo.

We throw a big party and invite everyone, we spare no expense to keep people happy. We decide to rebuild and cancel the plan to kill our foes. We send people to help other people rebuild.

ANSWER: You throw a party, eh? Most of the world is a teutonic hell. Volcanoes are spewing, lakes of Red Goo cover vast areas, the continents are covered with floodwaters and swamps, the surface is broken into badlands, and you expect them to all just come to the party?
Kalanyr, IF you put ALL your 10th level magic into it, in about a MONTH you will be able to clear the atmosphere.
Nothing else. But ... the air will slowly clear.
You can THEN concentrate on stopping the destruction from the volcanoes and quakes, the floods, the Red Goo, from spreading FURTHER (you can halt it ... you CANNOT reverse it, without 11th level magic.)

The Tarrasque gives party rides.


Much good wine is sent to the Union of Oerth, and Melkor and Iuz and everybody else.

ANSWER: Since these gifts are sent out of terror, they do nothing against the Mists.

Happy music is played. Dances are held across the country we put on fireworks displays. We paint pretty pictures and farm organically. We compose music.

ANSWER: Since this is obviously being done out of terror, it only intensifies the power of the Red Goo, which feeds on terror.

(OOC- Gee, I think I just snapped from stress anyone want to join me?)
(Still OOC-Just gotta say it: Sucks to be Good. )

ANSWER: I am not forcing you to be good. You are perfectly welcome to use your 10th level magic to return to evil.

The third touch isn't going to come instantly ... these things take awhile. (fortunately for you.)

(In Character stuff starting when I get my thoughts together on this)
(Um people of Good,Neutral and Evil (but want to survive) alignments now is a good time to do nice things and think happy thoughts)

ANSWER: This is not Peter Pan. Acts made in terror just strengthen the Red Goo. Feigned happiness does nothing to allievate the problem, but only makes it worse.

- - -

Black Omega

Effective immediately.

No more fighting from the Coalition. Forget Iuz's followers. The real 'fight' has just begun.

ANSWER: Ah, someone sees that the DM is the real enemy, and not the other players. (wicked smile.) I like that.

And it must involve peace, love and forgiveness. People are sent to the temples to pray.
Presents of wine, delicaciesand baubles are sent to Iuz and Melkor.

ANSWER: These gifts are not meant genuinely (I dare you to tell me you send them in genuine good will with a straight face.) Nor is the celebration genuine - there is NO reason for celebration right now.
As a result, all this effort accomplishes nothing ... except to make the Red Goo stronger. It feeds on your terror, which is all too obvious.

This will be a time of peace, settling old scores peacefully, promoting brotherhood. Vesve is open to all to visit (save Melkorand Iuz, but their people will only be barred magically, no violence). Whether Union of Oerth, Unseelie or whoever. We ask only that you come in peace.

ANSWER: So, you are barring Iuz and Melkor, eh. Heh. The Red Goo is enjoying your terror immensely.

It'salso a good time for fae revels. Who says the bad guys are the only one's allowed orgies.
Hey Kal, wanna drop by? Siobhan's ready to work on that 'Make love, not war' thing.
Just read Kal's post, Siobhan visiting him is good too.

ANSWER: Revels and orgies are fine, and they do affect the Red Goo ... slightly. And any alignment can conduct orgies.

- - -


Heh quiet true, only the Chaotic and/or the Evil are allowed orgies.

ANSWER: Wrong.

Hmm well considering the previous mass displays of uninhibited reproductive behaviour involved someone haveing their heart removed, I think the less violent ones will go down well.
Feel free to join the party, all.
So do we bring the Vesve to Ishtarland or vice versa?

(Because I feel whimsical: Is a child of Kalanyr's and Siobhan's a Half-Celestial Seelie or a Half-Seelie Solar ? )

ANSWER: For your information, birth control exists on Oerth, in both mundane and magical form. As for children ... a child of Kalanyr and Siobhan would be a half-celestial Seelie.

Your orgy reminds me of the Black Death in Europe, where men and women cast aside all inhibitions, and revelled in the streets, knowing they were all going to die.

This kind of fatalism will not weaken the Red Goo.
It makes it stronger.

And I don't exactly see anyone coming to join this revel, except for the Faerie and Kalanyr's own folk.

- - -

Black Omega

Just remember, peace and fun. No removing hearts, please. And to be fair, the Coalition has all sides on this. The lawful and devout can pray. The fun and Fae can party.

ANSWER: There is no rule saying the lawful and devout cannot party. Each to their own.
This kind of pigeon-holing people only strengthens the Red Goo, which loves the ideas of intolerance and forced behavior (that is to say, do what we say or you're out of our organization.)

Oh...good question. A few gates to connect the parties?

ANSWER: Allowed. Anyone taking advantage of these Gates? They will allow travel to Ishtarland for the revel - or for an attack.

And we'll join in offering asisstence to those rebuilding after all this destruction.

ANSWER: Rebuilding? Rebuilding?! HAHAHAHAHA. Anabstercorian is busy destroying Luna, and you speak of rebuilding? I don't hear anyone trying to stop Anabstercorian ... in fact, I haven't heard anyone even speak out against what he is doing, in the posts I've read so far.
But don't worry ... the destruction of Luna won't affect you directly ... the massacre of millions of innocent people on that moon won't affect you directly ... the price to be paid will come later ...

More to the point, with the gifts, a message to Iuz the Old
"The Coalition of Light and Shadows sends greetings and wishes for peace. We apologize for the attack upon your lands and your temples. Reparations will be made. the time has passed for such emnity between us. We wortked together for a time. We've fought for a time. It's time that wheel turned full circle back to peace. We would like to propose a peace conference as a way of possibly settling our differences without the destruction of this world."

A similar message is sent to Melkor as well. An invitation to peace and to a peace conference.
After all, if the other side can't die, you can't very well sacrifice anyone.

ANSWER: A peace conference? I'll accept that. But everyone has to sit down at the table and talk. Actions speak, not words.

I'm singling out Melkor and Iuz, but the peace conference is a good idea for everyone. Oerth Alliance, Union, Forsaken, Valkys, etc. In the long run what's going on benefits none of us.
Perhaps we can't create a world of unending peace. But we need to do something and do it now.

ANSWER: That is very true.

- - -


Gates sound good. Better start constructing them I guess.
I'm all for the Lawful and the devout praying, I think I like the partying better though.

ANSWER: Each to their own. Interesting point, that nobody ever considered allowing each group, be they good or evil, Shade or Faerie, to coexist in peace. Hmmm ...

Hmm, noticed you said at the moment with the divine bit, you going for ascension too? If so let Kal know he's always willing to lend a hand.
Long IC post being typed now.

ANSWER: I forget to mention - the Second Touch affected all the dieties of Krynn, Oerth, and Toril. Nobody escaped the Touch. Except for the Angels only, and it hurt them very badly.

- - -


Oh my god, lose internec connection for one weekend and y'all blow up the whole stinking planet.......... Geese

ANSWER: Actually Spoof, Anabstercorian is blowing up Luna as I write this. As for Oerth, it is a teutonic hell from the bombardments and the actions of the Red Army (which is now gone.)

- - -

Zelda Themelin

OCC: Uh, huh, Gnome IR has interesting and sad times indeed. In case I may join 7th turn (and there still is one) which of my people are alive, or are they all dead?

ANSWER: Most of your people are still alive, Zelda. They took cover in your Secret Retreat.

- - -


Kalanyr and 10 clones of Kalanyr in silly looking party hats with their wings died purple are busily opening a Gate to the Vesve forest as around him the most powerful mages and clerics the Drow and Yuan-ti have work alongside Keraptis and Xaene to open even more Gates to various locations all over and under Oerth.

ANSWER: Noted. Anyone else joining the party?

In the background quiet the party is going, drow, fey,humanoids,Ishtarlanders,Dreipner elves, Yuan-ti and many other beings dancing,singing and doing other things. (Do not think about this too hard if you value your sanity (heh made you think about it didn't I? ).
Fireworks displays the likes of which have never before been seen like the skies. Illusions dance amongst the cascading lights and winged creatures fly amongst the stars above.
Robots walk around delivering drinks and refreshments to people.
Winged Tarrasques giving party rides.
Even our former prisoners of war get the best treatment available.
Somewhere in the background mock battles test people battle prowess, bringing about the joy of battle without the hatred and mages hold fireball throwing contests and mage duels.
Clerics perform miracles (they'll need to to get the food for this and deal with any unpleasant diseases that might result from orgies, hmm now that I think about I use 10th to eliminate those diseases) various holy symbols scattered amongst them. A full moon and bright starlight occupy the sky overhead along with a pleasant sun. (Cheating here they sky is just an illusion but it looks good).
Kalanyr does not enter either contest. (Gotta give people a sporting chance). (Oh if any PC or NPCs with a PL of 5+ wants to enter we'll start a heavyweight division for the hard hitters, then Kal will enter)
Eladrin and Slaad join the party. (At least the more intelligent Slaad do the dumber ones do whatever the more intelligent ones tell them to I guess).
Edena- Remember the +1/+1 everyone got from the goo and how you described what caused this for most races? Would you mind doing the same for the Drow/Seelie/Yuan-ti/Eladrin/Slaad/Humanoids/Robots/Underdark Monsters/Races ? (I've been wondering about it for 6 threads now).
Of course we continue giving aid to rebuild to people while rebuilding our territory.

ANSWER: LOL. You throw a great party to lessen the influence of the Red Goo. Then, at the last, you ask for the benefits the Red Goo gives you to kill people.
The Red Goo likes you, Kalanyr. It likes you a whole lot.

- - -


A black form appears over Oreth, surveying the damage that has been done.

ANSWER: It's bad. The atmosphere is filled with one great cloud. Underneath that, volcanoes are spewing and exploding on every continent, vast lakes of lava covering whole countries. Red Goo lakes are everywhere. There are no remaining forests on Oerik, except those magically protected. The continent has a slimy look, half flooded with water, Goo, and lava, and broken into badlands over vast regions. Mountain ranges have been torn apart, great cracks have allowed the sea to rush in, large areas of land exist where ocean once was, and large areas of ocean exist where land was. All the oceans are filled with wreckage, debris, and covered in ashfalls.
At the poles, the ice is melting, the sea levels are rising rapidly, and the world's climate is being forever altered.

Oh, did I mention - even as I write this, you see tremendous explosions occurring on Luna, as Anabstercorian continues to bombard that world, destroying it's surface utterly, in the name of eliminating Red Goo.
Which he may or may not accomplish: but he IS accomplishing the extinction of an entire people.

You can feel its shock and anger over what has been done here. Slowly the darkness fades away and you can make out the creature inside the shadow, it was Alzem.
At he looks around any creature left that his gaze falls upon feels a great fear, hoping that he is not the one he is looking for.

ANSWER: You do not see many surviving birds or animals on Oerik, the main continent. They remain on the other continents, and in the magically protected Vesve, Death, and Garnak Forests.

Look at at what they have done to this world. How could they have let this happen. I have not been gone long, have they killed everything that walks on this world? My people, what has happened to my people?

ANSWER: Ask them. I'm sure they will tell you - and each will point the finger at the other, blaming them for this mess.

At this he teleports to Hope Isle and sees that his people have come through this conflict relatively untouched. He sees his people moving about their lives, but they all seem busy, moving with more determination then when he left, but they are safe. He sends out his senses looking for the one who called to him, Hazen. When he locates him he sends out a call, to him, looking to meet him, to determine where he must go.

ANSWER: WRONG. Hope Isle is NOT ok. It has been swept clean of life, the refugees there killed.
One of the hits from the transferrence of energy from the sun caused a 2 mile high tsunami in the ocean north of Hope Isle, which then raced southward.
Just what do you think happened, when it arrived there?
And no, 10th level magic did not stop it. Your forces were busy fighting the Red Army when this happened ... and thus they could not employ their magic to save the Isle.

Of course, the Isle is still there, and could be rebuilt.
Once you clear away the Red Goo that now infests even Hope Isle.
11th level magic, will do that.

- - -


*The Eternal Order continues their research silently, while their forces helps their neighbours in this time of need for repairs, sharing what extra food and similar to the people of Anakeris.

ANSWER: They are in such desperate straits they accept the help from their former enemies fervently, and you save a lot of people this way.
The Red Goo, has come to AnaKeris, working it's way up from the bedrock in little tendrils.

Working hard to repair the endless destructions created so far by all the mindless war. The troops might not be controlled b happiness but their work would bring a smile to the thousands that lost their home.*

ANSWER: True. Or at least, hope that they might go on living.

- - -


I... have.... the POWER!

ANSWER: You are He-Man?

A strange change comes over Anabstercorian and Forrester as they stand in the core of the sun. Forrester starts to burn with an intensity of inner life, a fire impossible to extinguish, and Anabstercorian... darkens. His evil becomes palpable, burning the flesh like radiation, and his endless discipline softens somewhat. Confused, he manifests Hypercognition, and comprehends.
He immediately drops his Immunity to Fire spell, and lets the solar fire burn its life in to him. The pain is wonderful...

OOC: L337. I take back my action of vaporizing Luna. I get lots of hitpoints from being incinerated by the core of the sun. And I get to be even more evil...

ANSWER: The hit point increase stops at 1,000 hit points. Sorry, Anabstercorian. You don't think the Mists are actually going to give you something truly useful, do you? If you did, think again.

Later, a dozen enormous floating mountains slowly hover down to the surface of Luna, sending innocents fleeing. Anabstercorian, blazing with an inner lifewell of millions of points of lifeforce (HP), stands and speaks.

ANSWER: You mean, 1000 hit points.

<< Inhabitants of Luna! I am Anabstercorian, Prodigal Heir to Ilsensine. Enter my Rockjammers or perish. Your world is tainted with a poison that cannot be healed. It must die. Follow me or you will die with it. >>
One innocent, a child who has never heard the name of Anabstercorian or Ilsensine, or heard what they have wrought, grabs Anabstercorian's leg. He glances down at it, as the childs mother wrings her hands and trembles.
"Don't hurt Luna! Help us! You're so powerful, mister - You can save us."
He pushes the child away. He points toward his eyes. They are black and empty.
<< Look at my eyes. Do I look like I care? Get on the ship. >>

Edena, upon the evacuation of Luna or when one week passes, whichever comes first, I will be melting Luna to a globe of molten rock orbiting Oerth.
I don't know who created the Mist, be it DM or player, but you have created a bitter foe in Anabstercorian. Good luck taking him down now.
Current Evil Rating: 6
Current Chaos Rating: 2

Additionally, I am now spending 3/4ths of my time in the core of the sun letting my hitpoints rise. Creation of the Hub, and other Substare constructs, will begin later.

ANSWER: I will not allow this post to be taken back. I declare that Anabstercorian does what he has stated repeatedly that he does: he sterilizes Luna, obliterating it's people.
And ... no! The Red Goo remains, in the deeps of the planet. It is stronger, incredibly stronger, now. Anabstercorian does not have the power to blow the planet to pieces, so there isn't much he can do except realize his effort failed.
By the way, would SOMEONE out there explain to Anabstercorian what the Mists mean?
He won't know IC, but I want him to know OOC.
And I want him to realize that, he just pushed the timeline for the Third Touch up, by a very LARGE amount.

- - -


No Edena, this is unfair! Let`s say my character was VERY evil before he merged with Red Goo, and now he is even more! I think he is at 9.7, I will try to be careful about law-chaos angle.

ANSWER: What are you worried about? So, you're now a 9, 8. Perhaps the next touch won't turn you into an insane monster after all ... I hate killing PCs. Perhaps it will do something even worse than killing Melkor ...

- - -


Still confused about Edena's earlier rulings on research and development.
You can check my previous post to see what my question is about. I am bewildered and a bit unballanced. Anyway, I need to send an email about some actions I am taking when I get home.

ANSWER: Ok, see here, guys. Your Templates that you sent to me, before this Turn started, stand.
You will emerge on Turn 7 with the results of those Templates, as per normal.
What is confusing about that?

I DID state that armies deployed to battle could not research.
However, I wish to reward those players who fought the Red Army - otherwise, ALL of you would be dead, including those of you hiding in your Secret Retreats, and there would not BE a Turn 7 for you to contemplate and argue about!
The Red Army, would have destroyed everyone, Secret Retreats included, except for Forrester alone, who could flee back to Toril.

So, if you wish, I can take back my ruling ... but if I do, I must also rule that those who fought the Red Army, did not do so (after all, one of my rules was that if you committed PL to research, you COULD NOT change your mind and send that PL to fight).
Is this your wish?
If it is, welcome to the Red Army. You receive an invitation you cannot refuse.

Some of you may think I'm unfair in allowing players who fought to gain the benefits of research, and you're right.
Except that, if they had not fought, you all would be dead, and then there would be no further cause for arguments.

- - -


Edena, could you comment on this?:

Edena, as I said before Red Goo that I posess is constantly strenghtened with Negative Energy. I also try to make a deal with denizens of Lower Planes, especially Demons, in exchange for tormented souls, I will give them Nuclear Level Technology. Than I will try to merge all these millions of petitioners into Red Goo, than awaken it! How succesful are these efforts. DO my NPC`s also increase in power after merging with RED Goo?
Basically I am trying to recreate Red Army under MYSELF.

ANSWER: Allowed. Why not? Let's make this a little more difficult. (the DM gives a hideous, evil smile.)

Melkor, the demons come and help you to start creating a new Red Army, in your pocket dimension.
This will give you back 1,000 PL at the start of Turn 7 (each Red Warrior counts for a lot of PL.)

Of course, this ups the time schedule for the third touch even more.

Melkor, just remember one thing: There is no fate but the fate we make. And I do believe you just made yours. (chuckles)

- - -


Angelika looks relieved at the secret retreat in the Kron Hills. Inside, many people look out of the windows, waiting for the return of their leader and their trusted friends. When the moment arrives, the doors fly open, people rush out seeking their loved once. Also, the people who battled against the Red Army rush back into the secret retreat, doing the same. Everywhere people hug, kiss, seek and find, love and be loved. The fog that came down doesn't hinder them at all. But, Angelika knows more.
"Let us celebrate this victory. Let us party for days on end, feast because we have overcome this battle. Oerth is safe. It will take time to rebuild what has been lost, but still. It could have been worse, much worse. But not chatter about what happened, but what is now. Let the feast begin!"
Giant meals are served, bards play their music and the commoner eats and dances, enjoying what this victory has brought them.

ANSWER: I am sorry, Venus, but although your post comes off as much more sincere than some above, what you are trying to do is impossible above ground.
The air is filled with smoke, poisonous gasses, and there is almost no light at all, except for the hellish red of volcanoes and the ghastly blue light or radiation storms.
Although the Kron Hills survived, the forests on the Kron Hills burned, and your people's homes were for the most part destroyed.
Your people are in the midst of a ruined, burned out stand of deadwood, on hills that occasionally tremble underfoot.
Nobody really feels like partying.
My regrets.

- - -



Suddenly, Melkor appears before you, towering like a mountain, emanating Dark and Red Aura of such magnitude that your people shudder and watch in Awe! He speaks, his voice like a Thunder:

-Greetings SQUID! As you see I have changed since we have last met.! I was MIGHTY before, but now I posess ULTIMATE POWER and I am unstoppable! I shall bring Red Scourge upon ALL the worlds and everyone will join my forces, willingly or NOT, like YOU will now!

Than he starts conjuring a GIANT Bolt of Red Goo!

ANSWER: Red Goo cannot be conjured. It can be teleported to a target, but not conjured out of the blue.
However, if Melkor wishes to fight Anabstercorian, please feel free to do so. Anabstercorian is at 1,000 hit points, so it should be an even battle.

- - -



<< Cram it up your ass and die, Godling. >> He closes his eyes for a moment and squeezes vacuum in to a full-body suit of Substare armor, instantly flitting to the side and dodging the bolt of Red Goo.
<< Catch me if you can. >>

He Gates to the Outlands, home of Ilsensine, and sprints toward the Spire that support Sigil, knowing that Gods and their avatars cannot follow there.

ANSWER: The Lady of Pain's minions ask Anabstercorian to leave Sigil, a short time after he enters that city.
Then, they ask again.
And upon their second request, they inform Anabstercorian that the NEXT request will come from the Lady of Pain herself, and it won't be verbal, either!

- - -


OOC: Anabstecorian., how much pl have you brought to Luna with yourself, in these three mountains?

ANSWER: Enough that Luna is destroyed.


Edena, I do not pursue Anabstecorian, I try to change some of his soldiers into Red Warriors and then we withdraw to my Pocket Dimension.

ANSWER: I have already stated that you create a new Red Army of 1,000 PL by the beginning of Turn 7.

- - -

Black Omega

Maybe later. Right now it's time to focus on surviving the upcoming troubles.

ANSWER: If Kalanyr focuses his 10th level magic, he can keep Ishtarland habitable and green, while he works on clearing the atmosphere.
A project that will, by itself, take over a month.

Yes, Siobhan would like that.
Kal's post more or less sumes it up though. We can't defeat the Red Goo by 'killing' it. That's just been making it strong step by step. Time for peace, love and understanding. If this works, we can call it Woodstock.

ANSWER: Anabstercorian just found this out on Luna. He destroyed the surface of Luna, but only made the Red Goo there much, much stronger.

- - -


Time for peace, love and understanding

In your Dreams! You will have to destroy me first, which you CAN`T do.

ANSWER: Heh. Good rping. Very In Character for Lord Melkor! :)

- - -


Ah, yes. Peace, love, understanding. These things will save you as the Red Army comes to slice off your heads, and those of your people. Do you really think that this will save you right now?
Yes, you should no longer backbite each other, or try to think of new ways to destroy the world, but sitting there smoking happy grass is not the answer. Determination is the key. Do not think of murdering your foes, of destroying all they hold dear, just of stopping them.
Edena: sorry I was not posting this weekend but now I am back

ANSWER: Hey there, Alzem! Welcome back!! I wish you could have been here through the mayhem. But I do believe you have a crucial role to play now ... what you do, could make the difference.

Alzem will lead those his forces against the Red Army, when they threaten his interests, or to protect Hazen. He will also go personally to the Red Army and appraise them. Battling them, but doing nothing stupid. His sole goal is not to destroy them but to test their mettle and how easy it is for him to kill them now. Also while he does this there are no feelings in him anymore, just purpose.

ANSWER: The main Red Army is gone. Destroyed by Forrester, along with much of Oerth. However, soon you will have a new Red Army to fight, compliments of Melkor.

Alzem will also infect one of Hazen’s good undead and wake them up, so when they go to undead army they will spread the plague like wildfire. Also one other effect of the Plague, those that “Die” from it are instantly teleported to a hidden place in my retreat, to determine who and what they are.

ANSWER: The MOMENT you wake that undead up, it attacks you. Acererak controls all the undead (except PCs) and he is all too eager to kill and destroy.
You survive the undead attack, but are required to kill that undead.
As for all the other undead on Oerth, well ... what undead?
Acererak took them all into his Secret Retreat, or they were destroyed in the war. There aren't any undead on Oerth!

Any Angels that are willing to assist Alzem are welcome, but any that stand in his way are to be destroyed, as is everything else. But we do it with love… Nah, as I said before Alzem no-longer has any emotions, just Purpose.

ANSWER: Oh, I see. I see! :) :) :) You will kill the Angels, who protected your Hope Isle for 40 years. The Red Goo likes you, Alzem. It likes you a WHOLE lot. Perhaps as much as it likes Melkor and Iuz.
Except the Angels don't get in the way. Where the remaining Angels are, nobody knows.

- - -



I had forty Rockjammers, each crewed by my Drow honor guard and the slaves who power it - 200 PL total.
At any rate, they can kiss their arses goodbye. Now that you're making your move to increase the Goo level of Luna and capture my honor guard, I'm melting it and them both, teleporting equal portions of stellar plasma on to opposite sides of its surface so it remains in the same orbit even as it melts in to boiling lava. I think the drow, who now cavort with Lloth, would thank me, as would the slaves, who are now free of their servitude.
Edena, I am melting Luna. Yes, I know it is heavily populated. Anabstercorian doesn't care.
Note my phrasing - I'm not blowing up Luna, and I'm not shattering Luna. I am melting it and sterilizing it, while allowing it to remain in orbit.
The remainder of my fleet is withdrawing from Greyspace for the moment - They find this mist unnerving, and they expect that in a few months, their job will be done for them.
Anabstercorian remains behind in Greyspace, for now.

ANSWER: It's done, Anabstercorian. You just reduced Luna to a molten rock. But you did not kill the Red Goo - you made it a hundred times stronger (on Luna) than it was.

- - -


Edena, A very important question:

1) Ok, so we all have x standing army PL. Now after the appocolyptic solar flares we are reduced to 1/3 of our previous PL. This is applied to fighting strength. We have 1/3 of our previous military. 1/3 x

ANSWER: No, Serpenteye. The Union of Oerth is basically untouched. You have lost almost no PL at all.
That is not true of other Powers, who fought the Red Army - they paid a terrible price to save the planet (and you).

2) Ok, so we have y reasearching PL. After the solar flares we are still at the whole in research. We have y research.

3) Now here is where I get confused. Forces that decided to send PL from research and convert it into combat PL gain research equal to y (unchanged) and they maintain their PL from before they fought (unchanged). So forces that quit researching to start fighting were not damaged in any way and maintain their research.

4) So it is as if their PL did both fighting and research and was completely and totally immune to damage, excluding only their fighting force. So for this turn, had the Union of Oerth attacked the Red Goo they would maintain their 3000 PL and have attacked with it and have gained everything from researching, effortlessly.

5) So if you thought you were going to fight the Goo this turn beforehand, you basically lose 2/3 of your fighting PL and you don't gain anything for being the front line. Meanwhile anyone that was going to sit around and rot was unharmed whether or not they sent anyone to do some fighting.

I probably confused you all, but that would be because I am confused... confounding, isn't it?

I really don't think that it's reasonable that those who stopped their research and sent their full force to battle or Red Goo baths should get the full benefit of their research. That would be completely illogical.

ANSWER: Of course it is illogical. But I am allowing it, as a reward to those Powers who fought.
However, if I'm being too illogical, then I can always go by my original rule - that being, NO PL ASSIGNED TO RESEARCH CAN FIGHT.

In which case, you are all dead.
The Red Army, destroyed Oerth.
Forrester, alone, escaped.

Because that is what WOULD have happened, if Kalanyr, William, Creamsteak, Mina (and Anabstercorian and Forrester, even if they did fry a good part of the planet in doing so) had not fought the Red Army.

I stick to my ruling.

- - -


Iuz Ponders

Iuz sends a message to Melkor, "The Pantheon has ascended, and Idols in your honor have been erected in my temples... and missionaries shall spread your gospel... I hope this pleases you."
Iuz then contemplates and sends a message Black Omega, "I applaud the gifts and the overtures of peace, but what is the reasoning? Is this an artifical semblance of peace? Forced by this mystifying mist, or is there genuine ccompassion and acceptance of the situation on Oerth? I have seen the various nations chanting songs of love and peace but beneath the facade the anger dwells... peace and balance must be pure.. not forced..."
Iuz smiles and slowly strokes the skull of his favored ambassador, "Perhaps I can join in these festivities?"
OOC: I guess my rating would be 9,5 or 9.5 not sure of the format... not sure if I like this but it is your game... it severly pebnalizes the evil... what if one is too good? Are they penalized as well?

ANSWER: Tokiwong, I am NOT penalizing you for playing evil. Not at all. I see you are having fun playing evil, and that's fine with me.
Your PC, Iuz, is still ok. I shall think of something for the Third Touch that does not kill your PC.
I state now that your PCs will survive the Touches, through Touch 5. As for Touch 6, if it comes ... well, we'll see what happens when we get there.

But please realize that everyone in the IR is falling into a trap.
It is not your doing specifically, or even generally, that this is the case - everyone involved in the IR is responsible for the trap beginning it's descent on you all.
You only played a minor part in the causing of the current situation.

- - -



sure Serpenteye it is fair as long as those of us that have carefully guarded that our researchers research gets nifty little bonuses for that instead of expending our troops
Tokiwong stop whining I mean seriously good has been penalized seriously before as well, now it is evil's turn let it be and play along.

ANSWER: I think a clarification is in order here. You are not being punished. You are being REWARDED. I am not lying ... whatever caused this is rewarding you.
It likes you. It likes what you are doing. It wants more, and it is giving you the strength and power to continue your war, to continue the killing and massacre and destruction indefinitely.
Of course, it has it's price - it never gives gifts for free.
And, the gift-giving was shared by all. This was an equal-opportunity gift - those who were totally good and totally innocent, shared equally with those who were evil and wicked and nasty.

I am not joking when I say the Touch is a gift - that is from official Ravenloft Canon.

- - -


OOC: It is not a whine just a comment I don't care I am having fun... but to be removed from the game is a little extreme has good been remoived from play for being too good?

ANSWER: Ok, I'm going to say this loud and clear: I AM NOT REMOVING TOKIWONG FROM THE GAME.
Tokiwong, your PC is perfectly ok, as are your people in the Secret Retreat.

Please, continue to play and have fun.

- - -


Secret message to Tokiwong:


Hmmm ... interesting.

- - -


The God Emperor is highly lawful and a bit less evil than Iuz and Melkor (the olympic games of torture was an exception to the general norm). I guess he's, after the shift: 6 evil, 2 law.

The Union of Oerth will continue the loveprogram like Mina adviced us. We will also arrange regular celebrations and religious festivals and orgies.

ANSWER: I assume you do this in your Secret Retreat.
Considering that most of the people of the Union of Oerth now enjoy pain, and revel in it, it is a most interesting celebration.
I do hope you tolerate the Clergy of Loviatar coming amongst the Revellers, because if you do not tolerate it, your own army is going to revolt against you.

The God Emperor sends his request for an invitation to the party in the Vesve. If he's invited he will send a projected image of himself to the festivities.

ANSWER: I, the DM, am curious as to whether the God Emperor is invited, myself. Kalanyr and Black Omega, it is up to you.

- - -


Iuz to Melkor

Iuz agrees with Melkor, "Full speed ahead my ally... the idea sounds splendid."

ANSWER: And thus, another campaign world is now under attack.

- - -

Mr. Draco

Well, firstly, Kas WAS evil: 7, chaos: 1.
So, he's now evil: 8, chaos: 2?

Secondly, Kas is going to teleport himself into the core of Oerth's sun. Hey anab, room for one more in here? He's going to take the sword of kas with him (as he takes it everywhere), and while constantly holding it, see if the heat has any effect on evil artifacts. (i.e.- it gives evil characters power, so maybe it gives evil artifacts power too).

ANSWER: No effect on the Sword of Kas. However, I am ruling that Kas ascends to demipowerhood.
But don't worry that there is a sudden glut of demipowers - Keogtom, Murlynd, Zagyg, and several others perished when the bombardment struck the Red Army fighting them in Veluna.

- - -


Well Alzem was Lawful Good, before, now though Lawful Neutral

ANSWER: No he is not! I said, specifically, that only evil characters were affected.
Alzem's alignment, remains the same. Lawful Good ... although if he starts killing Angels that will change quickly enough.

- - -


I will attend Vesve festival... in person.

ANSWER: Well, let us see if Black Omega and Kalanyr allow you to attend. Up to you, Black Omega, Kalanyr!

- - -

Mr Draco

I think that the ratings system only applies to evil characters, not neutrals or good. 5.5 would make you neutral evil.

ANSWER: Correct. It only applies to evil characters and NPCs.

- - -


Most of my population, amazed that they survived the solar bombardment of Oerth, will join the party in Ishtarland/The Vesve and enjoy themselves. A few good souls, Aurican included will work at restoring whatever they can. They start with any damaged parts of Ishtarland, then move north. I know it's not likely that I'll be able to save any more than an acre or so, but it will give people hope, and devote their energies towards peace and healing.

ANSWER: This sounds legitimate. But Uvenelei, I must ask you now - Luna is still up there, and the Red Goo on it is a hundred times more powerful than before, thanks to Anabstercorian's bombardment.
You have a couple of new Groundpounders that could eliminate Luna totally (and eliminate the Red Goo with it.)
Going to use them?

Also, I stop summoning dragons as my Planars, and begin to summon pheonixes and other creatures inherently tied into healing and rebirth with all three of my Planar slots.

ANSWER: Noted.

- - -



Tokiwong I apologize, I just tend to get snappy when sick which was why I original said I didn't want to do anything while I was tied to bed. Anyway lossing your PC is not lossing the game, I don't really have a PC character in this game at all, just a bunch of fairly unimportant NPCs.

Again sorry for snapping at you.

ANSWER: You sound like you are feeling better, Zouron. I am glad, if this is so. I hope your recovery is quick. My regrets on your serious illness.

- - -


Hmmm,Melkor is coming to join the party?
Oh well he can.
IF he attacks we still have our weapons after all, it may be a party but when lots of people want to kill you, you can't afford to be stupid. And besides that we have gates all over Oerth we can evacuate through. Not to mention everyone present can just vanish to their secret retreats.
Heh,I am not going stop you visiting Melkor but if you think you can slaughter our people then you are in for a surprise.

ANSWER: And so Melkor joins with Kalanyr and Black Omega in the festival in Ishtarland.
The DM watches curiously, to see what happens here.

- - -


Iuz smiles as he appears alongside Melkor at the Vesve Festival, in formal wear no less with asmall contigent of Firelander concubines... he smiles and presents his own little gift for the party his fine concubines, "Please enjoy yourselves, my concubines are here to please and spread the message of love... and not hatred..."
The concubines begin to dance and mingle with the party members. Iuz transforms his avatar into the form of a dark brooding fae and begins to mingle with the party...
Iuz strikes up a conversation with a comely fae mistress... evoking the power of his divinity to stir her heart and passions...
OOC: Time to party... someone pass the dip

ANSWER: A willing slavegirl is one thing, but these concubines are not willing: they are sexual slaves, one of the most horrible kinds of slavery.
Iuz, in bringing them here and offering them up to the others for their enjoyment, just desecrated the party in that act alone.

Now, I shall watch, and carefully note what Kalanyr and Black Omega say, and do, concerning this situation.

- - -


OOC: No problem man... water under the bridge... keep on gaming... and hey I hope you feel better man.

ANSWER: Cheers, Tokiwong! I hope Zouron feels better too. We all do.

- - -


Hmm, I thought Iuz and his concubines were made out of red goo? And I know Melkor is made out of red goo.

ANSWER: No. Iuz, Melkor, and their servants are not made out of Red Goo. They can merge with the Red Goo, WHEN they have access to a vein of it, or a large pond or lake of it.

If so, we all go *POOF*. Drow and Fey know how to disappear when its appropriate. Sorry nothing against you guys but spreading love and peace doesn't involve getting my people or my allies turned to Goop.
If other forces need time to retreat then we'll take the rear-guard.
Oh and if you intend to use the power of divinity like that, let me quiet happily state I stop you. We are of the same divine Power Level while on this plane after all. (No hard feelings but I dislike the idea of you using divinity to control the fey).
Hmmmm, considering that Melkor wants to Gate crash our parties we really should move them elsewhere. (eg Outlands,Ysgard,Arvandor,Faerie).
(OOC-While I am unsure of Iuz's intent, I know Melkor wants to goop us so he can not even bother acting innocent.)

If Iuz isn't made out of goo, the welcome will be different but I need confirmation that Iuz and his concubines aren't (made out of)/(tainted with) Red Goo first.
(Whats the world coming too when 100PL of destructive evil has to Gate Crash every party?)
On a happier note I think I'm happy I changed alignment (being a Balor my original rating would have been 9/9 makeing me 10/10 Currently, and I don't even know what 10/10 means!)

ANSWER: You did not change alignment. Only the evil aligned people were affected in that way.

Oh and Good did get punished we are the only side that can take PL damage,we can get permanently vaporised/gooped,Neutrals regenerate and evils can't even be vaporised.

ANSWER: Good didn't get punished. It got rewarded, just like everyone else got rewarded. Unfortunately, it is not the kind of reward you want to get.
If you want to get rid of the reward, I have allowed that you can do so ... if certain things are done within a reasonable amount of time - such as not making use of helpless, victimized girls.
Otherwise, better learn to live with the reward.

- - -


Here comes the meddler

In a truly shocking turn of events, Anabstercorian arrives at the party and DOESN'T raise hell.
In fact, he's well dressed, having donned a fine silken sircoat and pantaloons, and looking impeccably groomed. His slime is evenly and thinly coated over his entire body and his fleshy-pink skin has a healthy glow. His eyes aren't black anymore, interestingly enough.
Assuming that no one tries to kill him or chase him off, after the initial lurch of terror and panic, which only gradually calms, Anabstercorian starts to mingle - Although he seems very intent on keeping out of Melkor's way. He doesn't partake in any of the mammalian sexual revelry, but he's tolerating it - A sign of his increasedly chaotic nature.

He seems interested in selling an idea to the common populace of Oerth, but he also works VERY hard on ensuring that none of the leaders of the various and sundry countries learn what he's saying. When the leaders DO approach him, he is extraordinarily polite - Although when conversing with the God-Emperor, Kessel Gnomeworks, and others who partook of the Githyanki Lithwine, he is clearly suppressing a deep, burning hatred.

Edena, I'm now sending you an e-mail that explains what I'm telling the populace of Oerth - It's not a sending, but rather the work of lots of face-to-face preaching.

ANSWER: I'll have a look at it.

- - -


Melkor appears as a young man of incredible and feral beauty, black haired and dressed in crimson robes, his skin Dark with a mix of Red. Most women despite ones with great willpower seems to be completely seduced by his mere presence, and Melkor seems to be enjoying this, and arrogant, slightly bored smile doesn`t leave his face, however he seems to feel a bit unconfortable in presence of Hazen.

Don`t worry Kalanyr, in his current form Melkor isn`t turning people to Red Goo by touch, and his power is greatly surpressed( othewise he would be killing people by his mere presence).

ANSWER: Hmmm ... Anabstercorian, Melkor, Iuz, and a lot of other evils are at the party. But I don't see Dagger's character there. Nor Alyx, Alzem, Creamsteak, Darkness, GnomeWorks, Kaboom, Venus, William, Zelda, and most importantly, I do not see Forrester.
Hmmm ... Kalanyr and Black Omega, you're in the minority now at your own party.

- - -


Iuz is not made of the RED SCOURGE, niether are his concubines and Iuz is not using the power to control, it is just an undrstanding that being divine he radiates that power and awe... and Iuz was unaware you were an Intermediate Deity as wel Kalanyr... Iuz continues to enjoy himself...

ANSWER: The DM is curious. Just how is Iuz enjoying himself? How is Melkor enjoying himself? And Anabstercorian? And the others present?
And how are Kalanyr and Black Omega reacting to the concubines Iuz brought?

- - -


Kalanyr, do you have a concubine, wive or daughter? The same question to God-Emperor, Creamsteak and everyone else.

ANSWER: The DM bends forward, curious to hear the answer to this IC question.


Well Anabstecorian, when Melkor passes by he gives you look that you can interpret as "you are nothing but a worm for me, that I will crush in due time", same for Kalanyr and most of his enemies present, despite Hazen, whom he gives a look of hatred, and doesn`t stand in the same room as he for more than a moment.

ANSWER: Lots of goodwill there ... (chuckles evilly)

- - -


Kalanyr, do you have a concubine, wive or daughter? The same question to God-Emperor, Creamsteak and everyone else.

Concubines, thousands. Wives, none. He had an infant daughter a decade ago when he was still a mortal. She was killed by a powerful enemy (possibly the Avatar of an unknown God) during the Aerdian Civil war that brought the man now known as the God Emperor to power.
She's dead beyond the power of resurrection, or even his current divine power, to bring back to life.

The image of the God Emperor appears at the party glowing with a faint golden light that has a soothing and healing effect on those who see it (and who are not magically protected). He seems somewhat subdued but observes all the diplomatic niceties.
With a quick gesture he conjures a huge table full of exotic delicacies and 200 illusionary waitresses.

ANSWER: The question should have been: How does the God Emperor treat his concubines?
Last edited:

And there it is :)

It had been days now that the huge quake had hit the world of Oerth. The shocks could still be felt now and then as parts of the world erupted into a fountain of magma. Storms raged through the atmosphere, tempests swept over vast amounts of lands and Tsunamis terrorized the coastal areas.
Vast masses of Oerths green and vibrant surface had been destroyed, caught in the mass fusion eruptions.

Vulcanos where once peacefull dales lay.
Vast seas were only recently desertlife dwelled.
Desolate lands covered in ash and smoke that once were home to Oerths great forests.

Oerths massive battlefields lay wasted, and most signs of the titanic battle lay buried beneath the ashes or turned to dust by a storm of fusing hydrogen.
Millions upon millions lay dead upon those fields, those lands coloured red for years to come, soaked with the blood of those who valiantly gave their lives.

But it was a battle in vain, a carnage never seen before, a massacre of tortured souls. A madness beyond comprehension, its remains tell of a tale from beyond this world.
A demon and a devil laying over a broken piece of rock. Back to back, struggling for existance against a foe that turned the most ancient of hatreds into mutual necessity.
A orc in some inhuman shape, half worm, half orc. Caught in the blast while morfing in the hope of a escape from the light that came for them all.
A elf with a arrow in his chest while he lay over a mortally wounded dwarf, he took the hit for him, but in vain as the light came for them as well.
A angel, drowned in a pool of reddish goo, still clinging to its slender sword, its grasp telling a tale of self sacrifise and despair.
A dragon crashed into a massive wall, the reddish stuff still dripping of it. Clawmarks cover its body and a single hole in its left wing tells the rest of its tale.

And between the destruction those left over tried to rally and attempt to comprehend what just happened.
Dwarfs of Greyspace, elves of Delrune, Humans of Kevellond and gith take shelter together beneath the massive remains of what once was a Dragon.
A slaad and a commander of the Union of Oerth bite down on a piece of meat…. Noone knows what it was from, while a lantern archon lights another fire to keep them warm in the coming night.
On the fields of battle old hatreds seem forgotten as the few survivors kling to life and aid eachother in their survival.

A Angel howers over the battlefield, a smile on it’s face while it weeps. Its hand clasps the hilt of its sword firmly as it looks at the skies raging with storms and energy. It feels a world, dying. It feels pain, sufering and despair.
But there is also hope, love and the desire to live. Hatreds forgotten, care and hope take its place there in those few places. The angel weeps for its breathen are killed, the mortals taken by the light not from this world. And as around him the world reels in pain and as the reddish goo is being fed….. it feels hope, a tiny spark by one person. A lonely elvish girl, clasping her bow pushes a bush of her and as she stands up, cleans herself and looks around to the destruction and doesn’t despair. She looks, hopes, feels and yes she knows in her heart that there is a tomorrow. Oerth is still here and its light not extinquised, even if it were in a single elven girls heart.
The Angel senses this single hope, this single love for a world, and it draws it sword. It points it to the skies and it feels its power. It knows again why, a single hope, a single life, a single love. It is enough to keep going. This new hope, this single new hope thrills the angel, a world in ruins, but a heart unscatched, a angel in tears. But this time not of sadness but of joy.
The angel prays, and it look up from it’s prayer. It looks into the skies, a light shines down upon it and then it knows its work isn’t done. The angel clasps his sword and plummets down to earth, to find that hope, that love for this world. And it will savior that feeling. It will live for that feeling and it would give its life for it.

And as the angel plummets towards destiny the elvish girl looks into the skies as she sees the light coming down from above.
And she smiles.

Great cracks cover most of what’s left of the western fields. When venturing down those cracks there lie several formians, their assault armor blown apart, scatched by hails of bullets. Their alien calls and shrieks ripped through the surface, impaling and ripping apart their foes, but the great force that swept across Oerth also came down for them, and even their mighty armor and carapace had no easy time against the onslaught that followed them below. But it was all in vain as the light came for them, as it come for everyone.

And as the few formians lay dead, their song gone with the wind……
A carefull listening ear hears the screeches, the shrieks. Calling, crying from the deep they pierce the darkness from below.

(Secret like Edena said, no IC info follows)

<<Buried I would have been if I hadn’t finished the work in time. I completed the work in time, merged with us it has. I can feel it, it is a part of me now. It made me know what I could do, it made me aware of what I was capable of, it made me create it.>>

<<Without it becoming a part of me I wouldn’t have been able to save my body, it would have been crushed under tons of rock. But a part of me it is now. I reacted with lightning speed with its power. It is mine now, mine to wield as it’s a part of me now. Assimilated into my body.>>

Vaeregoth stands on top of a great piramide. Reaching up for hunderds of feet as its peak reaches for the cealing of the cavern. Atop of the greatest of hives she stands, atop a massive construction of living matter.

A piramide contructed of living matter, it lives it senses, it wasn’t build, it was grown.

She stands at a construction, a construction glowing with power. It is a piece of her now. Hewards mystical organ took its place in the hive body. The hive needed a heart to empower its new needs. And now the new heart was assimilated into the hive and its power fueled the hives research and desires.

Vaeregoth looked around her and as she looked around as far as she could see in the twilight of the cavern there were dozens of hives piercing the twilight. Spires standing in between, alien in nature but hideously beautifull to behold. As she glanced over her work, over her body she knew it was almost complete.
Down there beneath the endless hatcheries, spawning pools, dens, spires and chambers her children lay, her hands, her senses, her eyes and her instruments.

New organs of the hive body were grown as new buildings/organs erupted from their ventral sacks and sprayed a rain of purple goo on all around it.
Eggs hatched and fully grown formians came crawling out of them. Plunging into the vast layer of purple gooish creep that covered the whole hivecluster to strengthen and to feed. To wait for its task at hand. To wait to fullfill its part in the body it was born to serve. To live for the swarm, to die for the swarm.

Vaeregoth glared over her body, her mind sensing everything in her whole hive body, sensing everything her children did. She felt her hive body brimming with energy as new organs were grown, new children hatched, new tunnels discovered and new progress was made.

But as she was looking a purple light erupted in partions of the hive cluster and as the light intensified and pierced the twighlight in the massive cavern, the sounds of screams came up. Unseelie came raging out of there chambers and out of their research mounds. The went burning a purple flame straight up into the cavern. Vaeregoth could sense its power, but what was happening? Unseelie everywhere glowing with a purple radiance seemed to calm down. They flew restlessly around the hive cluster radiating great energies.

Vaeregoth summoned, and they came. The unseelie flocked around the great hive and she linked with them, she reached out over the world with the power of the mystical organ fed by the energy of the unseelie. She glanced over the world and she understood. She knew what happened and what fed this uncomprehendable power to these Unseelie.

It was exactly what she needed.

Forging with a great hammer of ectoplasm, illuminated by the purple radiance of thousands of unseelie and fueled with their power she found the strengh to bind the primal forces that she collected before her.
She bound the forces into one, she hit the final stroke and it was done. The power bound into one crystal, the crystal socketed into a great diadem. The shard in the diadem radiated a eerie multicoloured light as the forces within raged, fueling diadem with it’s power. The diadem turned teal as the energy empowered and activated the dreamstuff of which it was forged. Cataclism in a shard, emotion fed it, sadness from a grieving soul, literally bound by dreams.

As Vaeregoth lifted the diadem, the Unseelie started to chant. The sang a song of energy, of radiance, or the forests above. As their energy, channelled by their chanting manifested itself on the diadem. As the unseelie projected their power on it and as the seed inside the shard awoke by it it was done, finished.

Radiating purple light and raining a multitude of colours upon its surroundings the diadem, firmly grasped in Vaeregoth hand was finished.

And as a couple of unseelie placed the diadem on her head the power was sensed thoughout the hive body. Vaeregoth was complete. The focal point of the hives power had been completed.

As the diadem fitted perfectly on her head and as it grafted itself to her carapace she was content. Her work was done, now she could begin, now she could create her own dreams.

Geestesstorm was born, the diadem of dreams, the shard of sadness.

And as the air surrounding the Queen started to crackle and small shards of white ectoplasm and crackles of blue lightning swirled around the central hive the time had come.

The tunnels glow with purple light, sounds of rapidly moving things can be heard as the sound of metal against the rock echos through the vast tunnels and caverns of the underdark.
Shrieks and screeches pierce the darkness once again as the formians are stirred awake. The horrifying sounds pierce the silence of the caverns but a new song is sang, combined with a new voice, the eery shrieks bound together by a clear Seelie voice form a new song, it’s strange music echos through the tunnels now as the swarms are stirred awake.

A single thought echos through the minds of those who lay below, hidden, almost forgotten.

<<Made us, for the Swarm.>>

(The funny small ant with large ambitions just lost its humor. And just keep dreaming they tell me for 5.5 turns. I’m gonna make some people eat those words.)

In your Dreams!

Hehe now that's well put ^______________________^

Hehehe I might think you want to take those words back Melkor because you really don't want me to start dreaming here now do you ?:D

And I can tell you right here that you will not like it what I'm gonna do when I do.


First Post
The army of the Eternal Union continues to help repiaring and removing damages, areas with red goo will be walled off using prismatic walls and thunnels will be made that would give the goo a natural flood path away from Anakeris. Wizards and sorcerers and clerics and psions etc will be working on cleaning the air to some extend were possible.

I already descried the fashion of protection including the wave breakers and so on.

As far as possible rain and similar will be created to clean out the dirt and similar from the air to clean it as far as possible lessen the effect.

Houses will be build not from tree but stone and iron and so on made to withstand weather and the same time spare as many trees as possible (cleans air produces oxygen etc etc). Food will be passed out as much as can be spared. food gathering will also be intensified.

Edena I doubt whatever it is likes the Eternal Union ;-) being a rather passive and peaceful nation compared hehe (man must be that dane blood of mine).

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